Fetterman is not running for president.

Melania should be more of a story because she is someone who knows Trump very well and who tries her best to never be near him. If your spouse knows you are a hate filled, toxic loser....Come on, america! Wake up!

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Even Jeffery Dahmer's family showed up at his trial. She and most of his family was MIA.

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Melania isn't interesting ...she has never been anything but a shallow selfish clothes hound....Be best was a nothing burger and was concocted by her staff so she could say she had some kind of belief. She believes in Tiffany's, Neiman Marcus, Louboutin. And she is never going back to the White House because the man she WANTS to be married to is not ever getting back there.

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She was nev er anything but a gold digging trophy bimbo, who was stupid enough to think Trump was rich.

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Quote from CC: "Remember what a big deal it was that South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott was single as a candidate for president this year? (He got married!)"

Minor correction, Senator Tim is NOT married.

Negotiations between the fiance and the RNC broke down on the issue of whether or not she would actually have to sleep with him as well as stand alongside him. Her lawyers were firm that as long as Melania didn't have to do those duties and still remain married, then their client was not going to go that far.

(OK, I made the last part up) But he still isn't married.

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I think he's gay and the "fiancé" is his beard. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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In Republicanworld, everything is wrong with that.

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Maybe that's why DJT likes him so much. He who doth protest and all that. Wouldn't that be the kicker if DJT was on the other team, not there is anything wrong with that.

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I have a cousin who swears Dump is a closet gay because he's so fixated on his makeup and hair, and people's appearance in general.

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he always says to me "what straight guy cares about shit like that"...IDK. I guess "celebrities" do. Obama and Biden and Clinton and Bush 2 are all aging gracefully.

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Wouldn't shock me at all. Like everything else about him, there is always something behind his projection. Who else would be bragging about the size of his manhood? Let's circle around to the original premise of the post. Where is Melania? I bet she knows the answer to this.

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she ain't saying shit. Her "arrangement" doesn't allow it. Ever notice how Marla Maples is completely mum about Dump? I'm sure there's a quid pro quo for silence. $$$

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Biden’s closing words on Thursday.

“Donald if you see Melania give her my regards.”

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Melania may be having her legal team looking to see if any of Donald J Trump’s assets are unattached and available to add to her prenup haul. She has a bit iof problem….Trump is not nearly as rich as he has maintained that he is, and now he has staggering legal expenses. Maybe there’s a way that some of those contributions from his soulless billionaire bros can be funneled into the “satisfy Melania” fund. Otherwise, she’s a no-show.

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Melania shouldn't worry about splitting her time between the White House and wherever. The White House is not going be an option because Trump will not return to the White House ever again.

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Totally unsurprising that Trump's complaints about CNN's "unfairness" have already begun. As you pointed out in an earlier post, the terms appear to favor Biden (although such terms are only necessary because Trump is incapable of acting like a civilized adult), so I'm sure this was always the game plan. Agree to the terms and then complain that CNN rigged the debate in Biden's favor. That way, no matter what happens, he has someone other than himself to blame. For someone who wants to be seen as a strongman, Trump sure does relish playing the victim.

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Melania knows where this is going...and she's focused on not going THERE. She has a son to raise.

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A John Fetterman New Yorker profile? Inject that into my veins!

Thanks for the recommendation

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I'm from PA. Love him. Breath of fresh air and the real deal. I hope Washington doesn't corrupt him. Prayers for his continued recovery🙏🏼

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Good call on that new MJ Lenderman song, Chris!

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I think it’s pretty clear that, for all intents and purposes, Melania is “separated” from DJT. I think the Stormy Daniel’s fling was the “last straw” for her, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to be with him in that courtroom and have to wallow in the sordid details, being further cuckholded.

I think it’s likely she’s waiting for some key provision of the pre-nup to kick in and allow her to actually divorce him. Maybe x year(s) after his last run for office, given that her divorcing him would make him be a “loser”, and he can’t allow that to influence an election.

Obviously I’m speculating, though I think describing what they have as a “separation” seems reasonable and likely.

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Re: The current Mrs Trump. I highly recommend Carl Hiaasen's Squeeze Me, 2020, as a comic fantasy about her life, and his, post 2021.

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If/when I move back to PA, I look forward to voting for Senator Fetterman. He is a breath of fresh air...he knows who he is and that is who he will be. His conscience guides him, not the political winds. I'll take someone who wears shorts and works hard for his constituents versus the empty suits that occupy about 80 of the 100 seats in the seante.

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First, people are going to rake you over the coals for not applying Jill Biden’s appropriate title.

Second, in a political climate where both sides constantly accuse the other’s candidate of having cognitive decline, how does Sen. Fetterman continually get a pass? His stroke clearly left him with a neuro deficit, and yet no one ever wants to bring it up.

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Good to hear from you!

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That's not true. He's my state Senator & he's fine. Cognitive decline is what 98% of the Republican Senate has. Lindsey Graham, anyone? Mc Cain must be rolling in his grave.

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Sharp as a tack!


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that was a year ago. I've seen him speak as recently as two weeks ago and he was fine. Think whatever you want. I'm not here to argue.

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