Just another dog whistle for all the sexists in the trumpublican party.
Not sure if it was mentioned before but where was trump on the first and second anniversary? Did he visit Arlington National Cemetery then? No. Why? It wasn't an election year.
Where are his ANC photos from 2022 and 2023? Missed those photos, do you have some to share? Where are the photos at graveside for the 60 service people who died in foreign conflicts while he was president because his generals messed up? His own peeps, not a Dem, said he didn't want to get his hair wet in Europe so missed that opportunity at paying respects to our international foreign soldiers. Glad you like him. He needed a bit of positive campaign PR after the DNC. He didn't have to take the photo and could have said he had too much respect for the fallen soldier. Funny that would have worked and probably would think wow, good for him for being nice and respectful. Shame Utah Governor tried to use that photo to encourage donations then had to walk it back after the critcism. Shame that the Army had to say that they support the staff person who was only doing their job by asking folks to follow the rules. Shame that they ignored the rest of the other families with graves near the campaign photoshoot and captured their graves. Shame he doesn't do this in Memorial Day. Busy at golf then? I have several fallen soldiers in my family. Tell me again that Trump not using family.
The single biggest failure in Afghanistan, without a doubt, was releasing 5000 Taliban fighters from prison. They were able to re-form their fighting units and ultimately brought down the Afghan government that we had spent so much money and human costs to support.
There’s only ONE person responsible for that travesty, and it’s DonOLD “The Art of the Deal” Trump. Period. As a person that had a career of negotiating sales with some of the largest media companies in the world, I can say categorically that Trump couldn’t “negotiate” his way out of a paper bag. And our servicemen and women died as a result.
As I understand it the parents of the Marines who were killed due to the incompetence of the Harris-Biden administration (the ones who wanted to punch Biden in the mouth at Dover AFB), only asked Trump to be with them this year.
The incompetence runs into the djt administration too.
Djt reduced US forces in Afghanistan to a bare minimum of 2,500 after he made a US surrender deal with the terrorist taliban. The taliban agreed to end, (mostly) attacks on US forces in return for a set withdrawl date from the US.
That bare minimum of troops was not enough to secure both air fields for an evacuation, so the Biden administration was forced to use only one air base, which is what caused most of the chaos of the evacuation.
IF President Biden had inserted more troops to secure both air fields the taliban would have seen that as breaking the withdrawl deal and would have resumed attacks on US forces, which would have required the US sending in more forces and we would still be there fighting that pointless war. Djt's incompetence is what set up the whole evacuation mess and tied President Bidens hands.
Yes. Biden clearly had to do what Trump said to do. Especially given the input of his constant key advisor on these things - Kamala. The last person to talk to him, always, where life and death decisions were involved.
On to the next fractured fairy tail. Biden didn’t consult with Harris 15 minutes a week.
Djt made a surrender deal with the terrorist taliban. President Biden was forced to follow that surrender agreement or face extending the pointless war. What part of that don't you get?
124,000 people were ultimately evacuated, likely the most successful such operation in military history. That first day was indeed tragic but clearly idiot tRump holds a share of responsibility.
Djt reduced US forces to 2,500, which is not anywhere near enough to secure both air bases. Prez Biden had nothing to do with that, his hands were tied by the SURRENDER djt agreed to, and the refuced forces djt left in Afghanistan. Those are just the facts, deal with it
So why wait for an invitation? Why didn't trump go there on the first and second year anniversaries on his own accord. I can answer that--it didn't matter to him.
Perhaps a term that easier to see is that she supports the patriarchy and applies patriarchal tropes. Recall her cosmetic and dental work when she wanted to be considered for the VP slot
The next time that Kristi Noem says anything that I care about will be the first time. Maybe one of those foreign leaders that she claims to have met at one point or another will give a rat's ass.
"But, to me, the Noem prebuttal of the Harris interview is utterly dumb. For a few reasons." Actually, the first, biggest and perhaps ONLY reason it is utterly dumb is that it, alas, comes from Kristi Noem.
