Tick-tock goes the clock on DeSantis’ entire political career. Perhaps he could find a FL district to elect him state senator. Perhaps US House again. That's it. He will never get away from the Zieglers, which isn't over, Moms 4 Liberty, banning books, etc. Now he's trying to blame school principals. Add his lack of situational awareness in and the weird facial affect, and he's just done.

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Ron DeSantis is Republican toast.

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State parks are one of my favorite places!!

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I enjoy your political insights, but not the music selections. I give each one a short listen before I cast judgment. But keep trying! Thanks

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>β€œThis is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It’s an attempt to make TikTok better. Tic-Tac-Toe. A winner. A winner.” β€” Nancy Pelosi, awkwardly

"I don't know who created Pokemon Go, but I'm trying to figure out how we get them to have Pokemon Go To The Polls," - Hillary Clinton

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Chris Crucial is like The Point, except you’re doing it solo, and also YouTube

Boy do you have alot of discipline & energy

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To be sure, Ron DeSantis is "someone who is wooden and lifeless." Equally certain, DeSantis really, really wants to be president. But this column makes certain assumptions that I would challenge. It assumes Trump will be both still alive and still tremendously influential in 2028. But, what if that isn't true? Trump's so-called "base" seems unable to grow...at all. It may not be enough to elect him in 2024. Trump may have significant health issues within the next few years. He is grossly overweight, doesn't exercise, eats very poorly and demonstrates significant mental decline. Add his age to these factors and health & well-being are not at all certain. Further, his legal problems seem certain to cast a huge pall over that health and well-being in the next couple of years. And we all know he is certain to continue to do things that are un-American and lead to violence. Those actions may very well begin to chip away at his "base."

The chattering class presently takes it for granted that, even without Trump, his "base" will continue the movement. But what if that doesn't happen? What if the chattering class is, once again, very wrong? Assuredly, we are finished with DeSantis as a threat to anyone but the people unfortunate to live in Florida. But maybe, just maybe, we will also soon find TFG to be a greatly diminished threat to America.

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I don’t really get why we’re talking about 2028 already, but I can’t help thinking that DeSantis must have something on the ball to be elected and re-elected Governor in a major State.

These characters have more than meets the eye.

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