You just couldn't wait to find SOMETHING to jump on, could you, Chris?

At least you've made Dutch happy.

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When will you say that “Trump stepped in it“? And acknowledge that he dove into it, wallowing in filth and demanding that we all eat it. This is not a normal election allowing for alleged dispassionate both-side isms even from the allegedly neutral press. I love you Chris and your sometimes stimulating commentary; but this is not normal times; don’t fiddle while Rome burns.

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And why not make much more of Trump’s “love” for Putin, which is much worse than Chris’ interpretation of what Kamala said in the interview.

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Really nitpicking here, dude. I watched both the Sixty Minutes and The View interviews. I'm a committed Democrat and would vote for a dead dog over Dump. But the more I see her, the more I like, almost love, her. She's warm, she's smart, she's relatable, she's tough. And she's loyal, maybe to a fault, when saying what she did about agreeing with Biden's policies. I'm ok with that because despite his low approval numbers, he did a great job, and he did the right thing bowing out. I think you missed the point on this one.

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Smart points, Elaine Maria. Also, I question the basic premise that Biden’s policies are broadly unpopular . Yes, many have been conned by the demagoguery re immigration. But it seems likely that the main reason for Biden’s low poll numbers was his faltering public appearance and concerns about whether he was up to the rigors of a campaign, much less 4 more years. On reproductive rights, Ukraine, guns, etc , the public generally favors the Ds’ positions.

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I agree 100%. Biden's policies, his stances on major issues, and his bipartisanship are very popular with the people I think. It's his age, his gaffes, his stuttering, his problems with mobility, and his cognitive decline that was so apparent in the debate, that have caused his poor popularity.

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Treating Trump as a normal candidate is the biggest fail journalists and the media can do. There’s something really sinister about that.

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Chris is still inside the DC bubble mentality, where the nits are picked...

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Kamala should have been much more nuanced with her answer to that question. That said, the coverage of that hiccup should get BURIED by the news of Trumps sick, bromance related phone calls and covid test gifts to Putin. Even the lame-ass MSM can see borderline treason when they see it.

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Yes, buried very deep.

Only place you will see it is Fox News and hard charging Chris!

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Whew…..we all need to take a deep breath. The next 6 weeks will be nerve racking. We know we won’t KNOW anything definitive until several days, if not weeks after Election Day. Chris, I think you are juggling way too many balls right now. Family(which should always be #1), this substack, YouTube, your sports gig, teaching and giving lectures to foreign visitors. Your zeroing in on one possible misstep by Kamala on The View feels like a drive by to me. I don’t know if you actually watched the segment but if was dependent on a transcription a lot gets lost. Maybe I just really enjoyed all the women at that table joyful at the fact that Kamala Harris is really in this race to win it. There is a humanity about her that cannot be squashed by Trump and his cult. And I am really reveling it it.

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My impression also. Seems like Chris is "juggling way too many balls right now".

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I’m not going to get into the issue on whether Kamala “stepped in it”. If that’s the biggest criticism Chris can up with, it’s pretty weak sauce.

What I was struck with watching both the full "60 Minutes" interview and the 45 minute "The View" appearance is just how NORMAL it was.

She was articulate, intelligent, thoughtful and MORE than capable of thinking on her feet and handling these appearances with little drama, no “gaffs” and certainly exposes our resident MAGA Trump sycophant, Dutch, proclaiming that “w/o the teleprompter she’s a mess” undeniably ridiculous, preposterous and totally delusional.

THAT is an example of “TDS” as in one is so deranged with unhinged lunacy of Trump worshiping it's embarrassing. Yes, anyone who opposes Dear Leader MUST be torn to pieces no matter how absurd.

VP Harris also embodied the undeniable reality of her 100% fitness for the office of presidency and a level headed temperament.

It’s literally 100% OPPOSITE of the vicious attacks Trump directed her way that she is “stupid”, “mentally impaired” and “mentally disabled”.

Sure looks like Trump is projecting his own defectiveness.

Watch any of his interviews and especially his unhinged Klan rallies, and any objective observer would say that he most certainly shows extreme signs of being “mentally impaired” and “mentally disabled”.

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I think you're making too much of Kamala's statement...she said "nothing came to mind" in that moment, which was a smart answer, considering that she was on "The View"...which is not a serious show...not anything like "Meet the Press." So let's consider the context...this was no grand mistake on her part. She hasn't "stepped in it"...her shoes are looking pretty clean to me.

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Puleeze, Chris. I think you need to slow down and think twice before you publish sometimes.

She said. "and I’ve been part of most of the decisions that have had impact."

