Try living on the Western edge of a timezone, like me in Indiana. I don't need daylight at 10 PM, but I sure as heck want the sun to be up before 8 AM in March! So I am one of your monsters. I hate daylight savings time.

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If it is done, it might help to adjust the time zone lines. Maine is already talking about joining the Atlantic time zone.

Yeah, people will complain, but they'll get used to it, and they'd only have to adjust once instead of twice a year.

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Yes! Put Indiana in the Central Time Zone!

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Nope, no, never year-round DST. Studies show that standard time is more in synch with our natural ciradian rhythms. Heaven knows we Americans are unhealthy enough as it is, so let's not make us even worse off. It's a myth that we get an extra hour of daylight with DST; we have the same amount, it's just distributed differently. f you want more daylight later in the day, you're free to adjust your own personal schedule. If we MUST do DST, let's wait until mid-April to start so it will be light in the morning. I

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Fine...go ahead and make it permanent but keep your hands off my state of Arizona where we do not and never have observed DST. We get all the daylight we need.

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Came here to say this. I no longer live there, but the best thing about Arizona was year 'round MST

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I don’t have a strong view on this, but the history recounted by Chris omits the early seventies decision to actually make DST permanent. That action proved wildly unpopular and was quickly reversed by Congress. I actually remember being a kid and walking to school in the winter in what seemed like the middle of the night because it was so dark and cold. Fifty years later it isn’t clear to me that anything fundamental has changed and I suspect this will be very unpopular if it happens.

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I was 18 the year Nixon did that. I think it had to do with the oll crisis. It was awful going to work in the pitch dark in the morning in Ohio.

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I'm the worst! Playing outdoor tennis in the morning with lights is just wrong. Permanent standard please! Plus, I live in Seattle. I don't need light at 945pm in the summer.

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Northwest Ohio would be dark until after 9 am in winter. Kids going to school in full darkness. Your point about driving home in the light is negated by driving to work and school in the dark. The switch is good in some parts of the country but not everywhere.

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I am soooooooo in favor of making DST permanent. I love the later sunsets.

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I agree with your POV. BUT...

I live in West Lafayette, IN (EST). We are 20 miles away from CST.

When I lived in Boston I was awoken by the European flights coming into Logan at 6:00am. Sunrise was happening at that time.

Now, I am an hour behind my former eastern reality.

But this back and forth semi-annual clock manipulation is totally BS.

Let's go to a permanent time schedule.

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Yeah no.

I definitely want to end time shifting, but the last thing I need is more daylight in the evenings. Even blacking out the bedroom doesn't help how badly DST combined with extra summer sunlight butchers my sleep schedule.

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Agree 100%. Now how do we make this happen.

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Arizona resident. Standard time advocate. Sun till 9:00 in the Summer will be brutal.

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I think it varies depending on where are you are in a time zone. Where I live in Central Texas sunrise today was at 6:45 AM. When we go to daylight saving time, sunrise will not occur until 7:45 AM. How many young children will be standing on the street corners, waiting for buses in the dark? I don’t like driving to work in the morning in the dark and I really don’t like all of those young kids waiting for school buses, or running across the street to catch one in the dark.

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Couldn't disagree with you more. If you use 8 to 5 as a standard day, the current system spreads daylight pretty evenly before 8 and after 5. As for the early morning folks, I hate driving to work in the dark and seeing the kids standing along the street waiting for the school bus. Plus, change does the soul good. At least you're not one of those fringe folks who claim heart attacks increase.

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maybe if you lived in the north or on the western edge of a time zone, you'd understand why your rant is amusing but lousy for living a life in the daylight. if you really want the sun to be in the same place in the sky same time every day of the year - get closer to the equater. if you got 8.5 hours of daylight in winter, you'd think differently. permanent daylight "savings" means kids going to school hours before daylight.

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Thank you Chris for saying what you said about changing clocks twice a year. Let's stop it once and for all. Whether they go with Daylight Saving Time or Standard Time, pick one, and keep it.

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That hour of daylight in the evening means that you loose an hour in the morning. Your evening accidents will be replaced by morning accidents. In my state (MA) black ice is a morning problem not an evening one. Also, having to go to work when Nixon put us in daylight savings time in 1974, no one who I worked with liked seeing the sun rise at 8:20am, when our start time was 7:45am. If my daughter was attending kindergarten at that time, her bus would have picked her up at 7:15am. The coldest time of the day, standing outside, waiting for a bus does not do anything for a five year old.


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