Not for nothing, but if this interview keeps Harris in the news in any sort of positive light, it will have been a brilliant move to avoid doing a blitz of media interviews. Keeping a positive spotlight on herself gives her control of the media narrative, and steals oxygen from Trump's "flood the zone" playbook to high attention. Plus the slightest positive review of her interview will send Trump rage truthing (or whatever it's called) all labor day weekend.
Keep that line up. The condescending deplorables approach works ever so well for elites and their hand picked candidates. Harris didn’t even need superdelegates to get the nomination.
Kamala took a huge risk committing to a marathon 19 minute slugfest with Dana Bash. We all know that there is no more dogged and ruthless or interrogator of Dem pols than Bash. She is always going to scratch and claw to get to the truth.
While Kamala has changed her position on any number of critical issues, the key is that her values have remained the same, whatever that means, whether she opposes fracking or favors it, or whether she’s for open borders or well controlled borders. As to her role in the coverup re Biden’s sad decline, some things are better off being quietly consigned to the rear view mirror. Let’s not talk about that.
Nothing fuzzy about any of it….I think we learned exactly what we needed when it comes to where this amazing purveyor of joy stands on the key challenges confronting us as a country. And I’m sure we can count on another 15 minutes of hard hitting interviews before the election. Maybe with Jimmy Kimmel…or Oprah.
Remember - Democratic voters across the country picked Kamala for a reason!
No one is for "open borders" and we do NOT have open borders.
The southern border has never been more reinforced and patrolled than it is today.
Just try being honest for once.
BTW, VISA overstays constitute the largest number of undocumented inside the US, yet all the gop cry about is the southern border! Then, when the strongest border security bipartisan bill is offered, they ditch it because djt needs bordsr chaos to campaign on! So much for there being an "invasion" and the gop House REFUSES to lift a finger to address it!!
I can find a thousand videos for you of hundreds of illegals walking through huge unrepaired gaps in the border barriers as CBP personnel stand by and benignly watch without doing anything. Just as instructed to do by the Harris-Biden administration. Millions upon millions came into the country while the border czar and her barely cognizant boss declined to enforce the immigration laws that are on the books. And believe me, we have border and immigration laws in place and they will continue to apply until new laws are passed.
The executive branch should not have the discretion to ignore laws if they just don’t like them.
And it got so bad and so embarrassing that even Dem mayors in overwhelmingly Dem cities were in an uproar. This is very recent history.
This a horrible issue for the Dems and the border czar. Root causes and all.
By the way, what did Kamala do as California AG to ensure that law enforcement authorities in CA cooperated fully with CBP, ICE and other federal authorities to ensure enforcement of immigration laws?
No one ignores laws they don't like, except for djt.
Millions and millions have not come into the country illegally, exagetate much?. Border patrol does not stand by when people enter illegally.
Most of those videos you claim, show asylum seekers who are legal migrants and who turn themselves into the first border agents they see. Try and learn the difference between legal and illegal migrants.
The dem mayors were upset at the numbers of migrants, which is a result of conditions in other countries causing migration and has zero to do with the US prez.
Border Czar is a fake name made up by the press. Her job was to address the causes of migration the the area where most of the migrants were coming from at that time, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, migrants from that area has been reduced.
CA has always cooperated with cpb ice etc, i dont know what you are talking about, they just don't use local police enforcement and local rescorces paid for by local taxpayers to do the job for cbp and ice etc
You’ve probably never heard of sanctuary cities, I guess. I’m sure AG Harris held the feet of those “sanctuary cities” in CA to the fire in a tough minded ways to ensure full cooperation with federal authorities.
Sanctuary cities simply do not use local police or local rescorces to do the job of the cbp or ice etc. Why dont you look it up and learn something today? Sanctuary cities do not ignore any laws, they simply think their rescorces should not be used to do the job of cbp or ice!
Also, if local police are looking for or detaining undocumented people then huge parts of the population will not approach police, are afraid of police, so they wont go to report crimes or agree to be witnesses to crimes, which in turn leads to higher crime and less prosecution of criminals.
