It feels like the press is driving the focus on President Biden, because there’s been nothing about the other candidates deflection of every question and his tsunami of lies. Just 6-weeks or so ago, physicians issued a report about the visible indicia of the other candidates cognitive decline—mixing up sounds, shifting topics mid sentence as though he’d lost his though, and many more. (Leave aside the sharks and batteries). The media generally poo-poohed arm chair diagnoses and that was that.

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Per Chris, Trump does mot have dementia but Biden should have a cognitive test

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As I said…..🤦‍♀️

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It’s not Biden vs. “the media” or Biden vs “the elites”. It’s Biden vs the people. If anything, most MSM or left-leaning media either ignored the story or minimized it as right wing propaganda. Yet, poll after poll showed that voters were concerned about his ability to do the job for another four years (and for the record, I think that he did a great job for the most part over the last four years), and yet we were told to ignore those polls, there they didn’t matter, etc. Meanwhile, the White House effectively cocooned Biden, probably because his advisors knew full well what would happen if the President was challenged or had to go off script. We saw no press conferences. Very few face to face interviews. And then the debate happened and it was even worse than even Fox News could have ever hoped would be the case. That’s not the media’s fault. That’s the fault of President Biden and his handlers.

Incidentally, if this is coming across as being angry, that’s because I am. I stand by my opinion that Donald Trump represents an existential threat to our country’s democracy, and President Biden very likely handed him the White House on a silver platter.

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This is all true, except maybe your emphasis is wrong. Have you considered adding a dash of so what? He’s old as dirt. But he did much to restore sanity and decency to the Presidency and had a pretty good term compared to pretty much anybody, certainly Trump. Nobody thought he was running the country by himself last term nor does he claim he would in the second term. Some voters want the Heritage Foundation and Trump, but I’m wagering a majority do not. It’s going to be okay. Biden is allowed to be old.

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As of right now, it appears even more so that Trump will win as it seems as though many are falling in line backing Biden.

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Then the party will get what it deserves. The problem is that we will all pay the price for its shortsightedness.

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I have not yet given up on dem leaders. I contacted several today and I have been posting this link wherever I think it might help:


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you have heard from me before regarding all the hoopla over Biden's age specifically. so, keep harping on why he should not run instead of pointing out the real stakes in this election. to wit, Donald is a clear and present danger to democracy, Biden is not. Donald's 2025 heritage foundation project is a blueprint for a dictatorship. write and analyze that. the stakes are much higher than Biden periodically slipping or whatever. compared to Donald, Joe Biden is an Angel.

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If Biden wants to dispel the rumours and innuendo, he can do one simple thing: blitz all types of media for 2 weeks with lengthy unscripted interviews and demonstrate that he can think on his feet and be in complete control of his narrative and message.

However, he knows that he can't actually do that, so the fallback, like kings of old, is to metaphorically shoot the messenger.

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Voters know who Joe Biden is. He’s not going to convince anybody he’s suddenly gotten younger since the debate, nor does he need to in order to win. He’s restored sanity and dignity to the office and had a pretty successful presidency by all accounts. I don’t give a crap how many one armed push-ups he can do. If it’s him or Trump a majority of voters will pick Biden and he doesn’t have to pass any or your tests.

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The NYT has done plenty of Trump bashing. Ever heard of Maggie Haberman? If Biden wants the press to stop reporting on his stumbles, mumbles, and bumbles then he should stop messing up. ( guessing JB will have a hard time fulfilling that one). And ANYONE who believes that the debate disaster and its aftermath were not bigtime newsworthy is a hopeless Dem hack.

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Are stumbles, mumbles, and bumbles by Biden a bigger story than Trump being a constant fixture at Epstein’s pedophile compound? Tell me about your Maggie Haberman theory? Why does Trump treat her like his personal therapist? Do you think he hasn’t figured out she’s going to do a piece in the NYT? They seem to both be benefiting so they not? If she hurt him in any way, she wouldn’t get the access. Am I hopeless? Are you hopeful? About what exactly?

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In fact what actually happened is that the media covered up Biden's mental decline, until that became completely untenable after the debate. Read Olivia Nuzzi's piece in New York Magazine, in which she reveals that she (and a bunch of other reporters) personally witnessed a blank-eyed Biden recognizing nobody back in April. Did she or any of the others report that? Nope, not a word. Conspiracy of silience by the MSM.

