Regarding Republican election deniers ... Funny thing. Not a single Republican elected official has questioned the results of the elections which they personally won. Not even in any of the states where Trump et al say that you cannot trust the integrity of the election process.

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Such hypocrites!

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OK, he's not an idiot.

Can we call him an asshole?

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Sure. It's appropriate.

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i wasn't sure if that was strong enough.

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well, you can call him a fucking asshole. I'm ok with that too.

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Vance: I'm not an idiot, I just play one on TV

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Interesting that NONE of the election denying, Trump supporting, MAGA Republicans has ever questioned the results of ANY OTHER ELECTION. I would love to hear JD Vance explain that.

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I bring that up all the time.

"Hey, if we were so smart and could rig elections, why wouldn't we rig ALL of them and win everything?"

Blank stares. Mouths agape, tongue hanging out. Unable to formulate any response or even comprehend what they are alleging.

But nope, they're not in a cult.

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chris is brat

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I laughed

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Trump’s entire identity is built upon a mountain of lies. Truth is a worthless concept to him. He declares by fiat that the “truth” is whatever he finds to his advantage in the moment. The travesty is that a perhaps winning coalition of the willing have suspended disbelief. They ignore that he broke almost every promise he made: no Wall; no check from Mexico; no new healthcare plan; no infrastructure plan. Now, he’s supposed to be running based on inflation and immigration . Well, as today’s news shows, inflation has been tamed . We beat that worldwide issue better than other countries. Heard any plans from Trump to lower prices? Nope. That wouldn’t happen absent a serious recession. Immigration. Well, he obviously failed to solve the problems last time, and he blocked legislation to do so now. This nonsense about mass deportations is yet another hollow promise, and even if he kept it, the resulting labor crisis would be highly inflationary.

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One thing we need to understand about MAGA world. They have heard a ka-jillion times that there was no fraud, 61 legal cases lost, 3 re-counts in Georgia, yada yada. In MAGA world, facts don't matter, not even alternative facts. It is a cult. There is one thing about the enablers. In a sense, I don't blame Trump for a lot of this. All the elected officials in Congress (starting with McCarthy, McConnell, Cruz, Graham, Stefanik) who they know better. They are all smart. Trump is too shallow and stupid to know any better. But those other people DO know better and made conscious decisions. If they had banded together, (like the people at the Justice Department did) and stood up to him, he could not have fought them all. McConnell stands out as the true evil entity here. Had he voted to impeach the second time, it would have given enough others permission to vote to impeach, and we wouldn't be living this nightmare. History will consign these spineless toadies to a 7th circle of Hell.

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I agree with you re the culpability of R elected officials . But they follow the whims of their voters. It's a biz for them ,and they do what the customer demands. The more dispiriting fact to me is that his voters go way beyond the cult at this point. His cult may believe his lies. But many others are voting for him who know he's lying about the 2020 election and many other things. Many even know he's a know-nothing. Some of these folks are motivated by fear of the other and social change. Others are motivated by the simple desire to keep taxes as low as possible. It's a noxious coalition, and it just might win.

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and some will vote for him because they still believe he can take them back to a white male dominated country where everybody else knows their place.

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But the reporters never call out and trap JD Fourlastnames with the very obvious point you made: trump constantly refers to 2020, so JD cannot maintain the lie of being focused on the future. Gee I wonder why the reporters can’t master the obvious and do their actual jobs.

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Exactly. It is Convicted Felon Trump who is obsessed with the 2020 election. By backing him, they are endorsing that obsession.

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You know, about those 4 names. The GOP insist that people should live with the gender assigned and listed on their birth certificate. How come he doesn't have to use the name on his birth certificate? A name is as important as gender, amiright?

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These are not smart people Chris. Which makes them extremely attractive to millions of Americans.

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They really should let him play golf and eat more Mc’Donalds.

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Trumpers are in the cult and beyond reasoning with. But for those undecided voters, all they need to do is examine which candidate is talking about the future and which candidate is obsessing about the past. Even for low information voters, it seems that the difference in focus should be dispositive in deciding who to vote for

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Trump is known to cheat at golf. Among golfers, cheating at golf is known to be very dishonorable. A window into the soul of a truly soilless man. Is it such a stretch from there to cheating in the last election and planning to cheat in this one? Rhetorical question

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You are how you play golf

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It’s not cheating if you own the course. It’s called house rules, as opposed to PGA rules.

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Trump talks about 2020, then we rehash again and again and again. It should be noted that many, many, many election officials who adamantly aver that the election was fair and negligible errors did not affect the outcome. They have received death threats, threats to their families, and been pursued to their cars. They need personal security. They have testified that no fraud exists. Mike Pence fled for his life. It all will happen again if PLEASE GOD he loses again. Election officials across this country could be risking their personal security and the safety of their families. Please-if you know these people tell them that you and the voters appreciate their efforts. Personally, they need our prayers.

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But he DID actually admit to losing ‘by a whisker’ in some interview Chris showed us…..why hasn’t this clip been shown over and over again…..the words came out of his mouth!!

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Denying Vance and then there is Roger Stone who seems to prefer to storm the polling stations to attack the old men and women serving as election judges and volunteers. What a great group of people in the MAGA party.



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Trump himself is the biggest victim of his dumb election denialism because I'm convinced if he'd accepted the loss gracefully, he'd be something like 5 points ahead in the polls right now, but Trump is Trump and one doesn't expect him to change.

But maybe a few more of you should have called out Saint Stacy for her election denialism in 2018. Of course, Trump's is worse (and Lake's even worse than Trump's) but Dems would like to sweep that under the rug or excuse it by saying she didn't REALLY deny that she lost.

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I believe Stacy Abrams complained of voter suppression. That’s a very different matter from denying the facts concerning the vote count itself.

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By virtue of the conduct I referenced, which, once again, is different from disputing the count. IMO, the voter suppression in GA is a real problem, and the recent actions of the election board are also troubling . But if she did dispute the count, that would prove no point other than she is as misguided as Trump and his minions.

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She does have a point about gerrymandering and the never ending ways to add more bureaucracy to get a voters card. I'm sick of pulling docs to prove my citizenship. Dems to it too. It's not fair to the voters.

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Don’t get me started on gerrymandering. Both parties do it. I live in the most gerrymandered district in the country and it’s a solid blue state.

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She was running for governor. How was she the the victim of 'gerrymandering'?

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I heard a journalist say, )and I can’t quote it) but the most was stop calling the info misinformation and call it what it is LIES!!!

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