5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

John Bolton saying that (along with Trump) Harris is "not qualified" to be president shows what a partisan ass hat he is.

Of course Trump is NOT qualified to be president, he never has been and never will be. His chaotic, twice impeached, 100's of thousands of needless deaths during Covid because of his sheer incompetence and narcissism and his stunning failed coup attempt capped off a totally disastrous failed presidency.

VP Harris on the other hand, most definitely IS VERY qualified to be president. She has more than enough experience, intelligence, temperament, judgment and respect for the Constitution and the rule of law.

NONE of which Trump has.

One may not agree with her ideology, but to say she is not qualified is woefully dishonest and purposely ignorant. I suspect that Bolton knows he is spewing bullshit, but does it anyway.

I do not agree with pretty much every political stance and ideology of say, Nikki Haley, but she IS, in fact qualified to be president.

I would hold my nose, do my patriotic duty and vote for her if she was the only viable alternative to Trump.

No, it is not enough for prominent Republicans to say they are not going to vote for Trump because they recognize he is unfit for office and represents a unique dangerous threat, and then refuse to vote for the only other person who can beat him.

SHAME ON these charlatans.

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Not voting for trump is not enough. The man tried to over throw the government, for cripe's sake. What is so hard to understand about that? why is that not a disqualifier? Even more than Trump, I fault all the spineless toadies around him and in Congress WHO KNOW BETTER for enabling him and normalizing this treasonous behavior. Maybe you don't like Harris or don't agree with one thing about her policy. But if she wins, at least you'd be able to have the policy discussion.

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Something your video didn't address: Trump's favorite doctor -- Rep. Ronny Jackson -- was reported to dispense prescription drugs like candy and was busted by the U.S. Navy from Rear Admiral to Captain. This is not a doctor whose opinion I would take at face value.

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As we’ve seen from recent elections (2000, 2016), voting for candidates or non-candidates that have no viable chance helps determine the result of the election, often in ways those people didn’t intend. If people are against Trump but are not voting for Harris, the reality is they are essentially voting for Trump. It’s an attempt to stand on principle in a way that is immature and ultimately harmful. It’s strange that public figures at minimum wouldn’t grasp that.

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How sad that Romney concerns for the safety of his family if he were to endorse Harris. Civility hardly exists.

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Your point is exactly right. If you’re going to come out against Trump, then have the courage to vote for his opponent. If not, you’re just engaging in performative BS, to be honest.

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Trump must be stopped, and abstaining is not a valid option. As Chris says, it’s a binary choice. I commend to everyone Jack Smith’s latest filing, which sets forth in bold relief Trump’s criminal and disqualifying acts re the election. And, of course, we all lived through the chaos of his last term. We need a functioning GOP for our system to work. We can’t get a functioning GOP until we get past the Trump era. This is no time for good people to take half measures.

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"Functioning GOP" is now an anachronism, an oxymoron. A functioning alternate party, yes, GOP, no.

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Closet Harris voters instead of closet Trump voters? It’s going to be an interesting Nov 5th. lol

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Not voting for either candidate is cowardly. When making major decisions I come from the pros and cons school. And if you are a moderately informed citizen, pros for Harris far outweigh the cons for Trump (pun intended). FAR outweigh the cons for Trump. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have guts. They have put it all on the line to speak out. As citizens we have the responsibility to vote like it counts. Because it does. I live in Chicago and saw a woman on the news who voted for the first time for FDR and has voted in every election since-local, state or national. Her message? Teach your children to vote!

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Question: Does it seem different, morally, for someone to have worn makeup to look like a specific person - Michael Jackson, in this case - as opposed to doing so to, essentially, portray a racial stereotype?

I mean, I don't think someone should do either. But decades ago, I don't think it was widely understood to be inappropriate.

I think back to when I was a kid in the '80s and dressed up as a samurai for Halloween. I don't remember if my mom put makeup on me to look Japanese, but she might have. (My family had previously lived in Japan and I have always loved Japan.)

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I really don't see how a 20yo superfan (and that guy apparently is a massive fan) dressing up as his hero even with darkening his face, is going to be much of an issue. I can't imagine Michael Jackson himself would have been offended by it.

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I’m not sure if Americans grasp the complexity of which you speak - they’re not dumb, it just doesn’t occur to my fellow citizens.

Some argue that a religious school’s football team’s name, the Crusaders (after the Crusades), should be changed because of what happened and others argue that it should remain as more a traditional name of the team and it was a different time when it was named.


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Where do you find these great songs ?!

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Weird that Bolton won’t follow his fellow neo-cons down the VP Harris road.

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Agree! I mean, if Dick Cheney can, Bolton who has directly suffered at the hands of Trump should be able to!

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Completely unacceptable for these Republicans to cop out and not vote for or endorse Harris. These people are delusional if they think they will preserve some ability to influence the party from the inside. The base, which will remain after Trump is gone, don’t want any part of these people. I am especially disappointed with Dewine. Trump’s lies tore Springfield apart. Dewine asks him to stop, he doesn’t, and Dewine still supports him? What an abject coward

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Exactly right. Writing in the name of someone who's dead or has no chance to win is no better than not voting. Either take the threat of Trump seriously and act accordingly or don't pretend you're acting on principle. If you just can't punch the ballot for a Democrat because of a lifetime of one-party voting, you're not putting country first.

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It seems to me that the logic is quite clear.

If someone will not vote for Trump because they truly feel that he is a threat to this nation and they will also not vote for Harris, they must therefore think that she must also be a threat to the nation, even if that threat is of a different variety, and that each threat is substantial enough to outweigh the need to vote for either one.

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Or they are just lacking in intellectual or moral fiber….

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Observation tells us a lot about the health of Donald J Trump. He is elderly, he is obese. He eats poorly. He exercises minimally. His color is bad enough that he needs a layer of tanning makeup to disguise it. He fumbles cognitively. And for goodness sake..how many cognitive test could one fella need??? He is constantly braying about having “aced” yet another cognitive test…why?? If the press made this “a thing”, he may still not show his records but there’d be a spotlight on his frailty. And remember,those who vote for a debilitated Trump are voting for a President JD Vance.

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