From Jack E. Smith:

“Trump didn’t drop out after he was caught making comments about grabbing women by their genitalia.

He didn’t drop out after openly mocking the vulnerable.

He didn’t resign after calling our military “losers” and “suckers”.

He didn’t resign after he was impeached…twice.

He didn’t resign after his criminally negligent mismanagement of the pandemic.

He didn’t resign after his failed insurrection.

He didn’t drop out after being criminally indicted…four times.

He didn’t drop out after being held civilly liable for rape and fraud.

He didn’t drop out after being convicted by a jury of 34 felonies.

So yeah, tell me more about why Biden should drop out after one bad debate. "

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Because the fear is he just showed he's not capable of competing against this man

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I could not agree with more on everything you just said. Is wasn't a great night. But missing the forest for the trees is an understatement. Every damn time Diperstain did something that would've banished anyone else to political nowhere land they stood and cheered louder and raced to blame the Democrats for what he did.

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Which is exactly what we should be doing now!

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Cuz he old and can’t do the job. That was very evident last night! Can you imagine 4 more years?!? I can’t and neither can the rest of the country…..

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So you speak for the WHOLE rest of the country, eh? LOL. To answer your question, yes, I welcome four more years of Biden and no more years of the amoral, disgusting sack of excrement that is trump.

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Good luck!

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Yeah, if Convicted Felon and wannabe dictator Trump is elected we'll ALL need "good luck."

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So Dutch…you’re not voting Biden? I’m just as disappointed as the next Dem and I’m voting Biden.

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Look at Dutch’s profile, Patric. He’s a MAGA Cult Member that enjoys spending $70 a year just to be a troll on Chris’s newsletter. I’ve yet to see a thoughtful comment from him. Just trolling.

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Good luck!

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So what? Are you planning to vote for the wannabe dictator?

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Just because one party is making extremely bad and irresponsible decisions by doesn’t mean the other party should do the same.

I like Joe Biden a lot - he was probably the only candidate in the 2020 field who could’ve beaten Trump, and he’s been a solid President. I supported his bid for re-election and I’ve donated money to him in support of it, but the debate performance was absolutely horrifying and could tank his campaign

If democracy really is on the ballot this election, then Democrats should ask themselves if they have the best possible candidate on the ticket who can keep our democracy alive. Until Thursday, I would’ve said that Biden was the best candidate. Now? I’m not sure of that.

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Trump voters like all those things. Undecides care about age. There's the difference

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Thank you Chistine Kaes. Well said!!

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I totally get that Biden had a bad debate, but this style over substance argument is annoying me. Stylistically, Biden came off old, but struggling to make some actual policy sense. Trump was a gasbag spew of lies and misery, unable to answer the simplest policy question and deflecting to more stump speech blather. Biden was stumbling, Trump was a horror show. Spend a moment on that in the midst of this obnoxious kicking of everyone near the Biden camp out the door.

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If Biden did “The Macarena” last night on stage while drinking a Pina Colada, I am still voting for him. 🤷🏻‍♀️

My stance on this hasnt changed since an orange guy told me to inject bleach in 2020 and tried to invalidate my vote on Jan 6th 2021.

I'm still wearing this "VOTE removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt, now more than ever 👇


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Give it a rest, Chris. Why don't you cover the torrent of bullshit that flooded from Trump's orange lips?

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He recaps almost every major Trump appearance and highlights the BS he says all the time

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Chris will not give it rest. Remember how he was incessantly talking and writing about Biden's age until Biden's SOTU address , well now he has found another thing to be talking about non stop. I will not be surprised if he finds a a way to talk about it again during the weekend. But be sure he's going to keep talking about it next week

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Maybe switch subjects and talk about Supreme Court decisions that went down today.

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Or be objective and talk about Trump's lies during the debate

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I don’t know what the hell happened to Joe Biden last night. I don’t care if Joe Biden is drooling. He is a better choice than that sickening felon and sociopathic Trump. BTW, CNN failed miserably with their so called moderators.

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I remember when I was a teenager* (in the '90s) thinking how exciting it would be to have unpredictable and unprecedented political things like impeachment trials and contested conventions and 25th Amendment talk and so on.

I was wrong. I don't want exciting politics. I want boring, predictable, rule-of-law, everybody-agrees-we-follow-the-Constitution, normal government.

*Yes, I really did think about that stuff as a kid. I'm a nerd. 🤷‍♂️

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I hear ya and all fronts. I long for boring law abiding and knowing that the Constitution will be upheld. And not getting nauseated everytime a ruling is about to come out. Man the 90's were some good times

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Unfortunately Chris I can not afford to be a paid subscriber, but I read everything that comes to my email. That said it should be screamed from the mountain tops this election is about Democracy and the direction this country goes after November. Last night was bad but a 34x convicted, lying dictator is not what is best for this great Nation.