Fractured fairy tales. They assertively to coordinate efforts with federal immigration enforcement authorities. Enforcement of immigration laws is not a local mandate. It’s federal.
Then we can eliminate primaries and much more efficiently. have candidates nominated based on who raises the most money from wealthy elites and then just trust the machinations of Dem insiders in smoke filled rooms. Joy will inevitably follow.
I certainly had nothing to do with ensuring that Poor Old Joe was literally the only option in the primaries while his condition was hidden from the American electorate via what can only be called a concerted conspiracy.
Kristy Noem is barking mad. You see what I did there, right? Republicans are over the top insane. Fascinating to see which media happily repeat their talking points as if they were lobotomized. Almost zero context. They just read it if the Republican press release.
Trump isn’t doing well. While the poll numbers for Harris and Trump seem tight, favorability, enthusiasm and congressional democratic races are off the hook in favor of the democrats. So I think the horse race polling is way off. Which is to be expected if you are just using sample sizes of 1000 people nationwide as an analog for 250 million voters lol
You say dumb and also say should she have done it earlier. One feeds into the other. IF VP Harris was not actively avoiding the media AND not turning 180 degrees away from policies she’s trumpeted about for YEARS then yes maybe it’s a dumb argument BUT considering everything that we’ve witnessed in the past how many days and weeks it’s logical to assume she doesn’t feel comfortable in an interview setting and therefore having a security blanket there for her appears to show a great deal of weakness. You are entitled to your opinion and to call it dumb but that doesn’t make your conclusion a correct one!
Before entering the Presidential race VP Harris had done 80 interviews this year alone.
She was a DA and an Attorney General, and prosecuted nunerous cases in court, if you think that she can not do an interview, or is scared to do one, or can not think on her feet, you are just deluding yourself to make yourself feel better.
Absolutely nobody cares about meaningless and ignored interviews she gave as the VP fifth wheel.
Now there will be relentless care and focus given to her statements as failed primary candidate in 2020, as Senator, etc re an array of issues she’s flip flopped on. And in the absence of interviews, these video records will speak for her.
Going the Biden route and trying to sneak by by reading the words of others as they scroll slowly by on a teleprompter won’t cut it.
What duplicitous crap! “She’s scared to do an interview” or “ Nobody cares about the 80 interviews she’s done as VP”? Which is it? You can’t have it both ways, unless you’re lying out of both sides of your mouth.
The VP interviews were very low risk since nobody paid any attention to them. I invite you to find even one compelling, cackle free, interview she gave in the first 7 months of this year and share it with us. At best her VP interviews were indecipherable word salads.
Now she’s under intense scrutiny and the best she can tell us in a very tough full 19 minutes with the Mike Tyson of ruthless interviewers, Dana Bash, is that while she’s flip flopped on every issue (can’t win PA if one opposes fracking), her “values” remain the same. Pablum.
And, btw, during her hours upon hours every week with Biden (in reality 15 minutes since Biden has been as dismissive of her as Obama was of him) she never saw even the slightest hint of his descent into the intellectual ether.
Lol! You want to hear flip flops listen to the ramblings of djt!
He now claims he would be good for protecting womens reproductive rights, after spending years crowing about and taking credit for appointing the judges that overturned precedent and stuck down Roe! Lol!
And now he is for IVF while he was againdt it last week! He flip flops on everything, depending on who is talking to his answer will vary, which means he is lying and never seriously discusses anything! AND he is unable to articulate any reason why he changed his position, he just lies and says he never previously said anyting different. His "press conference" the other day which was 90 minutes long had 162 verified lies or distortions of the facts, which is almost 2 lies each minute, which nears he NEVER said anything truthfully!
You really ask that when it has been only 39 days since Biden announced he would no longer run and she needs to interview and pick a VP candidate and prepare for the DNC? You be crazy.
She has been setting up her campaign and finalizing her goals and policies, which takes time and lots of work. (djt has been campaigning for over 550 days and still can not articulate any policy besides cutting taxes for the rich, revenge on any one whoever said a bad word about him, and deportation camps.) Unlike djt who just says whatever he thinks the person in front of him wants to hear, and then he will say the complete opposite to someone else a minute later- because he has zero integrity- Harris is setting up a Presidential campaign like a responsible adult, which she will stand behind.
