These knuckleheads may think that they exist in a bubble, but the American people can see exactly what they’re doing. And if Republicans are going to need Democratic votes to do something…like maybe save a Speaker (and they will)they had better tread VERY CAREFULLY here. This is a Freedom Caucus land mine for the Party’s re-election chances.

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I'm happy to sit back with my popcorn and watch the "Freedom Caucus" play with their dynamite, and pay the consequences of it blowing up in their faces. "Freedom for me, not for thee" from the alleged "Freedom Caucus, I might add.

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We have crossed the Rubicon regarding "normal" politics so many times in recent decades. It's painful. When are Republicans going to start leading and legislating, rather than investigating and impeaching. From Benghazi, to "her emails," to Burisma, Hunter, Biden's supposed business dealings. And now Mayorkas. It just never ends. Never. Ends.

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I hope they bring up a count on how Mayorkas listened to a Taylor Swift album.

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Very good piece, Chris. It is eye popping to see all of this taking place, there is no bottom to any of this. The GOP has lost their minds and do not see how this will be getting any better, anytime soon. Are they so incapable of legislating? We, the people, elect them to go and do a job, which they have no desire to do. It’s all a disgrace.

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But Republicans don’t want to act in the border. They don’t care about the actual problem.

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Truth, if they did, they would sit at the table and have good faith discussions. They’ve never cared about it for as long as I can remember.

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Wow! Even Alan “my best years are behind me” Dershowitz thinks there’s no cause for impeachment!?!? This piece of performance art is being done at Trump’s bidding. Part of his “I’m not a criminal, you’re a criminal “ strategy. As he of the large vocabulary would say, “Sad”!

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Oh, you KNOW that they are going to do this. It will waste everyone's time and tons of money, and hopefully, voters will punish these clearly unserious people when the election takes place in November.

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These are basically the same people who believe there is a conspiracy that brought us KC in the Super Bowl so Taylor Swift can be seen happy. I believe it will backfire by drawing attention to themselves as unable to get anything done.

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Not to discount the anarchy of House Republicans, but do you suppose their supporters ever notice how ineffective they are?

They were supposed to expunge 🫤 Trump’s impeachment before the August recess (last August). I follow the news pretty closely and maybe I’ve missed it, but whatever happened to the investigation of Hunter and impeachment of the president? Now they’re going to impeach Mayorkas? Really or just going to bray about it for awhile?

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No, Kevin, their supporters won't hear about it because their trusted source for "news" feeds them propaganda 24/7 about bogus conspiracy theories.

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Too bad Unrerconstructed Confederate Congresswoman Potato Face (aka Marjorie Traitor Goon) can't be impeached for being a serial adulteress (as her husband charged in their divorce) for doing the only thing she is apparently any good at - giving blowjobs to all the gymrats down there in Al-fa-ray-tuh Jaw-juh.

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Could MTG be impeached for not doing her job? Based on the evidence

they have against Mayorkis, similar evidence has to out there to crucify MTG

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How many House GOP are lawyers? If quite a few, maybe they need a refresher on how to read laws? Most of this is to please Trump and fund raise.

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Meanwhile as the below 2018 article "Ethics Be Damned" notes, more than half of Trump's 20-person cabinet engaged in "questionable or unethical conduct". Impeachments? Zero!


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Why isn’t Mitch McConnell doing anything to stop this complete and utter waste of time. It will never get “passed” in the Senate.

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Because McConnell only leads when he wants to get something done he is personally behind. Anything else, he is happy to step back and let others make a fool of themselves. Look what he is doing on the border deal - he was willing to provide leadership until Trump said no, and now he has stepped back and will let Lankford take the heat...

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Re: Republican Perspective

"Don't let reality get in the way of (supposed) election talking points."

Going after Mayokas is an easier lift than going after Uncle Joe. The commercials will write themselves..."Biden's impeached Sec'y of HS is an example of his corrupt regime."

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And there you have it! Trump is NOT the POTUS, only a candidate. It appears that this is his first step up the ladder of retribution. He gets his sycophants all lathered up and they go after Mr. Biden’s appointees. Yes, the border situation is a mess, but it didn’t start with the current President. I may be wrong in my thinking and graciously accept any correction, but this nonsense has got to stop! We are beginning to look weak to our enemies and they will take advantage!

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Great photo of MTG - all it needs is a pair of her dirty socks jammed in her mouth!

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