If I were to blame someone for overhyping the email story it would be James Comey, not you.

As for Biden's age, it is an issue and it's one he is going to HAVE to deal with. I think he can. I think he has been doing (to me) a surprisingly outstanding job as president. I don't wake up in the morning -- as I did under Trump -- wondering how the President of the United States was going to undercut and embarrass America today. You might focus not on his age as a problem, but as another example of Republican hypocrisy. Biden is "old" at 81 but Chuck Grassley deserved another term as senator at 90? Biden, a former stutterer, sometimes misspeaks but Trump's word salads are just a joke?

Maybe Biden should get 97 year old Mel Brooks to do an ad for him, saying that thinks the "kid" can go the distance.

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Fair points. I think it is absolutely worth noting the remarkably old ages of most of our leaders in politics.

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A suggestion: When you write about Biden's age, you might also mention the work pace he keeps, the regular bicycling, the food he eats, etc. AND at the same time, compare Trump's age at 77, his lack of fitness, his McDonald's menu, his lacadasical pace. Trump WILL WIN if we continue to give him a soft pass whilst driving the Granpa Biden schtick!

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I try to always note Trump's age as well. One thing I would say: Voters don't appear as concerned with Trump's age and health as they are with Biden's. Which is amazing given that Biden takes better care of himself and is only a few years older.

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Well I think there lies the irony. People are consumed with Biden’s age (understandable) but they should be equally concerned about Trump’s. If Trump were to be re-elected (please no), he would be the oldest president to take office. He would be older than Biden when he leaves...IF he were to leave. I’m not sure that Trump’s mental faculties are all there, either. Is it the rantings of an old man or is it just Trump being Trump? How do you tell the difference? Trump seems more energetic than Biden, but takes great pains to hide his physique in baggy suits, long ties and who the heck knows what going on with the hair and the orange spray tan? Point is that Biden is getting all the heat about his age, but Trump’s age should be a big topic too amongst all of the 50 million other concerns.

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You still seem a little stuck in both-sideville.

Everyone knows Biden’s age. You add absolutely no insight or deeper facts about that. I fear youre often misled by the extreme Right.

Just do the right thing. Every moment of each day.

And yes you write a lot. But you may choose what you write about. Choose the high road.

Why dont you think about whats best for the country, and for the world? Then write about THAT. A lot!

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Not both sides. But an acknowledgement that not everything that Biden does is right and not everything Trump does is wrong.

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I know criticism stings.

Please think more deeply about what I suggested.

After all, I never claimed Biden was perfect. So why respond like that?

I feel terrible that I failed to reach you. And made you defensive rather than thoughtful. My fault on that. So I will try to do better.


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This is important, Chris, and I think you've been doing it well. Not everything Biden does is right, and not everything Trump does is wrong.

I think Biden has been... meh... a maybe average president. I nice man, but probably not someone i would have voted for in the pre- Trump era. I have strongly disagreed with Biden on some things. I was furious with his administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. I make a point to acknowledge these things when talking politics, partly because I want people to know I'm not a partisan Dem. - far from it - when I say that I think DJT poses the greatest danger to the United States since the Civil War.

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You have always been open and transparent. You have nothing to apologize for.

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Thanks, Susan.

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For what it's worth, you weren't the only one eight years ago treating Trump as just another candidate -- but fun to cover. It was true then as now: Trump is DIFFERENT, an alien being. He cannot be covered the same way, or equally. Please try to remember that.

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Yes. He is different in kind. Critical thing to remember.

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You seem to be repeating the past.

Your 2016 "concern" about Hillie's e-mails seemed to have morphed into Uncle Joe's age.

Back in the day of the Fairness Doctrine (applicable to broadcast) from 1949, licensees had to offer differing viewpoints.

While you are not a broadcaster in the way existing 70+ years ago, the philosophy should be part of your journalistic mission.

That said, when you offer in your writings that Uncle Joe is old, and that people are concerned he is old.

If you want to be objective, state that Biden is old...he stutters, he goes off on "Irishy Blarney" stories, and he confuses times and places of events.

Yet, Trump, 18 months younger, goes off on lunatic outbursts claims outrageously idiotic points of view.

It seems not at all outrageous that when you state Uncle Joe is old, that on the other hand Donald Trump seems to be a stark raving madman, albeit he is younger than Biden by a few months.

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I have always thought that you tried--and continue to try--to be fair. I still believe that.

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So if Biden's age is a serious issue worthy of so many words, why isn't Trump's? Being 75, I can tell you that three years is not that major once one passes 70. And Trump has been making a lot of strange mistakes in his speeches lately, giving rise to concerns about his mental capacities. Just because readers are not, you say as concerned, doesn't mean you shouldn't write about. Some readers really weren't that concerned about Hilary's e-mails; journalists write stories not just based on what readers will approve of. Both likely candidates are old. Age is an issue for both of them. One of them also has 92 felony indictments to deal with. Being old happens if one lives long enough. Facing that many indictments indicates one made seriously different choices.

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Thank you for writing this particular column. It's nice to see a political writer admit that he is evolving, updating perspectives as facts on the ground change. Yes, many journalists viewed Trump as an entertaining oddity during the 2016 campaign, to our country's detriment. I was of the opinion that he was a danger and a megalomaniac from the get go, and was roundly criticized by my friends. Several said they voted for him simply because Trump was a great businessman. Oh boy.