And, when she does do interviews, she will answer the questions posed to her, unlike djt who does not answer any questions but instead just pulls out lines from his campaign stump speech which do not answer the question and are often not even on topic.
Nick Cave?! Really?! We saw him live at Lollapalooza 1994 in California. Mr Cave and the Bad Seeds droned on and on and on. Now Nick's former paramour Polly Jean, aka PJ Harvey, is worth celebrating! I may have to claim my subscribers' Zoom meeting soon to discuss music with you, Chris! 😆 Thank you for another great post and good luck teaching tomorrow Prof!
If every of-age voter voted, it is more like $150 per voter. With polls showing 5% undecided voters, if I generously double that to 10%, that’s $1,500 per undecided voter. And THAT is all anyone needs to know about how stupid the system has become. Over $100M spent to convince 70,000 or so people to vote for the long time incumbent or someone with no political experience.
Just another dog whistle for all the sexists in the trumpublican party.
Not sure if it was mentioned before but where was trump on the first and second anniversary? Did he visit Arlington National Cemetery then? No. Why? It wasn't an election year.
At least he was there. Where were the incompetent dynamic duo who caused the entire mess?!? Just saying…
Where are his ANC photos from 2022 and 2023? Missed those photos, do you have some to share? Where are the photos at graveside for the 60 service people who died in foreign conflicts while he was president because his generals messed up? His own peeps, not a Dem, said he didn't want to get his hair wet in Europe so missed that opportunity at paying respects to our international foreign soldiers. Glad you like him. He needed a bit of positive campaign PR after the DNC. He didn't have to take the photo and could have said he had too much respect for the fallen soldier. Funny that would have worked and probably would think wow, good for him for being nice and respectful. Shame Utah Governor tried to use that photo to encourage donations then had to walk it back after the critcism. Shame that the Army had to say that they support the staff person who was only doing their job by asking folks to follow the rules. Shame that they ignored the rest of the other families with graves near the campaign photoshoot and captured their graves. Shame he doesn't do this in Memorial Day. Busy at golf then? I have several fallen soldiers in my family. Tell me again that Trump not using family.
The single biggest failure in Afghanistan, without a doubt, was releasing 5000 Taliban fighters from prison. They were able to re-form their fighting units and ultimately brought down the Afghan government that we had spent so much money and human costs to support.
There’s only ONE person responsible for that travesty, and it’s DonOLD “The Art of the Deal” Trump. Period. As a person that had a career of negotiating sales with some of the largest media companies in the world, I can say categorically that Trump couldn’t “negotiate” his way out of a paper bag. And our servicemen and women died as a result.
As I understand it the parents of the Marines who were killed due to the incompetence of the Harris-Biden administration (the ones who wanted to punch Biden in the mouth at Dover AFB), only asked Trump to be with them this year.
The incompetence runs into the djt administration too.
Djt reduced US forces in Afghanistan to a bare minimum of 2,500 after he made a US surrender deal with the terrorist taliban. The taliban agreed to end, (mostly) attacks on US forces in return for a set withdrawl date from the US.
That bare minimum of troops was not enough to secure both air fields for an evacuation, so the Biden administration was forced to use only one air base, which is what caused most of the chaos of the evacuation.
IF President Biden had inserted more troops to secure both air fields the taliban would have seen that as breaking the withdrawl deal and would have resumed attacks on US forces, which would have required the US sending in more forces and we would still be there fighting that pointless war. Djt's incompetence is what set up the whole evacuation mess and tied President Bidens hands.
Thanks you for that summary.
Many things are
Usually a confluence of events.
Trump having a hand and yet he uses many words to blame.
Thank you.
Yes. Biden clearly had to do what Trump said to do. Especially given the input of his constant key advisor on these things - Kamala. The last person to talk to him, always, where life and death decisions were involved.
On to the next fractured fairy tail. Biden didn’t consult with Harris 15 minutes a week.
