So, there is lots of talk about whether to remove the 81-year-old who had, notably, a really REALLY bad night. But there is not talk about removing the 78-year-old who is twice impeached, a convicted felon, who would use his power to persuade for ALL the wrong reasons? Wow!! Trump 4 more years scares me a whole lot more than Biden 4 more years.

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The only reason you aren’t hearing talk about removing the 78-year-old who is twice impeached, a convicted felon is because the Republican Party doesn’t care (which is quite depressing). The Democrat Party is concerned about who they put forward. They also want to win in November and are willing to do whatever it takes to win. But this is really not about what the Democrat party leaders, pundits, etc want. This is Biden’s decision alone. If he believes he can weather this storm and win in November then you better believe the Democrat party machine will eventually rally around him and pull out all the stops to make that happen.

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Though I have completely supported (and admired) Biden for the entirety of his career, I disagree...it is not Biden's decision alone. There are other qualified Dems who need to objectively weigh in.

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I don’t disagree others will weigh with advice and recommendations, but in the end it will be Biden’s decision.

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Totally agree. My comment was half rhetorical and half ugh I think. Thanks.

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Yes! Really scared of $2 gas, world peace and no inflation! Sounds awful

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Chris writes that "a president’s real sway lies in his ability to convince people — lawmakers, the public, the media —that his way is the right way." Sounds a lot like what Trump has been able to do, and sadly you can add the Supreme Court into the mix. What a sad day for America.

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"That his way is the right way" even if his way is criminal and laden with lies and deceit. Sad day indeed Dan. May God help us and help us soon!

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Yes God, please help us immediately.🙏

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"For Biden to succeed in a 2nd term then, you have to believe that he has the ability to use the public power of the presidency to push his preferred agenda to passage."

Actually, according to the Supreme Court, President Biden can have Convicted Felon Trump murdered and the conservative majority on the Supreme Court arrested and sent to Guatanamo. These would all be "official acts."

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Be still my heart….

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You are right, it isn't about his staff it is about the man. After the recent Supreme Court rulings, this is even more important. But I am still more worried about Trump being president and his 2025 project than I am about Biden.

I wanted someone else. I am mad that Biden didn't follow through with his comments, I will defeat Trump and then the younger people will step up. Power corrupts absolutely. The Democratic party is a mess. I am worried about my country. A bit doom and gloom today, sorry.

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I agree, regarding both men. I find myself saying absolute power corrupts absolutely a lot these days, unfortunately - about Trump, SCOTUS, congress, etc., etc., etc.

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Why are you and the media hyper-focused on 90 minutes of Biden's lackluster debate vs. Trump's 90 minutes of lies and his vision of a racist, misogynistic fascist country whose first order of business is to further reward the Uber-rich and corporations and let Ukraine be destroyed by Putin. Why is that OK?

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I watched the debate. I was stunned by the debate. The quantity of lies that spewed from Donald J Trump, and the open-mouthed disbelief that was Joe Biden’s response. And I thought,especially after reading the debate transcript, that Biden is still of sound mind albeit frail of body. And whichever candidate’s name has a (D) next to it, is my candidate in 2024. However…the country would be better served with a more robust candidate. The Democratic leadership has a job to do here, and they’re not doing it. They need to consider the options for a substitute candidate for the presidency, and they need that individual’s input on the vice-presidential candidate. It cannot be someone from the current administration, not this time. They need to tell the Biden family, who apparently “huddled at Camp David” to decide whether Joe Biden should stay in the race, that this is not a Biden family decision. And the Party needs to move forward, quickly and in lockstep. If the leadership decides that Biden is the best bet, then they need to stop the innuendo and hand-wringing and get on with a campaign. I am a Biden supporter. If the Party substitutes someone else, ANY other Democrat..well..that person has my vote. I want a candidate, I want a strong Party message. I am voting against Donald J Trump.


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But trump is always getting a pass. He lies, cheats, steals and is one horrible motherfucker. But we are desensitized to him doing this. With the exception of Putin, Kim orban and maybe now le pen, the rest of the normal world would rather deal with Biden and all of his issues than the unknown bullshit of trump.

