All I can say is I am so sick of these incredibly toxic rich trying to convince folks the system is rigged against them. Like supporting their choice will make your life easier. Sick of the spin - don't care what they think - pay your freaking taxes and shut the hell up. Any average person who buys into Musk & his crazy conspiracy theories need their head examined. Then we have the orange con man.

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I hope you cover the X media event. I refuse to login to a Musk enterprise so can't view anything on X. I was on Twitter but cant say I miss it. This is the last week for TRUMP to make another "pivot" before the DEMOCRATS command the media next week, but, I am sure he will find someway way to get the media focus back (either positive or NEGATIVE) next week....He might put VANCE back in drag <grin>

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Chris: couldn’t possibly agree with you more RE Musk & Trump creating an absolute sh*tstorm of an interview!

I’ll wait for your “xx Crazy Things Trump & Musk Said” post tomorrow, as listening to Trump’s voice is bad for my mental health!

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so special watching orange Jesus melting down like the wicked witch in the wizard of oz. poor poor guy.

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Ben Sasse has always been a disingenuous piece of shit. How many times did he flip flop on Trump?

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Hiring a politician to run a large university seems almost as bad of an idea as electing a president who was a reality TV star.

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Chris, if you are gonna do a best lines from the X fiasco a bottle of hooch..or maybe an edible.. and a few hours..or days.. of your time may be required.

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You have so much influence Chris that Trump’s campaign read your post tonight and worked hard to undermine the technologically perfect X platform so that the Trump/Elon conversation would have more conversation about tech issues than Trump statements! 😂😂😂😂

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That University of Florida story is dynamite in multiple ways. It speaks badly for the university and much worse for Sasse. His career in politics and allegedly "higher" education may be over...and deservedly so. Wow!! Great work by the young people working on the student newspaper!

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A great reminder that the goals of politics are personal achievement and enrichment, not public service. The real heroes and role models of public service are - for example - teachers, social workers, and the military.

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Please try to get the Lines from this interview. Two megalomaniacs in the same room, wow! Should be interesting.

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Nice batch of MAGA caps! Don't forget, nothing goes better with a ball cap than an Armani suit and a double-wide....

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The same poll you cite says more voters net positive that they will be better off under Trump whereas more voters believe they will be worse off under Harris.

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I am going to take issue with one part of an otherwise terrific “Chris Critical”.

You say that Trump was outspent in 2016. Technically, yes, he was. And what about the 16.7 gazillion dollars of free advertising that the lame stream media gave him every time his eyes twitched?

You’re a journalist, Chris. Do better.

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Trump’s investors watch slack-jawed as he drives the stock price of his “media” company into the basement. The poor folks who invested their savings can see the dollars swirling the drain…..

Can’t wait for the ever insightful Cillizza evaluation of this historic(or hysterical) event!

And….are we surprised when a Republican practices fiscal irresponsibility?

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There is hardly any business to the business. They just reported a 16 million loss on only 800k revenue for the quarter. And somehow the market cap is about 5 billion. Just another Trump fraud

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Re: interview - watch for hints of incitement...

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