I said this in another thread but if I got laid off from my job because we were running out of money, and my boss still insisted on flying private planes everywhere, that'd be infuriating.

Another terrible sign for the DeSantis campaign- that stories like this even exist. The other campaigns seem to be running a tight ship.

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One has to assume some of these laid off people will dish the dirt.

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<b>DeSantis hasn’t paid his pollster ANYTHING</b>

How very Trumpian of him. I know the talk early on was that we all needed to support Ron DeSantis because he couldn’t possibly be worse than Trump. I’m not sure that was ever true and pretty sure it’s not going to matter because we’re never going to find out.

I’m kinda hoping the petty little prima donna sticks around for a while to be a continuing laughingstock. Then he can go back to making life worse for Floridians many of whom don’t deserve it.

Rick Perry, Scott Walker and the ghost of Fred Thompson can all breathe a sigh of relief at no longer being in the running for worst presidential campaign ever, tho.

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Do you think the incompetency being shown in DeSanctis campaign is a justified comparison to his "real job" as being governor of Florida?

Query --- does an political executive (or other) use a certain "style/competence level" differently for two projects of similar importance?

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FYI, he's beyond horrible as a governor. He doesn't govern, he dictates. Worse, it's all performative nonsense to get media attention that usually blows up in his face and costs taxpayers money.

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If his campaign makes it to the first debate, he’d better have the performance of a lifetime and even that may not be enough. He’s toast.

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Not to take the metaphor too far, but when you reboot a system it is usually to recover from, or prevent a total system crash. Good campaigns have a instinctive understanding of their voters and how that fits their candidate strengths (see Donald Trump).

DeSantis and his apparatchiks obviously don't understand their own voters and at this stage no amount of retooling will change that basic fact.

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The RFK thing is what DeSantis does- he just says stuff to toss red meat at the conservative base, only it sounds so calculated and inauthentic. Like now he wants to sue Bud Light??

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DeSantis might be a smart guy but to me he comes across as a Joey Tribbiani. No wonder his campaign is tanking.

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Had to look it up...seems to be most apropos.

Difference --- Joey had a personality.

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Two points. 1. The guy clearly lives in a bubble surrounded by yes men and not very bright ones. 2. You cannot run for president on a platform of “I will own the libs”. You can run on a platform of character and competence and success, with owning the libs a byproduct of your hard work and values.

If your vibe is out of touch douche who is petty and mean, you aren’t getting past the welcome mat.

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I have to point out that 'a platform of “I will own the libs”' and not "a platform of character and competence and success" got the Orange Stain into the White House.

Just sayin'

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It worked for Orange based on his unique shtick. And it wasn’t all owning libs in 2016. It was more the race based appeals.

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DeSantis, not ready for prime time. Not even close.

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The RFK one is just brutal. Like a guy who wears a loud shirt to a bar for attention, not realizing he looks like a clown.

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In great form! I loved your The Point column, this reminded me of that. Well done!

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Stick a fork in it. He’s so done!!!

(PS - deservedly so)

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