Djt made a surrender deal with the terrorist taliban. President Biden was forced to follow that surrender agreement or face extending the pointless war. What part of that don't you get?
Poor Joe. He couldn’t possibly find a way to keep Kabul and Bagram both open. He’ll wear the humiliation into the grave.
124,000 people were ultimately evacuated, likely the most successful such operation in military history. That first day was indeed tragic but clearly idiot tRump holds a share of responsibility.
Djt reduced US forces to 2,500, which is not anywhere near enough to secure both air bases. Prez Biden had nothing to do with that, his hands were tied by the SURRENDER djt agreed to, and the refuced forces djt left in Afghanistan. Those are just the facts, deal with it
So why wait for an invitation? Why didn't trump go there on the first and second year anniversaries on his own accord. I can answer that--it didn't matter to him.
Maybe. Maybe the same reason Harris didn’t. She was busy fixing the border on one of her many visits. He might have been there too.
Kristi Noem is a sexist?
News flash, a woman can be sexist.
Perhaps a term that easier to see is that she supports the patriarchy and applies patriarchal tropes. Recall her cosmetic and dental work when she wanted to be considered for the VP slot
The addle-brained puppy killer says what?
But the message gets through to those in the MAGA cult echo chamber, where "we proudly ignore the truth" (TM)
The next time that Kristi Noem says anything that I care about will be the first time. Maybe one of those foreign leaders that she claims to have met at one point or another will give a rat's ass.
"But, to me, the Noem prebuttal of the Harris interview is utterly dumb. For a few reasons." Actually, the first, biggest and perhaps ONLY reason it is utterly dumb is that it, alas, comes from Kristi Noem.
Thank you for up to date covering politics
Thank you for calling out Republican BS, Chris.
I think it's disappointing to brag about killing your dog but what do I know?
Not for nothing, but if this interview keeps Harris in the news in any sort of positive light, it will have been a brilliant move to avoid doing a blitz of media interviews. Keeping a positive spotlight on herself gives her control of the media narrative, and steals oxygen from Trump's "flood the zone" playbook to high attention. Plus the slightest positive review of her interview will send Trump rage truthing (or whatever it's called) all labor day weekend.
But it’s actually rage lying.
Four out of five US trailer park residents give the Noem response 'two thumbs up'....
Keep that line up. The condescending deplorables approach works ever so well for elites and their hand picked candidates. Harris didn’t even need superdelegates to get the nomination.
Kamala took a huge risk committing to a marathon 19 minute slugfest with Dana Bash. We all know that there is no more dogged and ruthless or interrogator of Dem pols than Bash. She is always going to scratch and claw to get to the truth.
While Kamala has changed her position on any number of critical issues, the key is that her values have remained the same, whatever that means, whether she opposes fracking or favors it, or whether she’s for open borders or well controlled borders. As to her role in the coverup re Biden’s sad decline, some things are better off being quietly consigned to the rear view mirror. Let’s not talk about that.
Nothing fuzzy about any of it….I think we learned exactly what we needed when it comes to where this amazing purveyor of joy stands on the key challenges confronting us as a country. And I’m sure we can count on another 15 minutes of hard hitting interviews before the election. Maybe with Jimmy Kimmel…or Oprah.
Remember - Democratic voters across the country picked Kamala for a reason!
No one is for "open borders" and we do NOT have open borders.
The southern border has never been more reinforced and patrolled than it is today.
Just try being honest for once.
BTW, VISA overstays constitute the largest number of undocumented inside the US, yet all the gop cry about is the southern border! Then, when the strongest border security bipartisan bill is offered, they ditch it because djt needs bordsr chaos to campaign on! So much for there being an "invasion" and the gop House REFUSES to lift a finger to address it!!
I can find a thousand videos for you of hundreds of illegals walking through huge unrepaired gaps in the border barriers as CBP personnel stand by and benignly watch without doing anything. Just as instructed to do by the Harris-Biden administration. Millions upon millions came into the country while the border czar and her barely cognizant boss declined to enforce the immigration laws that are on the books. And believe me, we have border and immigration laws in place and they will continue to apply until new laws are passed.
