Mark Twain, Will Rodgers, Mort Saul, Mark Russell. American history is full of political satirists

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Man, so true. We will need to laugh in the year ahead. But, your job is not so hard when you’ve got the never ending firehouse of BS coming from Agent Orange. Keep it up! You’re good at it.

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"I don’t always do it well. I do sometimes try to make a joke ... when the situation doesn’t warrant it. This has happened before. It will happen again." Oh my gosh, Chris, that is me, too! I die just a little bit inside when a "funny" that I attempt falls flat. But, in the main, I'm the group mood-lightener, and often successfully. I know that, for myself, I feel a physical response to lightening the mood with humor. It works for me, and generally works for those around me (as long as I balance it with an appropriate amount of mature discussion, too).

So, I empathize with the times it has not worked for you. But, for me, chalk me up as one who a) believes two things can be true at the same time (these times can be darned serious AND we need to be able to relieve tension with humor); and b) I appreciate the balance you bring. Your humor works for me. Keep it up.

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I remember that piece of yours, Chris, and I thought it was a hoot. But then my husband's a political humorist, writing a column and his books (you have his POLITICS WEIRD-O-PEDIA: THE ULTIMATE BOOK OF SURPRISING, STRANGE, AND INCREDIBLY BIZARRE FACTS ABOUT POLITICS we sent way back when) so maybe I'm warped. Frankly, but for you guys making me laugh, I'd be howling at the moon. Keep it up. If we lose our sense our humor, we are truly lost.

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Keep it coming! Your humor is what attracted me to your work! You’re doing a great job! Thanks for being you!

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And let’s not forget “the mother” of all political satire/parody the Marx Brothers Duck Soup”

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Thank you Chris for your analysis and humor. I love love when you break down Trump’s crazy speeches.

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If our choices are laughing or crying, i'll take laughter EVERY time. Clearly laughing is popular, yet also a great way to get informed, judging by the success of writers in vein of Gail Collins, Maureen Dowd, Molly Ivins, Art Buchwald (i'm dating myself), Jon Stewart, Tony Kornheiser, Carl Hiassen, Dave Barry...

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As someone whose fiction is based in humor (one of my novels is "Father of the Bride of Frankenstein") I say go for it. Since 2016 I've been saying we may be going to hell in a handbasket but we are living through a golden age of political satire.

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I love political humor and agree that in these difficult times, we need humor in order to remain sane. But I do agree that MSM in 2016 helped elect trump—through the constant coverage of every single comment he made, no matter how odious or wrongheaded. No context was ever provided, and no one ever challenged any utterance. He was always on tv on multiple channels at a time, and everything was treated as equally important. I never watched Game of Thrones (I may be the only person who can say that!) and I didn’t read your piece, but I doubt it had much influence on the election.

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Your humor is why I sought you out in the first place. We have to laugh at the ridiculous, otherwise we’d cry. Satire has been around for a long time. Trump just gives journalists ample opportunity as a target. Keep up the good work.

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There is something funny about almost everything, and finding that humor is both useful and entertaining.

As for Trump, there are two sides to his humor. While the MAGA horde are laughing WITH him, the rest of us are laughing AT him.

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Keep doing what you do, Chris. Your jokes aren’t anywhere near as bad as my husband’s! Seriously, we need to appreciate how ridiculous people and situations are, at the same time as we are fighting to fix things. Thanks for helping.

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I am sure we are going to wake up with Trump for Breakfast , Trump for Lunch and Trump for Dinner tomorrow in this forum. Trump fatigue is beginning to set in already

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Great piece!

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Oh, good lord, Chris, we HAVE to laugh! I have had more than my fair share of misfortunes in recent years and what sustains me through the dark days is my often dark sense of humour. Laughter makes what can be painful and difficult times bearable. Politics can be absolutely ludicrous sometimes and often just begs to be ridiculed if only to get people to pay attention to what is happening.

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