Nobody except Trump stooges thinks Jan6 was peaceful. And trump does not need to be president to call his goons to the streets when he loses. Look for election sites in swing states that go for Harris to be targeted. I hope those state governors have their National Guards ready.

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This threat of political violence has crescendoed ever since Trump rode down that golden escalator. He is directly responsible for the toxicity that has never been this acute. We must vote to maintain our democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. And he must never again be in office anywhere

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Congress and the β€œSupreme” Court will enter the fray on the side of Trump.

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DeSanctimous is such an ass !!!

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Chris please don't call these Republican extremists "conservative"- they are not conservative, they want an authoritarian government. True conservatives are very different. Think of the growing number of never-Trump Republicans. These people are conservative.

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I too am very worried about post election violence if PLEASE GOD Trump loses.That Stephen Richer, a Maricopa county republican elected voting official, built a high security enclosure around the facility where the votes are counted is proof that Chris is not alone in his concern. Richer lost his primary bid for re-election because he has spent most of the last four years stating without any doubt that Trump lost Maricopa county in 2020. Clint Hickman, a county supervisor who certified the Maricopa County election results, has lost count of the death threats. They include comments that they know what restaurants he frequents and where his kids go to school. I cannot imagine how he and his family feel. Trump has been sowing the same seeds of persecution since 2016 and has set up his followers perfectly to take up the fight for revolt if he loses. Although he won’t have the tools of office that he had in 2020, do not sell short his ability to cause havoc. And now he has a willing lieutenant to help with the heavy lifting.

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You should be worried about violence, Chris. Many of us are. If Trump loses, there is a 100 percent chance that he won't concede and will allege election fraud....again. A large percentage of his supporters (75 percent?) will believe him. The only questions are what will he tell his supporters to do and how many of them will be willing to go to jail for him...again.

As for Bashaw, he's gay and pro-choice? And a Republican? How does that make sense?

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If you read the Bulwark- a very interesting group of writers on substack- you will learn that there are more than a couple who are gay and pro-choice. There is a greater variety of Republicans than I had ever realized. Most refreshing!

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There are lots of gay republicans (including me). Just because I'm into dudes doesn't mean I want crappy foreign policy and drag queens reading story books to my kid.

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What does it matter if a drag queen reads to your kids?

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(1) Drag is womanface, and is every bit as offensive as blackface.

(2) Drag queens reading to kids routinely try to drag (haha) them into gender confusion. See, for example, the book Dragitivity, handed out by Drag Queen Story Hour NYC (which gets public funding to go into NYC public schools):

>Featuring 20 pages of fun and educational activities such as β€œfind your own drag name,” β€œcircle your pronouns,”


This is why I, a 68-year-old lifelong Democrat, will now be voting straight Republican.

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This feels like a parody post from Pitchbot.

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He’s a parody of himself….

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Probably should have changed it not not a good chart for today. We are facing back to back billion dollar storms. Homeowners insurance is already extremely expensive if you can find it in Florida. I am in Georgia and we are starting to see companies pull out of the state starting next year. After Helene I fear the state of the homeowners insurance market in Georgia will soon be like Florida. Let's all hope it drops from a category 5 before it makes landfall.

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It would be unconscionable for the authorities to be unprepared for the MAGA violence that the treasonous Trump is fomenting and made inevitable. The disgusting lies re the storm recovery and the AI images that those traitors refuse to walk back are the last straw. The good news? I imagine that most of those "tough guy" MAGA dupes are cowards.

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Did you hear of Devan Nunes’ mismanagement of Trump Media, whistleblowers, and employees fleeing the company?

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Chris, like you and many of your readers, I am also very worried about violence. One guy I know said that, given how many of the January 6th rioters are in prison, he did not think that they would pull that again. But who knows?

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It didn’t have to be this way. Our Republic’s inability to disqualify the candidate who has proclaimed that he will be a dictator on day one, let alone the one who has been convicted of sex abuse, and indicted many times over, presages what is going to happen. Are we surprised at this candidates behavior? Has it improved over the last decade?

As for smart political terrorists who we hope will use good judgment in the event of a loss this time. Remember that the Jan 6th terrorists live streamed their own violence. Making them easier to be caught. And the US Supreme Court, including one who takes bribes from right wing donors, and another who flies insurrectionist flags from his house, disqualified the Republican candidate (who encouraged he death of his own VP) from being prosecuted.