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I’ll vote against Trump under any circumstances. Biden or whomever is the Democratic nominee has my vote this Nov. Having said that, it doesn’t seem like a reach to say Biden has lost a step or two and that a younger candidate has a better chance of defeating Trump this fall. To me, the ONLY goal is to see Trump defeated on Election Day. In my opinion Biden is not the best choice to make that outcome happen. I can easily see some of my fellow citizens sitting out the election if the choice is between an absolutely deplorable human being and a good man who presents himself as possibly (probably?) suffering from mental decline.

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First. You came close with the whomever. It was wrong, but I appreciate the effort.

To the merits, it is not a “reach” to say Biden has lost a step or two. He absolutely has. It is absolutely a reach to say a younger candidate would have a better shot at beating Trump. Who would that be exactly? Biden has already beaten Trump and served as President for one term. Compare the Trump term and the Biden term. Which will voters prefer? Among the second stringers the resume that comes closest to Biden’s at a considerable distance is Kamala’s, but Kamala can’t argue with any credibility that she deserves credit for all of the administration’s accomplishments, although she does seem to have a hand in its biggest political liability: immigration. She’s doing an awesome job as hype woman. If she continues to do that effectively, she is likely to get a shot at being President if Biden wins. If not, she’s done.

Lastly, it doesn’t matter at all who you think would do a better job. (See what I did there? It’s a subject, not an object. ) Biden won the primary. He’s keeping his delegates. There’s no way to push him out, so he’s the nominee. If he’s a soup-eating nap taking 81 year old apparently succeeding through whatever means in performing the job with the greatest responsibility in the world, let’s keep rolling with that as long as he’s willing. It’s working.

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No, it certainly does not matter who I think will do a better job. Though I am entitled to my option and still believe Biden is not the best choice. Hopefully I’m wrong as you have kindly pointed out to me.

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Opinion obviously, not option

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There’s poetry there. That should be the headline in all these stories. If there were options, I’d be right with you. I certainly was right after the debate. Because it’s all moot unless Biden steps down, and he won’t, it’s just sitting around jabbing at one of the very few weak spots of our President. Do this thought experiment: give him permission to be old. Imagine you don’t care. See how you feel.

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See, here's the problem. There are some, like yourself, giving a fair assessment (even if I don't agree with it), but a cursory review of the NYT FB page the last 2 days show 16 posts about Biden, almost all using negative language in the lead and only 3 of Trump with none using negative language in the lead. It's not all the media, but the NYT and Fox News (obviously) are.

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I was a long-time subscriber to the NYT until a couple of months ago. It has become no better than a supermarket tabloid.

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Thankfully, I never gave them my money

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^^^^ this here

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The media isn’t going to cover Trump’s many faults and failings as long as Biden remains in denial about his declining facilities.

There’s no way to spin what we saw with our own eyes. We a saw greatly diminished man who also happens to be the leader of the free world. All of Biden’s successes and policies can’t change the fact that he is progressively declining. He will never again be the Joe Biden of 2020. And in the coming years he won’t be the person that he is today. It’s heartbreaking but true.

If Biden is really serious about stopping Trump from regaining the White House he needs to step aside for someone younger and more articulate.

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If RBG is really serious about preserving abortion rights, she will step down while Obama is still POTUS.

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Yup. Another example of ego getting in the way of what's good for the country.

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Is it true that the President is in denial about his declining faculties? Seems like that topic has come up quite a bit recently and each time he has acknowledged he is not as young and he used to be and can’t do certain things as well as he could in the past. If that sounds like a dismissive answer, maybe the question is kind of dumb? Biden is older than he was. Moreover, he was old as dirt previously and older still now. He is likely to continue to age for as long as he lives. Why is any of this revelatory? Who denies it? Is there some new Deepthroat giving away the guarded secret that 81 is old? Which media outlet is going to get out in front of this coverup story and really run with it? Which voters knew Biden was old, and when did they know it?

