Biden needs to go. As much as it pains me personally to say that, it really is necessary in order to have half a chance of defeating Trump at the polls in November. We need someone who can go toe to toe with the verbose crazy Trump. Biden has clearly not got what it takes. I think he was a fantastic president. I think he deserves the thanks of all of us who believe in democracy, equality and freedom for saving America and the world from Trump 3 years ago. But now he needs to lead us towards an alternative candidate to continue and complete his job of defeating Trump and Trumpism once and for all. For that we need a younger and more nimble individual to deal with the craftiness, dystopia and dishonesty of Trump and his present sycophantic Republican Party. Please Mr. Biden, do the right thing for yourself and for the country as well as for the free democratic world and step aside, but help us define the right person to replace you in the White House.

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Nothing against Chris' musical tastes, but I think his kids should get to pick the music more often.

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anyone who has had old parents knows that once they hit 80, ech year after isn't like just another 12 months. It seems like each year is 3 years. They age exponentially.

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Biden is done; the cake is baked, with the fat lady leaving the building on Trump's bus. The debate confirmed 12 months worth of reporting and outright lying to the voters by the president's campaign.

No coming back from this....

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Fingers crossed… We might end up dodging a bullet with a new candidate that can defeat Trump, while Biden secures his legacy as someone who sacrificed personal ambition for the good of the nation.

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I think that would cement his position as one of the most significant presidents ever.

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Thanks for having the courage (and it does take courage) to say the obvious out loud Chris! Great work!

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Well, he’s a little late.

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I wish we heard the line from pres B; “I’m here now, but I have a tremendous wonderfully capable VP. Until further notice this is your team. “

I appreciate who Pres B is. But I will not disrespect him or his position.

I imagine stepping down or staying ; has more pressure attached on either bench that I even comprehend.

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It’s not disrespectful to point out that President Biden is no longer up to the demands of the job. And that his insistence on continuing to run will lead to a Fascist kleptocracy taking power in 2025.

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I love "Hell N Back"! Your son has good taste. And happy birthday to him. (Is 12 the best age?)

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The story is that Donald and project 2025 and the Republican SCOTUS and do nothing Congress have to go.

If the leader is chosen on wisdom and proven ability than Grandpa Joe is the man you climb the mountain to learn from.

We’re not sending him to the battlefield.

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The writing on the wall is getting neon. I hope all pushung this issue have a solid here's the new ticket.

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Do you genuinely believe what the NYP et al write?

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Someone needs to tell Mr. Biden he is on the blue team.

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Did Biden really confuse Putin with Zelensky during the NATO summit?? Or did I just watch AI disinformation…?

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Love the pie chart!!

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Happy birthday to your son! Nice music taste!

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Surprised that pie chart on headphones is not solid blue 🤔

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