On the flip side, Biden should not have put himself and us in this position.

As Bill Mahre said on real time Friday night, ”I would vote for Joe Biden’s head in a jar of formaldehyde

before I would vote for trump.”

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You need to step back a bit and listen to what you have written. It sounds arrogant and ignorant. If Joe is to be replaced, it’s up to voters, not the pundit class. What you are saying has validity but we dumbass voters don’t have to listen to you. We know DJT is a fucking scumbag. That is a given. Let’s convince voters not lord it over them.

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Supreme Court Opinions in the past year firmly solidify my vote for Biden. That is clearly a vote for the future of this country!!!!! Drop the Mike.

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The Loper-Bright and presidential immunity cases are just two more reasons to be depressed about this country's future.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

I am a hardcore Democrat, never voted Republican in my entire life. (54 now). However, I say we can't be hypocrites here. While us Democrats are wringing our hands in glee hoping Trump f*cks up a debate and say it is the end of him, we can't then turn around and pretend it is not a big deal if Biden f*cks it up. Now do I think Biden seemed to bounce back at his rally, absolutely. Do I support him and think he is a great President, absolutely. Do I think that was a sh*t performance at the debate and made it look like he didn't have a grasp on things, absolutely. Sadly, that is what people are walking away with and the fact that all these Democrats are out on social media calling for him to step down doesn't help. I personally thinks this is a bit of an outlier performance compared to the rest of this speeches, and he has had some slow moments before. However, it was the most high profile and most watched, that is what sucks.

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I can think of one president whose staff ran a lot of the White House Donald Trump or we would be in a lot worse of mess then we are now

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I seriously wonder if Biden had a TIA earlier in the day of the debate. He couldn't speak coherently or organize his thoughts, and had a severe lack of facial expression. Additionally, after the debate he appeared to need assistance from his wife just to navigate one step to speak to the journalists. TIA's can resolve in 24 hours, so that he was 'perky Joe' the next day would not be out of the question. Either way, his presentation was alarming....

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Especially given the fact that he(President Biden) has Atrial Fibrillation, which is a risk factor for TIA and CVA. Or did he take some antihistamines for his "cold' That affectEd him that way. We just don't know.

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Definitely could have been a TIA.

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Bidens ability..or inability..to be an effective president is obviously important. With that in mind, no one who watched the debate can reasonably argue that the 81 year old shell of a man that we saw on Thursday night can be a competent head of state, especially for 4+ more years.

That said, if and when Trump destroys JB in November, and that is what will happen if Biden refuses to be a good American patriot and steps down, JB's effectiveness won't matter. And at that point we will have much more dangerous and existential things to worry about.

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Yes! Can you imagine existential things like $2 gas, no inflation and world peace! How’s a person supposed to sleep at night with all that again…

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How do you know that that's what will happen though? ( That Trump will beat Joe Biden in November)

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The same way you know JB will win. It’s his opinion, just as you have yours. As you’ve said numerous times, the truth of who will win will come out on Election Day.

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Chris had this as draft but most people are moving to new 24 news cycle with the SCOTUS Ruling.

It is not his narrative

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Angel Believe me Chris is not going to leave Biden's bad debate alone for the next several days.

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Chris will literally beat the horse to death!

Chris is auditioning for new job and his writing and topic will tell you where he is searching help wanted

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Nope. We’re stuck on Biden’s candidacy until it is decisively resolved.

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Well Cathjyn, there's really nothing else to resolve. President Biden IA our nominee ans he is going to beat Trump in November

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Chris will keep you spinning that narrative because he has not new to offer

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What would you have him discuss?

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He can discuss Trump's lies during the debate and the latest Supreme Court rulings.

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Fair point on Trump’s lies. That seems to have been universally swept under the rug, by journalism in general. I expect that Chris’ next missive will be heavy on SCOTUS.

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Yep, you're right. Chris did a good one on this dangerous SCOTUS rulings. I learnt a lot from the lawyer Chris brought in to discuss the rulings

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I'm NOT arguing that Biden should not be replaced, but if “presidential power is the power to persuade” we should review all that Biden managed to accomplish in his current term. He has been rather persuasive.

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