I also wonder if it’s true that Biden can’t win because he’s old. I, for one, don’t give a rat’s ass. Biden doesn’t need to introduce himself to voters and hope his name gets out there. Biden and Trump have each served one term. Thus this is not only the “most important election of our lifetime” (they always say that, but it may actually be true this time, at least so far, for me), it’s also the easiest election of our lifetime. Were you better off in 2020 than you are in 2024? Do you think America was better off in 2020 than it is now? Which do you want a second helping of? If you’re not getting a substantial check regularly from the Murdoch’s, it’s a pretty easy question.

Biden probably can’t run the country by himself next term. But Trump couldn’t either. And neither did their first term, either. Biden doesn’t need to engage in feats of strength to satisfy y’all or delight his enemies. It’s okay to be old. He’s doing a good job and the more of that we can get the better off we will be.

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With all due respect Kelly - I think that you're mixing up some things:

1. It's not simply the fact that Biden is old - it's that he's obviously suffering from AGE-RELATED cognitive and physical deterioration. The older he gets, the worse this will become. It doesn't get better with time.....

2. The choice is not - does not have to be - Biden or Trump. Biden could easily step aside for someone younger and more articulate. The only thing stopping him is the Biden family collective ego.

3. I think that you want to be cautious about asking whether peole are better off now than 4 years ago. I would guess that for that vast majority of Americans, the answer would be either an emphatic "no" - or at best an indifferent "not really". Collateral damage from Biden's decline is that he has been a TERRIBLE communicator as President. He may well have accomplished many things - but I can't think of one off the top of my head that benefits me. Nothing that I can point to and say "wow, that really helped a lot of Americans". There have been "announcements" but not much in terms of results.

Three other points:

1. If defeating Trump is absolutely essential to prevent our country from sliding into Fascism, then wouldn't it make sense for the Democrats to nominate the person with the greatest likelihood of beating Trump? Do we really think that Biden is the best candidate to achieve this? Yes, Biden defeated Trump in 2020... but that was four years ago. He's not the same man that he was. He's had four years of progressive decline in his physical and cognitive abilities.

2. You might be convinced that Biden is up to the job of defeating Trump and being President for another four year. However, indenpendent voters and persuadable Republicans disagree with you. The support of true-blue Democrats is not sufficient to get Biden elected.

3. Joe Biden is a good and decent man that has spent a lifetime in public service. He has many accomplishments to his credit, and would be judged by history as a pretty good President. But if he insists on running against Trump and loses, his legacy will be trashed. No one will remember him as anything other than a frail and cognitively impaired old man that - when the time came for him to do the right thing for his country - let gratification of his ego outweigh the good of the nation. No one will remember Biden for anything other than the debate debacle and his refusal to step aside for someone younger and more articulate. The word "Biden" will be used the same way that "Carter" was used in the 1980s and 1990s - shorthand for weakness, poor decisions, and losing.

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If you can’t think of a “wow” Biden accomplishment and don’t believe 2024 is better than 2020, maybe the problem isn’t that Biden isn’t a good enough candidate. Maybe you’re not a good enough voter. Lots of people, for instance, get interested in the economy, especially around election time. You might want to consider number of jobs created or lost in each term. If you want to forgive Trump’s abysmal record as being due to COVID, you might naturally want to do some reading on that topic and compare each President’s response to that crisis. Did the bright light, disinfectant, ivermectin guy help much or not? Did you happen to run across anything about January 6, 2020? I think if you read up a bit about how things were going when Biden took office you might decide that indeed things do seem to be going better now. It’s a lengthy topic with numerous subtopics and I’m not sure how much time I want to invest in you. But I encourage you to catch up and try to understand why Biden is considered one of the most accomplished Presidents since WWII.

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Actually… you really haven’t mentioned a single reason why the average voter should support Biden - as opposed to vote against Trump. What are all of these “accomplishments” of which you speak? The economy? I think that the polls are pretty clear that most people think the economy sucks. Maybe not for Wall Street, but for the average person.

Even if I grant you that Biden is one of the most accomplished Presidents since WW2 - which I disagree with - the fact is that past performance is no guarantee of future returns when you’re dealing with degenerative cognitive and physical abilities. Biden will never be as good as he was in 2020… and he will never again be as sharp as he is TODAY. He will only get worse…

This is not a recipe for beating Trump, whose supporters don’t care if he’s a felon, or a fraud, or a rapist, or also cognitively impaired. They consider it a feature not a flaw. That’s who we’re dealing with. To post a bunch of blue hearts with “Biden or bust” comments is not going to beat Trump. I wish it was different.

