Wait a second.

Let’s get this straight. “Tim Walz exaggerated or misstated facts about his past. Which matters (really?!?!?!) — because Walz is running to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.”

Each of these “exaggerated or misstated facts” are mostly trivial and really mean little. They do not “matter”.

By comparison, and what DOES “matter” is Trump (and Vance) regularly not only have “exaggerated or misstated facts” they have BLATANTLY LIED, over and over and over and over again about EXTREMELY substantial facts and events.

Not a handful of LIES either. TENS OF THOUSANDS. The awful reality that anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth (and to a lesser extent but still stunning, Vance’s) is a LIE.

This is NOT normal.

Besides the fact that Trump is not running to “be a heartbeat away from the presidency.”…he is running FOR the presidency.

Which is worse….Tim Walz “exaggerated or misstated facts about his past” from almost 40 years ago, or the Chairmen of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, wanting to hold HEARINGS investigating Walz’s (non-existent) ties to the Chinese Communist Party??

We are truly living in Bizarro World

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You don't send an Arsonist to go and put out fire. The average voters do not think that Trump will be able stop the "chaos" around the World. They know better. Remember Covid 19?

It's time turn the page from Trump

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Chris, what is your basis for saying world chaos favors Trump? Do you have polling to that effect? Yes, there are foolish people who believe his promises, despite his broken promises re the Wall, the check from Mexico, and the new infrastructure and healthcare plans that never came. Yes, there are under-informed people who believe the world was calm under Trump, despite the war in Afghanistan he conducted and Putin’s presence in Crimea. ( Did anyone notice he didn’t solve that in a day but rather used it to blackmail Zelenskyy ?) But people who believes such things were already voting for Trump. I would hope- but don’t know- that people with an open mind would prefer Harris’s serious approach to Trump’s silly promises and want a POTUS who is trying to do good rather than one who is trying to keep out of jail and seek retribution

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"Things are crazy in the world right now! Wars are breaking out everywhere! It seems totally out of control!.....People don’t like out of control. They don’t like to feel as though countries are bombing each other willy nilly — and that the U.S. can’t or won’t do anything about it."

Memo to the author of these lines: It seems likely that many people are smart enough to realize the US had nothing to do with the start of any of these incidents and/or wars.

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The less Walz says tonight, the better. And can anyone remember any other candidate running for head of state as a chaos agent? On the MAGA right, non-stop lying, vile and violent rhetoric, and anti- America hate- speech have become the norm. Sowing distrust and anger, while also instilling fear into the electorate, is also part of their cynical strategy. It goes against everything America has always been about, and the Founders would be horrified, as would Reagan. Way to go, MAGA. Geez.

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But the fact of the matter is, the world was NOT calm and peaceful while Trump was in office. He just says it was. There were conflicts around the world and caravans of migrants entering our borders and acts of terrorism at home. As for Afghanistan, that was probably about the best anyone could do leaving a war zone. Remember how things went down in Vietnam at the end, embassy staff being evacuated by helicopter? And, of course, Covid.

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You just can’t trust CNN anymore. They seem to work for Republicans. Are they paying congressman Comer? I’d be careful, Chris for pushing unverified propaganda. Also does it matter if Walz can’t remember where he was in 1989? lol Is it a political crisis? Remember Trump is now accusing Harris of murder and absolutely no one cares? This is a great example of asymmetrical reporting. Republicans want to make it a crisis to undermine Walz while ignoring the insane behavior of their own candidate and VP. It’s not objective reporting.

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Both sidesism is CNNs thing so it’s kinda cool that you are identifying Republican politicians CNN has criticized to justify an attack on Waltz.

A ten year old child could discern the difference between JD Vance who made up a cat eating story to incite violence against migrants who had been invited in by Republicans to save their town’s economy and Walz who misremembered what he did 20 years ago. It’s not really a credible comparison. An attempt to make it so is Republicanism today, don’t you think? Which do you think is more outrageous or don’t you think it matters? Is it just one media attack on one deserves another regardless of the substance? Don’t you think that is hilarious?

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Wouldn't you remember if you were in Hong Kong during Tiananmen Square? And not try to pass buck on your DWI arrest? Or your military rank?

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This is all Republican propaganda. Which is my point. Let me ask you. Are you a Democrat?

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JD Vance is an awful piece of shit stripped of all moral value, but that doesn't excuse any of Walz's foibles.

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Even if any of these things were true, it’s smacks of Republican bias. I mean Trump is a convicted rapist. There’s an argument to be made that if that isn’t disqualifying, doesn’t stir the media to harp on that for months as they did with Biden’s age, then bringing up a possible, not verified, moment of forgetfulness, is an attempt to find something to undermine Walz credibility. Which is ridiculous.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

A moment of forgetfulness? He's repeated the same stuff numerous times. They gave his campaign a chance to respond and they had nothing.

Wouldn't you remember if you were in that area during Tiananmen Square? Of course you would. It's like saying you were in New York for 9/11 but being in California, come on.

He also fudged the details of his DWI arrest when he first ran for Congress to make himself look better.

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CNN utterly destroyed liar Byron Donalds.


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CNN torpedoed Mark Robinson last week

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You think the two issues are comparable do you? lol

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You said they work for the Republicans. They clearly don't.

Walz has been misrepresenting his past for years.

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The lead shareholder of CNNs parent company is a Trump supporter. It’s clear that CNNs editorial policy has shifted right significantly over the last 4 years which is reflected in their ratings. They use a parade of Republicans and paid Republican analysts. I’m not sure that you are going to find many Democratic Americans which think CNN is a Democratic network now. There’s a reason for that.

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Because both sides complain about "bias" every chance they get unless their talking points are being regurgitated. If Walz hadn't told some tall tales, they wouldn't write about it.

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Read this SubStack post about imports and GDP.


The average American couldn’t even get through the entire post without fainting from mental exhaustion.

This election has nothing to do with reality and right and wrong. Sadly, it’s all about what’s in it for me? The Billionaires and dumbasses have spoken.

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A cornered rat, folks. A cornered rat 🐀

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Are you referring to Walz and his fabrications?

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No . Referring to Trump and his many lies

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

The issue is that Trump was chaos. Biden promised normalcy.

Yet under Biden, you had the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and now it looks like the world is on fire in the Middle East. Whether that's his fault or not or he has anything to do it, Trump can say: I may send out dumb tweets and do dumb stuff, but look at how the world was under me, and look how it is under the "normal" candidates.

I will be watching the Braves lose to the Padres instead of the debate, so disappointed we won't get your thoughts, but hopefully the chat will be entertaining and keep me abreast.

The debate feels teed up for Vance to wipe the floor with him

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