I'm thinking, hoping, and praying, that the Democrats do some deep soul-searching. I'm not sure all of the states that you mentioned are going to go red. For whatever reason, and we have discussed them ad infinitum, there was a large portion of the population that just didn't like our candidate.

I think it's safe to say that after four years of chaos and craziness, a mainstream center middle of the road decent Democratic candidate might be just what the country needs.

Of course, it is imperative that we actually have elections in four years. I know you think this is crazy, but I see a whole bunch of crazy and chaos setting up soon.

The first thing to look for is how hard they pull strings to get Matt Gaetz installed as attorney General. If there is decent pushback against him, our country has hope. If they pull a recess appointment and there is no significant pushback from the rest of the GOP, we might have some scary years ahead.

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If there is an election in 2028 it should be a very good year for democrats to take over what's left of the country.

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And don't forget, we have an election in 2026 as well. In 2018 there was a big blue wave in the House, and I anticipate the same in 2026, especially if Trump becomes the authoritarian he is threatening to be.

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Agreed. All the groups who thought he was Jesus are slowly gonna figure out he speaks with forked tongue.

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True, plus people will see the price of eggs staying the same, or rising with many other costs.

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Seems silly to project what any swing states will be in a post Trump environment

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How can you discuss the next presidential race without knowing the state of the economy in 2028?

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It’s really cute that you think there’s going to be Democrats - or an election - in 2028

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It would be interesting to see what the 2024 electoral vote count would have been if every state awarded their votes based on Congressional district like Nebraska and NH rather than winner takes all.

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For item #2 you forgot another crazy/scary scenario…realizing he might not get confirmed as AG, Trump withdraws Gaetz as the nominee leaving DeSantis free to nominate Gaetz for Rubio’s senate seat. I’m not sure (but I’m admittedly wrong often) if Gaetz can win a statewide election in Florida so this gives him more statewide credentials prior to the 2026 election, even if he has the moral turpitude of an alley cat, in heat, on drugs, in the presence of a litter of kittens.

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So, if I am reading this correctly, a number of blue states are sliding towards being swing states. I don't see any red states going in the other direction. And, yet after the past election, I've seen post after post which claims that the reason the Democrats lost earlier this month was because of racism/sexism/stupidity.

It might be time for Democrats to rethink their strategy here (and again, I know that I'm in the minority in posting a view like this).

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On your Number 1 regarding swicg states. I think there is a large element related to the candidates rather than the party. I would suggest that people (undecided and independents) did not necessarily vote for a ReΓ»blican or a Democrat. They voted for the candidate. And there is no question that voters still have difficulty voting for a woman and that like it or not this played a role both in 2016 and 2024.

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To your 2028 map:

I assume that well before the 2028 cycle the Nebraska legislature will have repealed per-CD voting. Probably in the first session of next year.

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Don’t be shocked Dems of Republicans win in New Jersey, and cut it close in Connecticut and New York next election. Swing states are always changing, and I think any state with a large Hispanic population will be redder in the next decade

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Can you fill in the percentages of the electorate associated with the categories of election news consumption in the fascinating chart you shared?

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I enjoyed your positivity on CNN, I experienced the layoff experience a few times in my IT career. Sometimes I think a business mentor would have been helpful.

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Sorry, can’t watch the video. So I won’t find out who the 7 renegade senators might be.

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I can’t watch the video on whole screen, but I turn on the captions and scroll down so the captions are all I can see. Cuts down on the arm waving and moving around.

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Thank you for this tip. I’ve nailed it about why I can’t watch either.

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