MOST OF THE DECISIONS THAT HAVE HAD IMPACT, which Is NOT saying she is in total agreement with everything he has done! That's her 'hedge' and you totally missed it or did not comprehend it, or you are glossing it over in order to find a fault.

In fact, she is implying that she is not in agreement with the things that have not had impact! Completely the opposite from your telling.

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I agree with the slow down and think a bit. My impression is that he either wants to, or feels like he has to put out several pieces a day - it’s sometimes more stream of concscious.

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Yes. Can't fault him for working hard and putting many irons in the fire. But, analyzing should involve a little more consideration and reflection than just putting down an immediate stream of consciousness response, or parroting the conversations he saw or read on X or substack... I don't think anyone would mind waiting for his posts if he takes a little more time to reflect before posting, I think he puts too much pressure on himself to hit a self imposed deadline

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Or fewer, more well thought out and reasoned posts. I don’t have time to watch all the videos and read all the posts.

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Head in the sand perspective!

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No, head in the sand is thinking President Biden does not support Israel, like you implied in another comment..

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Did you read the JB quote in the Chris’ column above?

Please take a moment and read it…..

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

He supports Israel 100% and always has, which does not mean he has to like, or behind doors talk nice about, the PM of Israel.

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Ok, you can believe that all you want! Best of luck!

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oh god🤢

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

In fact, many dems are angry with President Biden precisely because of his unwavering support of Israel, I guess you missed all that

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If you knew anything about President Biden you would know that for 50 years he has been one of Israel's biggest supporters, and that did not change when the current PM was elected.

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Guess you didn't watch the whole interview where she said that, unlike Biden, she would appoint a Republican to her Cabinet.

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She went back and tried to clean it up -- because she knew she had screwed up.

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So what?

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Point 2 the senate:

Yes, of course the Midwest swing states are close, coattails, a San Francisco liberal changing her positions 180 degrees for political reason is SO obvious to voters.

It don’t play there!

Walz does nothing for the ticket either! MN deep blue and goes Dem with or without him

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Just listened to an MSNBC panel and one member asked rather obvious questions - why nitpick Harris' View interview when today we learned Trump, in his term, was only going to support Red states needing crisis relief, and that the Trump Gov shut down the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, and that Trump has had personal calls with Putin, while hanging on to docs at Marlogo, and that Trump/ Vance continue to endanger folks in the face of Milton, by spreading conspiracy lies and eroding their trust about gov. hurricane support....

Oh yes, and Democrats control the weather.

That was just today.

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Indeed. There is a lot of SUBSTANCE to discuss, including the insanity that has engulfed 42% of the country and the leader of the Trump-party, but let’s drill down into an interview on The View. smh

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Item #1 - Absolutely nobody cares and Chris' idea of "stepping in it" won't move one vote. Frcryinoutloud. Chris is gone for the day and this is the best he can do?????

Item #2 - I'm a "veteran Wisconsin political observer" Tammy Baldwin isn't going to lose to a guy from California.

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My first reaction, big flippin’ deal. In comparison to the incomprehensible nonsense and outright lies that emanate from Trump multiple times a day, this is a big nothingburger.

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Giving aid and comfort to the enemy--evidently just one more service of the Trump Brand....

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If you are making a voting decision based on what Harris says vs what Trump says, you are a likely a white male Republican who can’t give birth. lol

And ignore the polls. They are junk. The media loves them. Reality does not. As evidence I’d cite this:


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OK so I think things when I read this column; I don't always comment. Honestly, I am not as politcally "savvy" and fully informed as some....BUT my first reaction was... "eh". So she said something that someone (we know who) will jump on and turn and twist it into SOMETHING terrible and wrong and bad. (Not you, Chris)!! :-). I mean, there are lots of things yes she could have said that would have been better comebacks ; statements that would have sounded like while she supports the President, she might have different ways of handling certain things as she goes forward ( OF course she will, she will be the NEW PRESIDENT). But it did NOT make me think "oh no"!!! And yes let's stack this one "misspoken" and sure to be misinterpreted a 100 ways statement...up against...the Felon. There. I commented :-)).

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Didn’t polls predict a red wave a few yrs ago?

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Yes, they did in 2022. Just off by two years. Who needs Republicans lite?

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“None of these made-up stories by Bob Woodward are true,” a Trump spokesman said of the Woodward book.

Gee, let me think this over. I have a choice to believe Trump/Trump-spokesman or Bob Woodward. Call me crazy, but I'll think I will go with Bob Woodward and his book on this one.

Tim Walz in Reno: "You can bet that Kamala Harris and I don't have any dictators on speed dial."

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