His tolerance to fast food must surely bring a grimace 😉 to the face of every Republican wishing for his early demise.

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Don't count on his arteries doing their patriot best.

Mother Trump (an illegal immigrant from Scotland) died at age 88 at Long Island Jewish Hospital. That she was in a Jewish-based hospital must have made her husband spin in his grave considering his connection to the German Bund of New York in the 30s and 40s.

Father Trump (son of a dishonored draft-dodging father and whoremonger in the Yukon/Alaska) died while subsumed by dementia at age 93.

Ergo...another 15 years of "IL DOUCHE"

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Okay, I just LOOK at fast food and my cholesterol shoots up. He apparently consumes it with reckless abandon and is seemingly just fine.

Life just isn’t fair.............

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At the time, his WH doc (now Congressman who claims about voter fraud, except for his own election) claimed he was in peak heath, although the "Insurrectionist-in-Chief" was close to 250 pounds.

Problem-solver Ronnie Jackson, MD, took care of the issue by claiming that his patient had actually grown over two inches, thus not obese.

So not only was "Serial Liar-in-Chief," who on his NYS driver's license list at 6'1" grown to 6'2" for the exam, but he defied science by growing one inch instead of shrinking one inch over a lifetime due to seven decades of gravity and shrinking spinal discs.

That along would be a reason for a QGOP enthusiast to vote for the miracle man.

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I’m surprised it didn’t include that he’s hung like a horse.

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“I know this menu better than you do. I probably know it better than anybody in here.”

So not only does he know the military concepts, better than generals, foreign affairs better than career diplomats, espionage better than CIA professionals, and micro-economics better than his professors at Warton School at U. Penn, he knows the McDonalds' menu.

On the latter I would give the obese insurrectionist props that he most likely does know the "restaurant's" menu. He has it memorized better than his cognitive "test" of repeating "person, woman, man, camera, TV"

One of the few times, I've actually believe the Bullshiter-in-Chief.

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TFG’s beliefs about food and exercise alone should disqualify him for the presidency! I’ve always heard how bad fast foods are for your health. Clearly, his diet has been one of the forces causing TFG’s mental impairment.

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I got a massive case of indigestion, followed by diarrhea just reading his standard order.

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I was about to say "I can't believe he's never had coronary / heart problems" but then I caught myself. He's almost certainly had health events that he's hidden in his life. He couldn't hide having COVID because he was so close to death that they had to fly him to Walter Reed where he got every cutting edge drug available to save his life that other people he infected like Herman Cain did not get and ultimately died from the virus.

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I am skeptical about Trumps consumption of fast foods.

It plays well for the average Joe .

My guess is he does eat hamburgers However

They are prepared for by a special private chef who buys all the best ingredients.

I once heard he orders a burger in NYC that costs nearly 40$.

He has and obligation to the nation to remain as healthy as possible while he leads the way!

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This might actually be the one thing his supporters have in common with him

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