I cannot imagine most women in American wouldn't find Vance's antediluvian ideas about women abhorrent. I will walk barefoot over broken glass to vote against him and the orange turd, who both want to send women back to the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

Love Kamala and the energy she's bringing to the race. Thank you, thank you, thank you to President Biden for stepping aside and putting country before party. I'd love to see Trump v Harris in a debate. She'll chew him up and spit him out. Bring it on!!

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I think Trump is not going to be easy to debate. I see these kind of ultra confident statements a lot and I think they are a bad idea. I’m a KH fan, BTW.

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I respectfully disagree. But tell me why you think she can't take him on?

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Being a Californian, I’ll be voting for Kamala for the 5th time now, and I’ve watched her debate quite a few times. I’ve seen some really good performances and some mediocre, so I *get* both Elaine’s and Sam’s perspectives.

And I agree that Trump poses some unique challenges in a debate: he’s a motormouth; he lies constantly; he’s a bully and will talk over the top of you, if given a chance. However, he’s a very known entity and should be easier to prepare for, as it’s unlikely he’ll say something new that he hasn’t said in a rally.

Kamala can laugh at the stupid stuff he says, which will put her in command and just might fluster Trump if she’s sarcastic enough. She can start each of her segments with “Well, everything he just said is a lie, but that’s not surprising, is it?” She’ll be in command of the facts, and she can continue to highlight that he’s a felon and act like the good prosecutor that she was. If she grills him, similar to what she did on the Judiciary Committee with Kavanaugh or Barr, she’ll win it hands down.

It won’t be a walk in the park, but she has it in her to be *very* effective.

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Because he lies without remorse and it's impossible to fact check everything he says in real-time. If you call him out on something, he just says wrong.

Harris struggled against Pence. She brutally owned by Tulsi Gabbard. She's not this amazing debater everyone assumes.

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I have the same level opinon of Vance that I have for Trump. Another big mouthed smart ass! The Republicans are really despicable!

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Vance represents the current Republican Party who says extreme things out loud, like ban IVF, DEI and childless women. Trump wants the extremists not to say that until he’s elected. Harris just needs to run on: “look at these creepy male racist, misogynistic weirdos and she’ll win. The election will be fought on how much control Trump’s team has on the vocal MAGAs. Right now, that’s none Trump has lost control of the hate.

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Right now it looks like a close race to me and the JD pick hurts Trump a little. Kamala and her supporters need to approach this race like we are behind. She needs strong grass roots support. So far I am giving more money then time as I am not in a swing state.

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Chris, your Substack is one of the most informative and entertaining parts of my day! La Cheeserie!

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There is an aspect to the J.D. Vance pick so obvious that I totally missed it. What is the most single important state in the election? Michigan. Where did J.D. Vance go to college? Ohio State. Unless you went to Michigan, I don't think you can understand how deep this runs. They really didn't think this one through.

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In the 2016 Republican primary in Michiigan, John Kasich, Governor of Ohio and Ohio State alum, did not seem to lose support because of that:


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"We talked about my trip to Cooperstown and my attempt to drink a gallon of milk in an hour." I'm reminded of Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke where he says "I can eat fifty eggs" (Bagaluga, we got a bet).

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Mike, what we have here is a failure to communicate.

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Seems that debating Trump legitimizes the candidacy of someone who is an an insurrectionist, convicted felon, and convicted sexual predator.

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The former game show host should have stayed in his lane. He should have chosen Vanna White!

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Also remember the chaos that followed Bush 41’s pick of VP Dan Quayle in 1988 (alleged avoiding military service via rich family, faked academic credentials, youthful drug use). The ticket prevailed!

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"What worried me about Vance as a VP pick..." writes Chris. What actually worries me is that a commentator who professes a lack of bias would "worry" about anyone's VP pick.

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Congrats for the nitpicking nonsense award of the day.

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Three more debates: one on ABC, One on MSNBC and a third on Fox News

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Vance got too much success too soon.

Now he's getting his comeuppance!

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Yes, it sure is a big comeuppance to be named the Republican VP candidate!


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Does anyone know what the initials J.D. mean in Vance’s name? JUST DIGGING! 😆🤣😂

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I was much much younger when I last tried to drink a gallon of milk in an hour.

Tried it twice, failed both times.

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There can be a lot of analysis on why Vance was selected but at the end of the day Trump doesn’t have a single strategic bone in his body. He selected Vance because Don Jr liked Vance. I believe Harris was going to prove the better candidate without Vance regardless of how moderate or not she is. You put her side by side, split screen during a debate and the youth and vigor of Harris will be glaring, compared to Trump. With Vance in the ticket it could very well be a landslide for Harris.

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