Chris mentioned that John Tyler had 15 kids, the most of any president. He was born in 1790, and what is really fascinating is that as recently as a few years ago, he still had 2 living grandchildren! Yes, it's true.

"Both my grandfather — the president — and my father, were married twice. And they had children by their first wives. And their first wives died, and they married again and had more children. And my father was 75 when I was born, his father was 63 when he was born," Harrison Tyler explained to New York Magazine in 2012. Harrison was born in 1928.

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Hi Chris! I just watched the video for this. I don't have a YouTube account, so I can't comment on there, but I loved it! I love presidential trivia, but I hadn't heard most of these, so thank you! Up and to the right!

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Wow! Fun to read.

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Donald Trump is the only US president who has been classified as a useful idiot by our intelligence services. Though most of us fail to find anything useful about him.

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When Harding won the Republication nomination in 1920, the party allegedly paid his mistress Carrie Phillips as much as $25,000 (or $297,000 today) to remain quiet about the affair.

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Fantastic research by Chris on this! When I first moved to the US in the 1980s (under Reagan) some people told me that a long line of presidents elected in years beginning with 0 consecutively from 1840 to 1960 (Harrison, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Harding, FDR, Kennedy) had all died in office (though in FDR's and Lincoln's cases not in that term).

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It was a huge story in the 1980 Presidential election. When Reagan was shot early in his term, it seemed to follow the pattern of Presidents elected in years that ended in 0. However, he survived unlike those who preceded him. There was no mention of the phenomenon in 2000 or 2020 as the cycle was now broken.

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"ending" not "beginning"

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Jefferson also popularized tomatoes in America. Known back then as 'love apples' Americans thought they were poisonous. TJ had eaten some in Europe and didn't die. He may have brought back tomato seeds to plant at Monticello.

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Thank you. I didn’t know any of that.

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Thanks Chris. That was fun.

Congrats on 40k!!!

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Such fun! You're fun!

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While Wilson was the only one to be buried in Washington, DC, two (Taft and Kennedy) were buried literally "a stone's throw" away in Arlington National Cemetery, originally part of DC.

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3 Dem presidents win a Grammy. The liberal bias on full display yet again. Reagan is known as the great communicator and was a Hollywood actor for many years yet no Grammy. He was even a Dem for a bit till he realized it’s possible to run out of other people’s money and joined the party of common sense and conservative values!

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Quit whining. Grammys are awarded for recordings of music and the spoken word., not for just being a great speaker.

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If @dutchmaga and his MAGA cult didn’t have whining, they’d have nothing at all! 🤣

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MAGA whiners insufferable.

Here's another fun fact about Ronnie Reagan. He was the first divorced president.

The only other one is Trump. Twice divorced.

Yep...both from the "family values" party! ROFL!!!

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Before I read this list I must ask if this is how you normally celebrate milestones? From my perspective, awesome. But from mine, can't I offer you a beer perhaps? Scotch? Maybe a daiquiri?

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Now that I've read and watched the video, you sir deserve a Mai Tai or perhaps a Long Island Iced Tea. Or jungle juice from the dorm room - same thing. Somehow I knew about Carter and UFO reports but did not know that TR was totally blind in one eye.

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You mention presidents who died on July 4, what about Calvin Coolidge, the only president to have been born on July 4? And broccoli on cheese? I know one president who would not have approved.

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