I am a lifelong Democrat and it's clear to me that the only way to prevent Trump from winning the presidency, likely by a landslide, is if Biden steps aside and lets someone who is electable be the Dem nominee. I called Chuck Schumer's office again today to ask him to push for Biden to step aside, and by contacting friends and acquaintances I got at least four other people to make the same call to Chuck Schumer. It is incredibly important that we not give Trump an easy victory and that is what will happen if Biden is the Democratic nominee

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Yep. I like Biden and believe that he has been a great President. But it is more than obvious that his physical and mental condition has deteriorated over the past year. To deny that is ignoring reality. He’s not going to get better. The goal is to defeat Trump, not make Biden feel good. Biden and his people should know that.

Thanks for reporting the facts Chris. And thanks for turning me on to Phish. Never listened to them before. They were great.

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I agree completely, Jan.

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I have seen or heard part of what is keeping more Dems from calling on President Biden to step aside is lack of agreement on who would be the new nominee. The longer it takes for Biden to decide the more likely that Kamala will take over the top of the ticket.

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One of the striking things about the "should Joe step aside" question is how so many on the left turn on people who discuss the issue or dare to suggest he step aside. Chris gets called a "Trumper"; people are on social media saying Adam Schiff is a "traitor" and they will write in Katy Porter's name; people boast about cancelling their subscriptions to the NY Times, Bulwark, etc; people recount all the MSNBC hosts who are on their bad lists. It's more than denial, although it is that. It's also trying to bully people and the media into silence or compliance. I don't know how anyone looks at polling showing over 70% think Joe's unfit and then thinks it's an outrage to suggest that he should step aside. Joe caused all this by failing to pass the torch , as he said he would, and by failing to acknowledge that Father Time remains undefeated.

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Truly Todd. The lack of grace and the refusal to agree to disagree among the opposing teams on the left has been really upsetting and at times appalling. I have really scaled back engagement. Blue MAGA and Blue Anon labels are not far off.

The writing is on the wall. The future of everything we value and care about is at stake. As is the world our children and grandchildren inherit.

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Well said, Todd. Thanks.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Jen Psaki gave an interview pointing out that those of us who want to Biden to step aside and those who don't are on the same side: we want to prevent Convicted Felon Trump from returning to office. I'll vote for him if he's the nominee, but I wish he would understand that he's now part of the problem, not the solution.

Oh, and have you gotten your Trump Assassination sneakers?


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Ugh on the sneakers. The man and his MAGA crowd monetize everything and anything. I'm surprised they haven't thought of selling blood vials as a relic yet.

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Is the shoe add fake? If it is, shouldn't he be surrounded by brave secret service folks trying to protect him with their lives if necessary? Also, pretty sure the other side should have the man who was killed and the two others critically wounded.

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It will be advertised here tomorrow

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I hate to say it but i am afraid the democrats are screwed and Joe Biden needs ro step aside if we want a chance.

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In face of a fucking liar who chose a misogynist as a running mate. Think seriously about what matters and what demands attention. Or are you really pro autocracy? CRITICAL THINKING is more than reporting the obvious “facts”. Are you hoping to survive 2025? I don’t think this will buy you safety.

And, yes, I am as angry as I sound. “Repotage” is relatively easy; thoughtful REPORTING is not - though it IS what we’ve paid for. Notwithstanding my grammar. . . .

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Are you suggesting that the Dems aren't facing a crisis? Or that the situation doesn't warrant comment?

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Thank you Chris for continuing to report the facts. I am hopeful Joe will now do what's right. At my NA Meeting last night Denial was the topic. How appropriate. Many in our Party are still in denial. Glad I'm not one of them. Now just hope he hurries up. ❤️🇺🇸💙🙏🏻

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So, evidently Joe Biden has now turned into Tony Montana.

"Do you think you can take me? You need a f***ing army if you gonna take me!"....

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Geeze! This gets worse by the day. I heard that Pres. Biden has Covid. I also read that he indicated that if a doctor told him he had a condition that would cause impairment, he would consider stepping down.

I am so concerned for our country.

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Republican propaganda. lol. Off the deep end tonight

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

I don't care for Phish, but I get so excited when a musician or band I love does a Tiny Desk concert.

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I love Tiny Desk. Never listened to Phish before, but I like this.

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During the pandemic, Olivia Rodrigo did a Tiny Desk and she sang Drivers License at the DMV. It was amazing.

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I just wish all the folks asking, pleading and demanding that Joe drop out, would spend as much time talking about the actual logistics of how they would mount a new candidate such that they would have even a remotely good chance to win.

It’s fine to complain about all the reasons that Biden is the wrong candidate right now. But what’s the plan? What are the real odds of anyone doing better? It’s a lot easier to tear something down than to build something up from scratch.

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Here's the bottom line: there is mounting evidence that Biden cannot win and could hand Trump a trifecta. Did you see that debate? It was shocking and cannot be erased. Any other candidate would be a better bet to give Dems a fighting chance. Tearing down a losing campaign is not a negative.

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Actually I agree that the more I see of Biden, the interviews etc. it’s obvious he shouldn’t be our candidate. My gripe is that I’ve yet to read from all those pointing that out, a realistic plan of how it would actually succeed to have a new candidate. Logistically it ought to be Kamala, because the money and delegates are already in place. But that is a HUGE burden and I hope to god she’ll be up for it if that happens.

