Chris always talks about the undecided voters wobbling back and forth between Harris and Trump. I don't know, maybe there are four or five of those guys. By far the biggest group of undecided voters are those who haven't decided if they'll bother to vote or not.

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In the 1930's, after coming to COMPLETE power, Hitler worked a deal with his government to provide each newly married couple with a copy of Mein Kampf, generously provided at the publics expense. He made a fee off each copy, making him vast sums. But I'm sure trumputin thought this scheme up all by himself!

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Trumps lies about the economy exemplify everything the guy is about. Facts only matter if they help his cause, and outrageous lies are the new facts if that is what works best for him. That goes to his sociopathy and is yet another reason that he is unfit to be...anything.

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When I was a public school teacher, we knew that we were absolutely not to attempt to indoctrinate our students, particularly about religion.

But then, I'm a Virginian who was raised on Jefferson and Madison.

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California teachers too.

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Chris - regarding the economy - Trump tells all of his followers, every day, the economy stinks, without providing any objective information to support his claims. Just like he tells his followers every day the 2020 election was fraudulent and stolen from him, without any objective evidence. Yet, a significant % of American voters claim they believe the 2020 election was stolen. So why should we be surprised a significant number of voters also believe the economy stinks, even in the face of a lot of objective information which indicates otherwise?

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Well, as the saying goes, it stinks for a working class guy who wants a Snickers bar. They're twice as expensive as they were a few years back, and he feels it. Now that's not Biden's fault. It's the pandemic's fault, and all the supply chain problems and stimulus packages that came along with it. But Biden still gets the heat.

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That bible thing is truly horrible. Even if every student or teacher or classroom or whatever is supposed to have a bible in school - how about a $9.99 paperback version that gets used over and over each school year - like social studies & math books, and the novels that all the 9th graders read - and like we all used in school. Truly horrible.

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Re. inflation. Prices always go up over time. They never come down. What would you pay for a car in 1970? 1980? How about a gallon of milk? A $5.00 restaurant meal in 1970 would be $40.57 today.

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The problem for the Dems is that we happened to have a big burst of inflation over the past four years or so. Pandemic and all, you know.

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Kamala has been blamed for immigration and the “wide open border”, the economy, the housing shortage, the Haitians in Springfield, food prices and God knows what else. JD kept referring to Kamala’s administration. As far as i know, the VP serves in the president’s administration. And if she can create and direct hurricanes, surely she can fix all of the other problems with a few abracadabras. I am still amazed about what the MAGAS will believe!

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Regarding OK and the bibles, isn’t separation of church and state one of our foundational tenets? Oh, I forgot. Lucre always overrides the rules. He just keeps lining his pockets, Disgusting.

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The Book of Greenwood? They didn't cover that in Catechism.

Probably Old Testament, you know, Law and all that....

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Harris won't survive Helene.

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Sure she will. MAGAt lies are being exposed for what they are.


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Just curious as to what exactly Harris won’t suvive regarding Helene? What have been her missteps?

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Apparently maga rumor mills think Harris and Biden, the "low IQ," 'old and doddering," "mentally incapable" duo who "dont know what day it is," or, "dont know if they are alive," directed Helene towards gop majority counties and made it flood in unprecedented volumes, just to disrupt the election.

Apparently maga thinks Biden/Harris can control a hurricane, but can't run an effective political campaign.

So, I guess, by maga uncovering this dastardly plot, Harris won't survive the backlash of horrified Americans who now see her 'evil ways'? (I guess they all missed when, a couple weeks ago, djt said he would withhold FEMA aid to Calif, for the destructive wildfires, until the Governor signed a bill into law that djt favored.)

Really, you can't make this stuff up! If anyone thought maga was maybe off the rails before, these rumors ought to seal the deal.

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250 dead people. Another Katrina.

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Yes, it was wrong of VP Harris to cause a hurricane to hit the US 🙄

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It hit her head-on.

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I bet you think that if djt was prez today that the hurricane would have never happened! lmao

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Do you have even a clue about what a hurricane is, or how they form?

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Yes, they are caused by anthropogenic carbon emissions.

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Go Chris, go to 3700!

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Chrissie, you are on a roll, and we are here for the ride ! 3700 come on !!!

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I like The Smile…thanks for featuring them

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Congratulates on how your subscriber base is growing!

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