The executive branch should not have the discretion to ignore laws if they just don’t like them.
And it got so bad and so embarrassing that even Dem mayors in overwhelmingly Dem cities were in an uproar. This is very recent history.
This a horrible issue for the Dems and the border czar. Root causes and all.
By the way, what did Kamala do as California AG to ensure that law enforcement authorities in CA cooperated fully with CBP, ICE and other federal authorities to ensure enforcement of immigration laws?
Lol! No one declines to enforce the border laws.
No one ignores laws they don't like, except for djt.
Millions and millions have not come into the country illegally, exagetate much?. Border patrol does not stand by when people enter illegally.
Most of those videos you claim, show asylum seekers who are legal migrants and who turn themselves into the first border agents they see. Try and learn the difference between legal and illegal migrants.
The dem mayors were upset at the numbers of migrants, which is a result of conditions in other countries causing migration and has zero to do with the US prez.
Border Czar is a fake name made up by the press. Her job was to address the causes of migration the the area where most of the migrants were coming from at that time, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, migrants from that area has been reduced.
CA has always cooperated with cpb ice etc, i dont know what you are talking about, they just don't use local police enforcement and local rescorces paid for by local taxpayers to do the job for cbp and ice etc
You’ve probably never heard of sanctuary cities, I guess. I’m sure AG Harris held the feet of those “sanctuary cities” in CA to the fire in a tough minded ways to ensure full cooperation with federal authorities.
Sanctuary cities simply do not use local police or local rescorces to do the job of the cbp or ice etc. Why dont you look it up and learn something today? Sanctuary cities do not ignore any laws, they simply think their rescorces should not be used to do the job of cbp or ice!
Also, if local police are looking for or detaining undocumented people then huge parts of the population will not approach police, are afraid of police, so they wont go to report crimes or agree to be witnesses to crimes, which in turn leads to higher crime and less prosecution of criminals.
Fractured fairy tales. They assertively to coordinate efforts with federal immigration enforcement authorities. Enforcement of immigration laws is not a local mandate. It’s federal.
Actually they were stuck with her. Had no options and really didn’t want her.
Did you not see ANY news reports on the DNC and the millions of dollars raised since Democrats were "stuck" with her?
Then we can eliminate primaries and much more efficiently. have candidates nominated based on who raises the most money from wealthy elites and then just trust the machinations of Dem insiders in smoke filled rooms. Joy will inevitably follow.
I certainly had nothing to do with ensuring that Poor Old Joe was literally the only option in the primaries while his condition was hidden from the American electorate via what can only be called a concerted conspiracy.
Kristy Noem is barking mad. You see what I did there, right? Republicans are over the top insane. Fascinating to see which media happily repeat their talking points as if they were lobotomized. Almost zero context. They just read it if the Republican press release.
Trump isn’t doing well. While the poll numbers for Harris and Trump seem tight, favorability, enthusiasm and congressional democratic races are off the hook in favor of the democrats. So I think the horse race polling is way off. Which is to be expected if you are just using sample sizes of 1000 people nationwide as an analog for 250 million voters lol
Agreed 💯, Chris! Interviewing “the ticket” is the rule and not the exception in Presidential politics, and I appreciate you making that clear.
How about an analysis of the comments in the interview? Your attention to detail would be appreciated. After your class is done today, that is! 😉
Harris interview had some great one liners, but somewhat underwhelming. What did you think Chris?
“that the vice president, infamous for her word salads…” Kristi, have you listened to Donald Trump lately?
Talk about “word salad.” At least Harris hasn’t gone out of her way to desecrate a military cemetery this week.
You say dumb and also say should she have done it earlier. One feeds into the other. IF VP Harris was not actively avoiding the media AND not turning 180 degrees away from policies she’s trumpeted about for YEARS then yes maybe it’s a dumb argument BUT considering everything that we’ve witnessed in the past how many days and weeks it’s logical to assume she doesn’t feel comfortable in an interview setting and therefore having a security blanket there for her appears to show a great deal of weakness. You are entitled to your opinion and to call it dumb but that doesn’t make your conclusion a correct one!