As to the Biden age question, yes, please cover it in a more positive way. Originally from Iowa, I've heard WAAAYYY too much about how wonderful Chuck Grassley is, even at his age. Biden can give Grassley a run for his money any day of the week.

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Chris, keep doing what you do. Yes age and fitness should be written about, but it should written about both of them.

Trumps age is definitely getting the better of him. Biden might walk a little stiff, but he is active. Trump on the other hand is good at walking to and from his golf cart.

It would be awesome for Biden to challenge trump to a push up contest during a debate. We know how that will turn out.

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Chris, always enjoy your insight, your pieces and videos. Write what you feel like and remember you won’t make everyone happy all of the time. Critics of those pieces can bypass them. I believe we all evolve and grow, we learn from mistakes, change our thinking. For us, we are now retired and are not the same people we were 20, 30, 40 years ago. When we became empty nesters, we were a different couple than when we were younger. As a parent, it’s a good thing it takes 9 months to have a baby and they don’t come out as a teenager! My point is that as a person and journalist, you keep evolving and changing. Also, situations change and evolve. This doesn’t mean that everything changes in life. It’s not exactly the same as 2016, but 2024 is similar. We are dealing with two flawed candidates. Yes, one, IMO, is an utter disgrace but he is looking to be the GOP nominee. Is he far worse than anyone else. Yes. But Bidens flaws need to be addressed. I guess in a long winded way (plus I digressed a lot!), keep doing what you are doing.

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the outcome of the election hinges on roughly 500,000 votes out of 150,000,000 - I'm pretty sure we can assume that Joe's age is an issue for the majority of them. And that most are not participating in this substack.

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Agree Del.

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A sincere "thank you" for being who you are.

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It’s brave to provide links to your earlier writing.

It does not paint your writing at that time in a very good light.

It’s sad that you mishandled it to the nth degree, more acting like a Trump useful idiot than an objective journalist.

When today you write “Clinton wound up deleting more than 30,000 emails from that server before she turned it over to the FBI.” you are STILL carrying the Trump’s MAGA water.

Hillary Clinton did not delete any emails. Her lawyers did which was fully ethical and appropriate in this instance because the original reason for surrendering her emails was a FOIA request (NOT the FBI) from a well-known right-wing attack machine, Judicial Watch.

The request was for any and all emails of official government business…which she complied with via her lawyers. They have no basis for ALL her emails, and the knowledge that she did not have to do that was the goal in the smear.

The whole reason for this request was to destroy Hillary, something that Judicial Watch has been on a waging a relentless jihad for over two decades.

The right-wing smear machine effort to destroy Clinton was what the whole Benghazi (so-called) investigation was ALL ABOUT.

In retrospect you did a grave disservice to your readers and the assistance to the Trump campaign in bolstering his constant and blatant smearing and lying.

The worst that Hillary did do (parsing and dissembling) in comparison to what Trump did before he was elected in 2016 and countless times since then (in particular his PLAIN and UNDENIABLE CRIMINAL handing of the most sensitive national security secrets…including some that CNN has reported STILL have not been located (https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/politics/missing-russia-intelligence-trump-dg/) is akin to demeaning and damning Hillary for committing jaywalking compared to letting Trump off the hook for mass murder.

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But Clinton's e-mails were bad and she was super defensive about it. Did Trump suck a lot and is he a fascist threat to democracy?

Yes, but the Democratic nominee was under federal investigation and she reacted by being glib about it and having her husband meet with the AG. That absolutely deserves tons of coverage. You were right to write about it.

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Agree. Don't think I should have ignored Clinton's emails -- for just these reasons.

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Not ignore. Just not gorge on it all the time. Sometimes sure. But it got ridiculous.

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I feel because Hillary lost, everyone wanted a scapegoat, so they decided to blame the media rather than looking at their own candidate's failings.

Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch is five-alarm reckless and that's not even the tip of the iceberg.

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Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch, was horrible from at least the perspective of looking bad, even if nothing nefarious happened. Hillary Clinton was a horrible candidate. How does the Democratic candidate for President NOT campaign in person multiple times in places like Wisconsin, Michigan and all over Pennsylvania? Hillary did NOT listen to her husband (who despite his extra-marital challenges) is one of the best retail political minds in the U.S. in recent history, told her that she needed to go to the Rust Belt and campaign because she was in trouble there. Hillary of course did nothing along those lines.

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They were so smug and felt like they could do anything they wanted because they would get 270 regardless.

I remember watching interviews with David Plouffe where he laughed off at the thought of her losing Pennsylvania. Robbie Mook has blood on his hands

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Well said. It's your job to write about stories that are important in politics, and Clinton's email and Biden's age were/are important political stories. Are they the *most* important political stories? No. But they should not be ignored.

When a news organization focuses almost entirely on Trump-related political news, it doesn't sit right. I got this feeling about CNN (online, anyway - I don't watch TV news). I had read the news on CNN's website essentially daily from about 1996 until 2018 or so. I stopped because I started to feel like they weren't covering much of anything anything else on the main page.

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