Does anybody really cast their vote for President based on where the national convention was held? It just doesn’t seem like a good reason to vote for or against someone.

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I think that Atlanta would have been the much better choice, but what do I know?

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Have you ever seen the national Dimmycrats ever miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity?

If it wasn't for the fact that the alternative is out-and-out Fascism, I would have parted company with these people awhile back. Like around the time Obama appointed that worthless piece of shit Rahm Emmanuel to be Chief of Staff and destroy all the grassroots organizing like the Fifty State Strategy and Obama for America that had put Obama in office. We're where we're at as a direct result of that decision.

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The “defund the police” was pure hyperbole in respect that it not only did not mean to literally “defund” the police, but more was never embraced within elected Democrats, especially on a national level. Certainly not any leaders.

None of that matters since the GOP’s whole schtick to to lie and say anything they want in order to demonize Democrats...from pedophiles to communists to socialists, their shameless demagoguery is not going to be diminished if the convention is not in Chicago.

In any event, the REAL crime wave is in red states, not blue. The murder rate is worst in states that voted for Trump.

In fact, the murder rates were an average of 40% higher in 2020 in the 25 states that Trump carried in the last election compared to states carried by President Biden.


The GOP is where many national elected officials and the leader of their party, Donald Trump have forcefully and plainly called for “defunding” the FBI and Justice Dept.

It’s time to push back against these tired, false tropes.

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Wouldn’t put it last the worst of the right to manufacture some crime incidents during the convention

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Amen...Why not Atlanta...a purple state instead of a blue state...politically Illinois is an odd choice.

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Other than continuing a tradition us history buffs love in terms of Chicago being the convention city for nomination and platform fights, it makes zero sense. I get the Democrats focus on the Midwest, but Chicago is a very strong bogeyman for GOP rhetoric - I hear it all the time from GOPers here in Florida about "crime in Chicago," and "people coming to Florida to flee Chicagoland," etc. It's all a bit overblown, but perception can be reality in politics. I think Atlanta, Phoenix or maybe even Houston or Miami would have made more sense optically.

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"Democrats carried Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in 2020 and 2016, respectively"

No way! Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016!! Please correct

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Yes! SORRY. Fixed!

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