Anybody else, and the obstacles are so formidable as to be almost insurmountable in a time as short as 3.75 months. That’s the assessment I want to see. How would that actually work? How to raise millions of dollars? How to create a network of people in state after state, even if it’s only in the essential few? How to get that candidate into the public eye, most importantly to those who aren’t political junkies like we are? That’s what I want to read about. If anyone has a link to share Id love to find out that I’ve missed something.

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Chris writes "To nominate Biden at this point you have to believe he will be able to make it through four more months without making any serious errors in public that would reaffirm the age and competence issues coursing through the electorate. " That's a valid question about the campaign. But what about the bigger question of what we could expect of Biden over the next four years? There is no reason to expect that his age-related physical and cognitive issues will get better as he gets even older.

At this point it looks like both parties will be nominating candidates who are unfit for office. How sad. Surely, the nation deserves better than this.

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But only one is poised to win.

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Chris is like a bloodhound. He smells Biden blood and he's not letting up. I am sure that's not fair to Chris, whom I like, but it sure feels like it. But Chris forgot to mention Biden has covid, so now he really sucks.

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I feel compelled to add that I don't think Chris is pulling for Trump or Biden. He's a journalist writing a story. He would say, if he answered these posts, that he is hard on Trump too but it feels like his criticism of Trump is more comical and light hearted. He directs his speechs and makes fun things with funny memes, etc but it doesn't really feel even....because, truth be told, we all view things as partisans.

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LOL, as a Trump supporter, I assure you that from my side, I have no doubt that Chris is all in on somebody other than Trump winning. Much as I love Chris, I think he's got TDS. It's interesting to see that somebody thinks that Chris' articles about Trump are 'comical and light hearted' because they certainly don't seem that way to me.

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ah, the great dark spot appears. That's a fair comment Great DarkSpot. I see you point of view.

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No, probably his true color is actually coming out. I predicted this that as the election draws nearer people will know exactly where he stands

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I’ve lost all respect for Biden. I would never have predicted that 6 months ago.

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This comment section is literally worth the $60. If Chris writes about how great Pres. Biden is doing, effusive praise. If he writes about how poorly Pres. Biden is doing total condemnation.

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It doesn't really how many folks think right now that he is too old. The only question is how many people will vote for him in November. They will be faced with the choice between Biden and Trump. I say they will go with Biden at that time.

Would another candidate get more votes in the swing states? Kamala polls around the same as Biden now, but in spite of the talk that she really has it going on, I believe she will crater just like she did when she ran in the presidential primaries.

Will others (Whitmer, Newsom, etc) really motivate younger, more diverse voters? Enough to matter? And can they just walk into the existing Democrat campaign structure without negative inpacts? Lots of potential problems.

None of these candidates have faced the full onslaught of the Trump ministry of propaganda. Biden has and is still standing. The others are a crapshoot.

Joe is it. Get behind him and stop all the groupthink hand wringing.

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You are incorrect about younger voters and independents and moderate Republicans getting on board to vote for Biden no matter what.

The low motivated ones will decide that both choices are no good and stay home.

And others will decide to vote for a third-party candidate.

Both of those groups are lost votes to Biden and will be why he will lose.

To ignore all the points Chris just made in this article is she really just put your head in the sand.

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I believe that Biden is doing ok with people "most likely" to vote - not just registered voters. 538 simulations give Biden a 54% chance of winning the election. The low motivation voters aren't going to vote regardless of the candidate. None of the alternative candidates being mentioned, such as Harris, poll any better than Biden. Further, Biden has faced the Trump machine for years. He is still standing. None of the others have. Trump will find out things about them (or make them up) that may well hurt them significantly. Very chancy.

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He is barely standing, literally. This is a crisis. Jeffries, Schumer and Pelosi as well as a group of House Democrats have all been to talk with Biden, to tell him he can't win and is risking taking down the whole party, but he refuses to listen. This is pure ego and arrogance. His family needs to step up and convince him to step out. Trump will make up lies about anyone. He doesn't have to make up anything about Biden, because we've all seen it. Don't get me wrong, Trump has serious mental issues, but his base is in a cult state and are super motivated, giving him a pass even for incoherence and obvious mental episodes during rallies. For any chance at optimism within the party and to win undecided voters, Dems have to force a change.

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Your comments reflect the view of many Democrat officials and liberal news pundits. Possibly the majority of them. I disagree. But you may well get your wish. Biden may be changing his position on running. His recent comments contain a few statements in that vein.

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2/3 of Democratic voters think he shouldn't run. There's a difference between that and if they would vote for him - if they vote. Independent voters are even more in favor of his stepping down, and those voters could be determinative. Just out of curiosity, are you watching him and listening to him? If yes, you think this really is the winning hand?

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I do watch and I do think he has a better chance than candidates who have never been vetted by the Trump machine or the public under the flare of a national campaign. They may do ok or they may nosedive. Unknown.

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NanceeM’s comments also reflect what many of we Democrat voters think. It’s not just party leaders and pundits.

That’s been one of Biden’s excuses to ignore the calls to step aside.

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I believe the pundits, etc have an outsize snowball effect on voters. As to bringing in in in other independent voters don't count Biden out. I am a former republican and a never Trumper and I will vote for Joe as I did the last time. There is no way I could ever vote for Harris or Newsom. I know many people just like me who really dislike Trump but need a moderate Democrat to vote for.

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A good point. And if Biden is replaced I may have to hold my nose when I vote. I will have to hear what they say on the stump. But if Biden stays I hope everyone will stop all internecine fighting and give him 100%. Right now all the democrat discord is only helping Trump.

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