Believe what they say. Trump will implement it in full.

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I agree. Project 2025 needs to be taken seriously. They are trying to mount a Viktor Orban-style overthrow of our democracy and people need to know what's at stake. On the plus side, Trump's post means that more people will now hear about these plans. The question is, will they believe Trump's protestations of ignorance?

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Thanks, Chris. With regard to President Biden, I agree with you that it is important that he be lucid at all times.....but I also believe that criterion needs to be applied to Donald Trump as well. And as you have reported on many occasions, much of what he says either makes no sense or makes dangerous sense. Why isn't Trump being held to the same standard of 100% lucidity and being pushed to step down since he has not been able to meet that standard for some time?

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Trump may not have a policy bone in his body, but his first term demonstrated that there was no right-wing policy he wasn't willing to implement if someone handed it to him. See, e.g., the Muslim ban his first week in office; the separation of parents from their children at the border; January 6. He's already shown us that he's willing to go further than this. So, while I respect your take, I also think this is seriously downplaying the risk, which is irresponsible.

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$2 gas!

No inflation!

No wars!


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Re Project 2025, the next Trump Administration will include, at the highest levels, people like Johnny McEntee, Stephen Miller, and Russ Vought who will push their radical agenda, including Project 2025. And at lower levels of government there will be people loyal to this agenda in every agency.

A central tenant of Project 2025 is “Schedule F,” which is a plan approved by Trump in 2020 by executive order. President Biden reversed the order in 2021, but it will be resurrected in a new Trump Administration. Schedule F would replace thousands of non-political federal employees - including those with extensive expertise in their agencies and years of experience - with political lackeys loyal to Trump. They’ll be in positions of considerable influence over how federal programs are administered.

So Trump may not like to be told what to do, but the day-to-day decisions at these agencies are made by these lower level people. The policy options presented to Trump will originate with them. And McEntee, Miller, Vought and others will be in the Oval Office to convince Trump that he can take credit for these “great ideas.”

In the first Trump administration, there were at least some “grownups in the room” who could run interference against the craziest MAGA people. The next Trump administration won’t have grownups; the crazies will be in control.

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Trump will embrace whoever brings a following. And Project 2025 is funded from somewhere. When it no longer serves his purpose he will drop them. The political morass just gets more dangerous. And Trump is as dangerous as they come! PS- there had to be a better photo of George.

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Trump is a pathological liar. So to say he doesn’t know anything about Project 2025, I call Bull💩

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Yup! Lying is what he does best. He’s a professional!

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There are many more MAGAts involved in Project 2025. Trump's fingerprints are all over it.


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After his 35,000 lies while in office, many of which were throwing an associate and collaborator under the bus, why are you giving Trump credence? Sources from The Heritage Foundation have stated that the ideas contained therein are Trump's.

Why are you putting the burden of proof on Joe Biden?

Have you made any inquiry about the 7 appearances on Epstein's flight logs showing Trump visited Epstein Island 7 times for "massages?" Have you inquired about court documents, whether followed through or not, about allegations by 2 12 year old girls he required to perform lesbian sexual acts and the time he raped at least one, slapped her and threw money at her to assuage her fears that she might become pregnant?

Again, why the onus is on Biden who's stewardship of the U.S. government, economy and democracy he and his staff have served so well when you give the benefit of the doubt to a man who has likely broken every Commandment and most criminal laws throughout his life and who incited an insurrection, stole classified documents and likely continues to hold some?

Why are you going after Biden?

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Lozada from the NYT is spot on...Trump's loyalists will implement it all...they started it towards the end of his last term and are now much more organized & focused on their goals. And, yes, Trump will take credit for all of it.

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I think it is similar to leaving a loaded gun within the reach of a toddler. Maybe he never notices the gun or maybe he grabs the gun and worst case pulls the trigger. Either way, we have a toddler in charge of the country

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Project 2025, MAGA movement, America first...whatever. If Trump is president America will become a political hellscape. We can not let it happen.

(I watched the ABC interview. Biden was lucid, but is in such a totally deluded state of denial that he will hard to get rid of.) Dam.

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Women, wake up

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Well, Trump was more than happy to accept the The Heritage Foundation's recommendations for 3 Supreme Court justices, so why not their entire agenda? This is an easily digestible how-to guide for an ignorant child's second term.

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You know the saying about believing what they do not what they say. Or something like that. Trump will whole-heartedly jump into this. He has filled agencies with idiots who know nothing but how to take bribes. The “Supreme”Court’s handing down that ridiculous ruling a few days ago is the beginning part of the 2025 plan. So yeah, believe it! It seems somewhat out of a fantasy movie, I know. That’s where my brain was until I started reading, started reading it more from people like you. It’s no longer a fantasy feature film. It’s a feature of our possible future!

And it occurs to me the hysteria over Biden just might be the people who know about this by reading or listening to Rachael Maddoe.

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A bonus for America during Trump's first term was his incompetence and his ignorance of how government functions. He seemed to randomly leap from one wild to the next, but had trouble implementing them. He would be more dangerous in a second term, as I think he has learned some things. And I'm sure would rely on help if it were to his advantage, such as a blueprint carefully labelled as "NOT Project 2025".

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A note at the ends says "The United States created over 200,000 jobs in June. While the Biden administration touted the news, the New York Times’ Jim Tankersley noted that “April, May and June are now officially the weakest three-month stretch of job growth in Biden’s presidency. Today’s numbers, including revisions, show average job gains during that stretch were a bit under 180,000 per month.”

This makes it sound like that's bad or mediocre news for the Biden campaign. While it's obviously not top of mind this week, it's actually great news in terms of the campaign. They desperately *needed* a weaker result like this one (which is still reflective of a healthy economy) or else the Fed will never lower interest rates. This result could open the door to the Fed doing so next month. Lowering interest rates will have an immediate impact on every voter who is deciding whether or not to buy a house or condo and what they can afford, evaluating mortgage rates, evaluating whether to get a car, paying off a credit card balance, and so on -- in other words, all borrowers. There was a time when there were supposed to be three interest-rate adjustments this year, now it seems we are down to one or maybe two if everything goes right, and zero if not. For Dems like me, this was a rare bit of good news this week.

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