Yay for the new audio setup...and please wildly gesticulate away!

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Ditto from me!

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Not the disaster it looks like -- "None of the above" was a proxy for Donald Trump. I've seen actual voter comments stating that they voted "None" because Trump wasn't on the ballot. And, she didn't even try to compete; she knew the deck was stacked for Trump so why waste time and money there. All the media just want a Trump/Biden rematch because that's the only way Biden stands a chance. I'm not counting her out yet!

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You make a valid point re Nevada. I don’t think she has a realistic shot at winning, unless something dramatic happens re Trump. But every day she is out there calling Trump out for the fraud he is adds value. We need every vote

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I own the deed to a bridge you won't be able to keep yourself from plunking down every penny you have in order to own it. :-)

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Ha Ha! Very funny!

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Why are they holding caucuses and primaries the same week Vegas is hosting a Super Bowl?

Just a word of advice Chris, you should plug your Substack in the videos to get more subscribers.

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as my boss always said: "Plug the firm every opportunity you get"

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Nikki: Making none of the above great again! Yeah!

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It takes a special type of talent to finish 2nd in a one person race. The GOP is just one big anti-democracy chaos mess

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Haley finishing 2nd in a primary she did not compete in is a big who cares. Clearly, as was commented earlier, MAGA lifers showed up to try to make her look bad.


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Oops! Hit the arrow! 🙄 Strange there was no write in block. So, the “none of these candidates” is the best they could do to vote for Trump. Hey Chris! Just be yourself! The only possible problem I see with waving your arms is the possibility you might hit the new microphone! We love you just the way you are!

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The Nevada vote was not surprising. Trump was not on the ballot, but he was effectively on the ballot as the “none of the above” candidate. Voter turnout was very low (about 80,000, or 14% of registered Republicans) for this meaningless primary. It’s fair to say Trump probably has the majority of Nevada Republicans supporting him, and it’s likely that many turned out just to vote against Haley. Still not good for Haley, and, yes, Trump will be the nominee (unless he finally eats the cheeseburger that gives him a heart attack), but it’s not really meaningful that Haley lost to “none of the above.”

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She's about as relevant in this "leadership race" as I am.

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Two comments:

As to the production values of your videos (prior to retirement, I was in the “Media & Entertainment” industry), both the Sennheiser mic (looks like one, at least as far as I can tell) AND not using the circular light (which occasionally reflected in your glasses) are solid choices and it was a much more “pleasant viewing experience”.

That said, spending ANY time on Nikki Haley just reinforces precisely what you spoke AGAINST in your Chris Crucial yesterday on the faults of the mainstream media reporting the “horse race” aspects of the election, as if this was your typical election season. As you pointed out in that post, this is NOT the “typical election season” and reporting on what we already knew about a candidate that has absolutely NO chance of being the Republican Party nominee serves what purpose, exactly?

Sorry, Chris, but I’d prefer you report on things of significance and not on the “horse race”: we ALL know it will Trump v Biden redux and the importance to American Democracy that we return Biden to the White House. Period.

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Hey Larry, I think this is a really thoughtful comment -- and I want to give it a thoughtful answer.

I am absolutely committed to reminding people that Trump poses an active threat to democracy and that he has (and will continue to) behave in ways that we have NEVER seen before.

But I want to make something else clear: I am STILL going to write about things that are, I guess, considered "horse race." I think that stuff can matter too. After all, we are talking about an election here!

AND, when I see something that looks bad (or good) for Joe Biden, I am going to write that too.

I am not an activist. I am a journalist. That means holding people to account -- regardless of party affiliation.

I hope that makes sense and, again, thanks for your thoughtful comment.

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Thanks for taking the time to respond to my concerns, Chris.

I don’t look to So What for “activism”, as I follow enough authors on Substack that get that “daily fix” for me: Simon Rosenberg, Jonathan V. Last and everyone at The Bulwark, Jay Kuo, etc. I thoroughly understand that you’re a journalist first, and appreciate that. As I’ve said before, So What was my first paid subscription on Substack and it’s absolutely still worth the coin, so overall I’m happy with what you report on and your analysis.

However, I would hold you to your own standards as I would anyone else. You made it clear in that Chris Crucial post that I referenced before that you want to avoid the pitfalls of the mainstream press and NOT cover this election as if it were a typical election, and I know you would want your readers to let you know if you’re losing sight of the guiding principle that you had such an epiphany about. I believe that focusing on the “horse race”, particularly something as ultimately unimportant as Haley’s poor performance in a State that truly doesn’t matter in the least, falls perilously close to missing your avowed point.

That said, keep on the path you’re on and continue to check yourself against your principles, Chris!

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Strange there was no write in block. So, none of these candidates”

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The Haley result is as emphatic a statement as any that the Republican Party is, as you say, Trump's party. I wonder how long she'll hang on now, I imagine it may be the final straw for some donors. Looks like you have a Shure MV7 microphone there, a nice one - I use it myself. No need to change clothes more than you want and feel free to wave your hands about, just be you!

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Subscribed to your You Tube channel. This is even better than when you where are TV news as YOU get to determine exactly how much time you want to share information with us.

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I liked seeing and hearing you again!

My question to you Chris, is, do you believe trumps lawyers really believe in the garbage arguments they put to all of trumps judges? How can they look themselves in the mirror after spewing lies? Alina Habba comes to mind. Even Tacopina baled, he did not like the stink emanating from trump.

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I was really hoping for a Richard Pryor in “Brewster’s Millions” reference for None of the Above in today’s video.

The new setup looks and sounds awesome!

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I'm sorry that I can only get videos of some of the things you are commenting on. It is not my preferred way of getting news. I hope that you consider transcribing them for those of us who would rather read than listen.

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