Meanwhile, half of Wall St financiers, and half of Silicon Valley, most of them billionaires and smart all support an insurrection against the Democrats if it saves them from paying taxes.

So you can’t pin all the threats of violence just on Trump. Much of America at every level, in every institution, police, fire, military, unions, media all support it. Either overtly. Or through funding or support of the Trump campaign. They don’t have a problem with him being a dictator.

That said, there are 400 million weapons in the hands of both Republicans and Democrats. The military just has 8% of them. And the states, both red and blue have their own domestic military. They are likely to control all the federal military bases, roads and airports and funding if any national violence breaks out. Americans will defend themselves. They more than love to do that already. They don’t actually need an excuse. So I can’t see my neighbor who supports an opposing candidate coming to my door to threaten me because he knows what will happen. As It did during the Cold War, mutual assured destruction keeps the peace. The Federal government (and poorer red states) will go broke very quickly when the states refuse to pay into the Federal pot, which keeps them financially afloat if Trump goes off the rails.

So while the threat of violence is always going to be there, it won’t last very long. If Trump supporters do turn up again in DC or at state houses like last time, it’s unlikely Capitol police and state defense forces will be as friendly this time. They are free to livestream their fates, of course.

We shall see.

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Harris is going to WIN and there will be no violence. Most of the Trump cult members who would have fo

rmented violence are in jail now and the rest will learn from those who are already in jail.

And oh, Chris , you forgot to mention that Nancy Pelosi's Husband was attacked and almost killed in his house. Also, remember Gilford, the wife of Senator Kelly of Arizona was shot for political reasons.

And again, Harris is going to WIN and there will be no violence, so no need to be "worried" Chris

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Harris may very well win, but Donald J Trump is going to exhort his supporters to resist his loss. Trumpism is a religion rather than a political ideology, and his ardent followers are willing to sacrifice their lives for him. He will call them, and they will respond. There will be widespread violence..at polling places, at ballot tabulation sites, at statehouses around the country. There will be disruption at every level of American life. Wait for it.

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Sadly, I fear you are right.

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I find that far too often, Dr., you’re prone to unwarranted β€œHopium”. While I appreciate your confidence in the Harris-Walz ticket winning, it would be foolhardy to be so unconcerned. It’s just too close to feel comfortable.

And by the way, what are you *personally* doing to make sure they win? I’m about to start my second 200 postcards to swing states; I’m on a standby list to go door knocking in Arizona (closest swing state to me in Los Angeles); and I’ll be working the polls for 4 days (again). We can’t take ANY chances, as we know how complacent we got with Hillary in 2016.

And as to violence on the part of MAGA? I think there’s absolutely NO DOUBT that there will be violence if and when Trump loses (please god!). The only question is how widespread and how significant it will be.

Let’s not forget which political demographic owns 5+ firearms per household….

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Chris did mention the attack on Mr. Pelosi.

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I fear as the movie title states, 'There Will Be Blood' if Trump loses.

It is unavoidable and Trump will be there with popcorn and Diet Cokes cheering them on to their deaths, because there will be deaths. Our State National Guard troops will sadly see to that.

Then there will be the trials and jail sentences for those that are still alive.

Thousands of families turned upside down and destroyed and for what? Trump's ego edification and jollies.

The only good news after such carnage is that Trump will also likely face prison as well.

But I also fear that blood will flow if Trump wins. I fear that MAGA will roam the streets triumphant terrorizing neighborhoods where they believe Liberals live. Going into communities to show them the righteous way of MAGA and how if you do not follow, you will pay a price.

So either way, there will be blood spilled.

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I truly hope you’re wrong, Jeff…..

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I truly hope I am wrong as well.

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The β€œmuscular form of conservatism” is called fascism. That’s what it is. And we need to start saying it in unison.

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Political violence? BLM hasn't attacked and burned down a police station in a while, so I think we're good. Although Free Palestine! may give us a bit of excitement soon enough.

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KGB active measures, US/Canada: Unit V-ii.

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I share the concern about the potential for violence but here's a hopeful thought: Convicted Felon Trump was expecting huge protests at the courthouse during his hush money trial. Didn't happen. Maybe, just maybe, the fever is starting to break.

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