I still can’t quite believe, with everything we know and everything else we’ve found out, that voters in Michigan and maybe other swing states are looking at Trump and thinking, “Yeah, we want four more years (or more) of that.”

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A review of right wing social media shows that many Trump supporters have the facts backward. They think the market is down, when it's at record highs; wages are down , when they're up; inflation is increasing, when it's lessening; energy production is down, when it's at record levels. And , of course, they think Trump won even as several of his co-defendants in Georgia have pled guilty and admitted his claims of victory were bogus. These folks live in a right wing media bubble , insulated from reality. Of course, he has other supporters who know the truth but care solely about keeping taxes low

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Utterly tragic.....

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The Russians sure do know how to play us. They knew a prior 1023 had been made public by the Rs. So they planted the story with Smirnov knowing it would be made public . Good for Weiss for exposing the lie. But I’m pretty sure the rank and file Rs will keep believing it. FOX and other right wing outlets will either not report the truth or will gloss over the story. So the right wing info bubble will insulate the minions from the truth

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Grassley, Comer and Jordan are, in fact, useful idiots for spreading Russian disinformation.

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Small kids waiting for school buses in the dark during winter. Summer sunsets at 11P. That's the reality of many northern states if the time zones are permanently advanced one hour. This is why a nationwide shift makes no sense. The realities of DC, Texas, California are not universal.

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Yup, born and raised in the Twin Cities and I remember going to high school in the dark. So not fun...

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Yep, this was tried in the early 70's, and parents freaked out by kids walking to school in the dark.

But I loved when I lived in AZ, no DST was awesome.

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I won't advise anyone to get too excited about the poll that showed Trump ahead by some 4 points in Michigan. First of all what is the error margin in that poll?. And Biden won that state by some 150 000 and Trump won it by just 10,000. Not even close right. I don't see anyone who voted for Biden in 2020 in Michigan turning around to vote for Trump in November. That's that. The Arab Americans who are upset with Buden in Dearborn Michigan are going to come back home in November. They are never going to vote for Trump. No need for raising your hope that Trump is going to win Michigan!!. The same goes for Pennsylvania. Trump won Pennsylvania by some 40,000 in 2016. Biden won it by more than double thar number. Pennsylvania has a Democrat as the Governor, their two senator are Democrats. Biden is going to win Pennsylvania!! Strange that you pick a poll that shows Trump leading Biden by 4 points but failed to show a more reliable independent poll that showed Biden leading Trump by 4 points which is outside the margin of error.....the Quinnipiac poll that came out today. My point has been made

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Plus, I looked up the poll. Yes, it was nonpartisan but they only randomly polled 600 people -- 600!!!

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All polls are based on samples. There are well established methods. They are never perfect. The modeling of the electorate , among other factors , can skew results. But if nothing else, if you view the average of polls, it tells you about trends. People tend to discount polls when they don’t like the results.

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Even without evidence, Jordan and Comer will continue to rant about illegal activities by the "Biden crime family". They're like a hyper-active terrier who won't let go of his chew-toy.

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Jim Jordan remains the single greatest embarrassment to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. UW-Madison is famous for "sifting and winnowing." Jordan doesn't sift, doesn't winnow and never lets the truth get in the way of his running falsely at the mouth.

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#1 If people like Jordan, Comer, etc. knew the allegations were both false and from Russian intelligence, is that not close to treason? There must be a law if Garland has the gumption to pursue it.

#2 Trump will not win Michigan.

#3 Switching between STD/DST is unhealthy with studies to back that up. We should all be standard time all year. Even here in NC, it is light out way too late into the school year. Kiddos can't be going to bed at 10 on school nights. Screw the rest of us who just want some daylight after work.

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It should be pretty clear by now that Biden hasn't committed any crimes and yet Jim Jordan, a gigantic waste of a congress person, is going to waste more time and tax payer money trying to prove otherwise. Why isn't he spending his time trying to get something worthwhile done for his constituents? And why do they keep voting this POS into office.

Keep Daylight Savings time all year long.

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The electoral college will be our demise.

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Jim Jordan v a box of rocks would make for a good debate.

That said, the Smirnov story has laid a golden goose at the feet of the AITOW...always in their own way...Dems. They MUST avoid screwing this one up.

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Jim Jordan against the fast-talking guy who did the Fedex commercials several years ago! They could set a Guinness Record for most words spoken per minute. (In Jordan's case, many words spoken, nothing said)

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It may have been Mark Twain who said it, please correct me if I'm wrong. It applies to each and every one of the MAGAt Republicans in both the House and Senate - "It is better to be thought of as stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"

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Of the Michigan governor can’t deliver for Biden, does that impact her future Presidential hopes?

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Daylight Savings: there's an obvious compromise lurking - in the, umm, darkness - out there. Probably will never get adopted given the pathetic state of our politics:

1. Kill Daylight Savings time nationwide

2. ADVANCE all mainland timezones by 30 minutes.

[I can "solve" abortion too if anyone cares...a nationwide 15-week ban with appropriate medical exceptions, ALONG WITH agreements from all those "stricter" states to roll back to the national 15wk level. WILL NEVER HAPPEN!]

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The way the Feds can “police” the states on abortion (without having direct power over them) is simple. Write into the Federal law “The national 15 week ban is ONLY in effect if all states concur”

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I saw Beck in concert last year with Phoenix and it was amazing

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That's a KILLER show Sam! Ive seen Beck several times and while some live performers are prone to inconsistency/mailing it kn...not Beck. He always brings it. Last saw him in Dallas at an outdoor venue when it was 104°......he killed it. Hear be damned!

Another great song choice from CC!

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