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I’m not sure that these immediate reactions are the most telling. Americans are not stupid. Will they really assess leadership ability on the basis of one appearance ?

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Especially given the fact that the man is literally doing the job he’s campaigning for. In my mind, it’s a simple choice, do I want a repeat of 2016-2020 or a repeat of 2021 - present. More of the latter, periodt.

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I appreciate your honest on Twitter about this. I love Joe Biden. I think he’s kind, caring, reassuring man who’s done some amazing good and was who we needed after DT. But the debate was a mess and all the other influencers on Twitter screaming that he just needed a cough drop are just doing more damage!

They’ve jumped on the same tracks Trump followers are on of “Let’s avoid the elephant in the room and instead shame people who aren’t closing their eyes to this mess”. And I resent that bullshit.

I’ve seen my local guy, the now infamous Kyle Clark talking to people who are sticking with the Biden camp, but I disagree. As an independent, I’ll vote for Biden to keep Trump out, but the thing is, I no longer think Biden can keep Trump out.

Independents are not ego attached to any one party or person. And I don’t know if keeping Trump out is the top thing on every Independents agenda. It is mine, but not all.

Dems need to do something quick and they could end up to be the party of real integrity, courage, strategy. I would rather them pivot to someone new BECAUSE they are self aware and see the problem, than pretend we can just provide a cough drop excuse and think they’re pulling the wool over people’s eyes.

It would be an unprecedented move, and one the idiotic gop has been too afraid to do with their own dumbass candidate. Do Dems really want to be the same as Reps?

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Chris, I don’t get it that you are piling on the Biden was terrible bandwagon. The other guy said outright lies that are really dangerous for the world.

The other guy is incapable of governing and we see that in SCOTUS decisions and a disastrous congress.

Debates are a show and not governing.

That is what we need to say.

Listen to their words, read the transcript, ignore the show.

What pundits need to do is tell the truth about what matters.

Biden had Donald so confused all he could do is repeat the same lies. One more outrageous than the other with evidence proving he is lying.

Biden shaking his head was enough to say it all.

Tell Americans that they are choosing a government and direction for the country.

Would you rather live in the country Donald wants.

Do you want Donald to run your life?

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We all saw the disaster. We saw Bidens vacant look, heard his garbled, bumbling responses, were dumbfounded by his inability to counter Trumps neverending stream of lies. It was beyond awful. Now picture that same man four years from now! Come on, Dems! For once, get out of your own way! Find a new voice. One that can defeat Trump and save our Republic.

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Name that candidate, guaranteed to win, and I’ll consider it. Otherwise I’ll stick with the flawed but not-crazy guy who beat the grotesque hairball four years ago.

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You've mentioned what Jill Biden thinks several times, do you think she is that big a factor?

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Yes, I do. She's been a political wife for forty years. I hope she's honest with him, whatever that might be.

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There is no denying Father Time; what 48m Americans saw in that debate will only get worse for Biden. The question is not about him today or even in November, but, assuming he wins, what will he be like in 2026 or 2027? As Biden inescapably continues to deteriorate, will his non-elected inner circle govern, or will the 25th Amendment be needed to remove him from office? In either case, in deference to his position as president, what damage will be allowed before action is taken, and what chaos will the country endure when the unavoidable happens?

Democrats rightly call out the inevitable chaos of a Trump presidency, but by sticking with Biden, they will subject the nation to a different, but just as destructive, kind of chaos.

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"summer hibernation". You missed a rare opportunity to use the cool word "estivation". 🙂

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Some of you Dems and liberals don’t understand the mindset of anti-Trump moderate Republicans like me who voted for Biden last time. There’s absolutely no way I will vote for him. He exceeded my worst suspicions. He should be replaced to give the country a choice. My wife an Independent from Ukraine who hates Trump even more than me can’t vote for him now as well

We talk about the cancer in the GOP that led to Trump, but the Dems are sick too apparently if they stick with Biden

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Yes! I am an anti-Trump independent who’s never been R or D. And while I will still vote for Biden because Trump is going to destroy our country, I think Dems are going to lose a huge amount if Independent votes if they don’t make a change.

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Chris, I don’t remember playing B-ball with you. You described why I was cut from the team on the final day.

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Funny that Chris Cilliza is now waiting to see what the polls say but immediately after Trump's 34 felony convictions, this same Chris said people should not pay attention to the polls because it's too early

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