You are addictive! Yay! And, thanks for "So What"!

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I live in New York which seems to be going through a never ending game of how much gerrymandering can Democrats get away with.

So what does it say about our country that control of Congress essentially depends on who can get away with the most egregious gerrymandering and do you think this will ever change?

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What I’m really curious about is where the candidates are going to shake out on abortion. Will they align themselves with the six week bans being enacted in red states to appeal to primary voters or take a softer approach with an eye to the general election?

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Do you think Trump’s skipping of the debate is a political miscalculation as his former press secretary says? Is Trump avoiding a potential interaction with Chris Christie, or does he think he’s just untouchable? Do you think his avoidance shows insecurities or arrogance?

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Looking forward to the live commentary for sure. I’m in metro Atlanta and want to see questions and responses about the recent indictments.

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dumb question: with trump being a no-show and being interviewed with carlson (at the same time?), then checking into jail the following day, does this first debate become something of a "non-event" ?

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I was not sure I was going to watch the debate. With this commentary going, I just might. Any idea where to livestream if you don't have cable? I can only find info that says this will be exclusively on the Fox News channel, and I don't have access to that. Even if I can't watch, I still might come here just to see what everyone is saying. Thanks.

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Yes. But it won't be here. It will on the chat. I will send a link to paid subscribers tomorrow afternoon.

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Thanks for the info. I'll still try to find a place to livestream it. I always look forward to your perspectives.

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