Before entering the Presidential race VP Harris had done 80 interviews this year alone.
She was a DA and an Attorney General, and prosecuted nunerous cases in court, if you think that she can not do an interview, or is scared to do one, or can not think on her feet, you are just deluding yourself to make yourself feel better.
Absolutely nobody cares about meaningless and ignored interviews she gave as the VP fifth wheel.
Now there will be relentless care and focus given to her statements as failed primary candidate in 2020, as Senator, etc re an array of issues she’s flip flopped on. And in the absence of interviews, these video records will speak for her.
Going the Biden route and trying to sneak by by reading the words of others as they scroll slowly by on a teleprompter won’t cut it.
What duplicitous crap! “She’s scared to do an interview” or “ Nobody cares about the 80 interviews she’s done as VP”? Which is it? You can’t have it both ways, unless you’re lying out of both sides of your mouth.
The VP interviews were very low risk since nobody paid any attention to them. I invite you to find even one compelling, cackle free, interview she gave in the first 7 months of this year and share it with us. At best her VP interviews were indecipherable word salads.
Now she’s under intense scrutiny and the best she can tell us in a very tough full 19 minutes with the Mike Tyson of ruthless interviewers, Dana Bash, is that while she’s flip flopped on every issue (can’t win PA if one opposes fracking), her “values” remain the same. Pablum.
And, btw, during her hours upon hours every week with Biden (in reality 15 minutes since Biden has been as dismissive of her as Obama was of him) she never saw even the slightest hint of his descent into the intellectual ether.
Joy!! Call Oprah to remind us.
Lol! You want to hear flip flops listen to the ramblings of djt!
He now claims he would be good for protecting womens reproductive rights, after spending years crowing about and taking credit for appointing the judges that overturned precedent and stuck down Roe! Lol!
And now he is for IVF while he was againdt it last week! He flip flops on everything, depending on who is talking to his answer will vary, which means he is lying and never seriously discusses anything! AND he is unable to articulate any reason why he changed his position, he just lies and says he never previously said anyting different. His "press conference" the other day which was 90 minutes long had 162 verified lies or distortions of the facts, which is almost 2 lies each minute, which nears he NEVER said anything truthfully!
So where she been??
You really ask that when it has been only 39 days since Biden announced he would no longer run and she needs to interview and pick a VP candidate and prepare for the DNC? You be crazy.
Ah, no, everyone, even liberal CNN asking the same question, Chris just stated the same, u b the crazy one…
She has been setting up her campaign and finalizing her goals and policies, which takes time and lots of work. (djt has been campaigning for over 550 days and still can not articulate any policy besides cutting taxes for the rich, revenge on any one whoever said a bad word about him, and deportation camps.) Unlike djt who just says whatever he thinks the person in front of him wants to hear, and then he will say the complete opposite to someone else a minute later- because he has zero integrity- Harris is setting up a Presidential campaign like a responsible adult, which she will stand behind.
And, when she does do interviews, she will answer the questions posed to her, unlike djt who does not answer any questions but instead just pulls out lines from his campaign stump speech which do not answer the question and are often not even on topic.
Nick Cave?! Really?! We saw him live at Lollapalooza 1994 in California. Mr Cave and the Bad Seeds droned on and on and on. Now Nick's former paramour Polly Jean, aka PJ Harvey, is worth celebrating! I may have to claim my subscribers' Zoom meeting soon to discuss music with you, Chris! 😆 Thank you for another great post and good luck teaching tomorrow Prof!
PJ for the win!
Cave leaves me dry.
$100+ PER CITIZEN in Montana for ads.
If every of-age voter voted, it is more like $150 per voter. With polls showing 5% undecided voters, if I generously double that to 10%, that’s $1,500 per undecided voter. And THAT is all anyone needs to know about how stupid the system has become. Over $100M spent to convince 70,000 or so people to vote for the long time incumbent or someone with no political experience.