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When the history of democracy’s demise is written, there will be a chapter devoted to you, Chris, and to your ilk. The preoccupation with Biden’s health, to the exclusion of Trump’s even-more obvious cognitive decline—not to mention his nonsensical policy initiatives (like the elimination of income taxes and the adoption of 100% tariffs—does not reflect an intent to inform the public, but rather a desire to maximize your own profits. And your justifications are absurdly self-serving: no one expects (or wants) you to report solely on Trump. And media’s supposed historical preoccupation with “new” news does not bind you. You have your own choices to make, and you have made them to the detriment of our republic.

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Nice to finally see something both Pres. Biden and former Pres. Trump have in common, blaming the press. Who says we are more divided than ever?

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And crowds! Biden is proclaiming that getting 500 people to show up at a middle school auditorium in Wisconsin proves that he is fit for office!

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Don't forget slamming the "elites". That was a new one for Biden today.

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It's sad to note how Trumpian Biden sounds of late.

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I agree with you that the difference between Trump and Biden is enormous. I'm just saying that might not be enough for the undecideds. Perception is a big motivator.

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Gee, ya think? It's obvious, or should be

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Most of the media I consume, normally focuses more on the awful things Trump does. Right now it’s focusing more on Biden because of what happened at the debate and the resulting fall out. That’s called journalism. In my opinion if someone is advocating the media not cover Biden’s current situation in order to help him win, you are advocating for the exact same thing that we fear Trump will do with regards to the press.

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Before the debate the GOP was making headway in the polls on the age issue alone and it was weighing on Biden’s numbers.

Biden should have been able to easily respond to the other key issues of inflation, and the immigration bill that Trump sabotaged

But Biden is not nimble. He is not able to vigorously engage and looks weak.

If Biden stays in the race what happens at the second debate

Imagine the contrast of a Senator Murphy, Governor Whitmer, Gov Pritzker going forward. We have had far too many over age leaders vying for office of late, and they would be a welcome change.


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We need to end the white gerontocracy for the good of our country.

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Yes, we need POC gerontocrats!

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For sure. I’m curious how white is white and how old is old though? Is there a manifesto somewhere that explains it all in detail? I might not be able to understand it all. If you can just give me the basics of who is okay, and who needs to be eliminated, I’ll get right on that.

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There ISN't a manifesto Kelly - that's the problem. Because of that we have:

1. RGB tarnishing her legacy by waiting until Trump was in office before dying.

2. Gaga politicians like Diane Feinstein, John McCain, and Mitch McConnell - amongst others - that provide evidence for the belief that high-ranking politicians are virtually all too old and not representative of the nation.

3. Biden condemning us all to watching our country become a Fascist kleptocracy.

4. Young voters who have totally checked out of the political process, because who gets excited about someone old enough to be their grandfather/great-grandfather running for office.

There needs to be a legislatively set upper age limit for political office - say 70 years old. And the Democratic party needs to take an active role in ensuring that candidates for all offices at all levels are vibrant, articulate, and reflect the diversity of this nation. (the GOP has been captured by the racists, Fascists and greed-heads, so I don't care what they do). Nomination for higher office shouldn't like the Presidency shouldn't be given as a reward for long service...

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Bull. Big media has kept these stories moving, trolling Capitol Hill in search of defectors, running story after story, ad nauseam. Meanwhile, the clear psychosis of Donald Trump, we are told, is “baked in.” Stop with the breathless race horse coverage, the mindless parroting of each and every poll, the harassment of the White House Press Secretary. None of this is putting food on anybody’s table.

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I wish they would make a decision- again this is a vote to save liberty for citizens in this country. If Trump delivers - his Supreme Court stands and more rights will fade away. This isn't just about Trump and Biden - after the last decision in which a president cannot be held responsible for breaking the law. A step too far

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It *is*a step too far.

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They are purposely destroying Biden bc they have determined he can’t beat Trump (correct assumption). If Biden forges on (doubtful) how can he ask Ds to vote for him when the Democratic Party has told everyone he’s not fit? This is so troubling, lie and not report the truth, then when exposed attempt to get rid of the president as quickly as possible. Both Biden and the D party have misplayed their hands since the awful debate performance. It’s kinda funny to watch the whole thing implode……

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