Your thesis that the Dems are uniformly circling the wagons around Biden just as the Republicans have done around Trump is being disproven more and more each day. There is a significant and growing groups of both rank and file Dems and Dem politicians that recognizes the liability that Biden has become and is calling for change now. Despite Trump’s obvious cognitive decline, this simply hasn’t happened with the R Party.

One more observation-the media should report the truth always even if inconvenient to the Biden supporters. But I think you’d have to admit that they have never accurately depicted the extent of Trump’s sheer craziness. The coverage reflects the soft bigotry of low expectations, as Republicans used to say about affirmative action. In other words, Trump is so unhinged and such a liar that everyone “knows” it thus whatever recent zingers he throws out there simply fit this baked in narrative and aren’t news. As a result, Trump’s incapacity is glossed over. I think this is what has enraged Biden supporters so much. That Trump has always been unsuitable for the Presidency yet the big news is that Biden has now suddenly appeared to be unsuitable as well

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All true, but I don't think anyone can deny there has been a powerful "don't believe your lying eyes" push from a lot of Biden supporters -- many of whom are otherwise credible people, but seem to have fallen prey to Bidenism -- a far less extreme variant of Trumpism, but sharing the denial of truth aspect, *and* attacking people who have the audacity to state the obvious truth that Biden is severely diminished mentally and physically.

I do think it is all coming from a place of good intentions -- and most probably believe that rock-solid unwavering support of Biden is the best way to stop Trump. I think this is a fantasy. Asking people to believe otherwise is ridiculous. Sure, he is a good man, and he is surrounded by competent and decent people who will provide support as needed. But most of us have seen what age-related decline looks like in people in their 80s, and to tell us he is fine, and even beyond that that he will manage to serve another term -- no one could say this with any confidence, and doing so undermines all credibility.

Regardless, it is not die-hard anti-Trumpers in blue states (myself included) we need to worry about, who will vote for anyone that is not Trump, including this man who is clearly suffering serious age-related decline (but seems otherwise a good and decent man). It is those few thousands of people in swing states that will decide the election, and are actually on the fence about which candidate is worse (!). Telling these people he is fine pushes them away; they need a credible Trump alternative, or many of them will either fail to vote for either candidate; and as close as this looks, every one of these people may matter.

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Darren, this can’t be said enough: it’s about the undecideds/swing voters in swing states.And before June 27 that was a handful of states, but that is changing after the debate debacle, the delayed and troubling response, and growing knowledge of the coverup of Mr. Biden’s declining mental and physical state.

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"Bidenism -- a far less extreme variant of Trumpism" - ooh, that's good! That's it exactly.

According to Ezra Klein, this is a corruption of the concept of a political party. He cites “The Hollow Parties: The Many Pasts and Disordered Present of American Party Politics” by Sam Rosenfeld and Daniel Schlozman. They "tell the history of how the strong parties of yesterday have become the hollowed-out vehicles for presidential ambition we see today. The ethos of the early American political parties was that they were a bulwark against politics becoming about one person. 'The idea,' Rosenfeld told me, was 'that parties subsume individual ambition, that you commit to the party and to the cause, never to the man'" (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/30/opinion/biden-debate-convention.html).

Agree with everything else you've said.

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I totally agree, but this illustrates the problem of running against a relentless deluge of BS, amplified by a completely biased media support system. I, like many others, have been concerned about Biden's age, but recognize that the Right's constant vile attacks and conveniently presented videos made me react defensively. The debate performance made it impossible to ignore the obvious mental decline & conclude it's highly unlikely that Biden can effectively take the fight to Trump. Trump gave Biden a gift of opportunities to demonstrate the strength of his positions to the American people. Instead, he didn't lay a hand on him. In fact he turned some responses into incomprehensible diversions to Trump talking points. This clarified for me that Biden is not equipped to win, though I had been leaning in that direction for a while. Coupled with the lethally low favorability (which Biden denies) and disastrous polling data (also rejected by Biden), the situation is dire. For months the voters have reported that they didn't want either of these candidates, but the decision makers on both sides have refused to pay attention. There may be no way to comprehensively report and rebut the insanity of Trump, but we can't counter that with insulting gaslighting from Biden's protecters.

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The media have been reporting Donald Trump’s craziness in one way or another for the last forty years. And since 2016 it has been intense. Do you remember the tone of the coverage in 2016-2017? The idea that Trump’s negatives have been underreported is absolutely lunacy.

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I don’t agree. Look at what happened in the media post debate. The narrative was all about Biden’s stumbling and bumbling. The stream of lies that Trump uttered were consigned to a category of Trump lied, big surprise. I saw very little media fact checking of the nonsense he spewed and incessant coverage of Biden’s infirmity. And why? Because Trump’s lying and spewing of nonsense is baked into the cake so to speak while what we saw from Biden is new news. And that’s the narrative that the media thrives on, which gives Trump a virtual free pass

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"the media should report the truth always even if inconvenient to the Biden supporters. But I think you’d have to admit that they have never accurately depicted the extent of Trump’s sheer craziness."

I realize that we all see the world from vastly different perspectives, and that we're just strangers here on the internet, but saying that "[the media] have never accurately depicted the extent of Trump’s sheer craziness" sounds insane to me, as if you've slept through the past decade.

Do you really think there's a single conscious American who hasn't heard dozens of tales about Trump's insanity and tawdriness? That we've been able to walk thru the airport or sit in the doc's office waiting room without seeing CNN or some other news show blasting out a Trump scandal? Or "Democracy Dies In Darkness", the pussy tape, the pee tape, all the late-night "comedians" turning their shows into anti-Trump rallies, all the chin-stroking by the Times and NYer about his supposed fascism, Trump impeached, Trump arrested, Trump on trial etc etc—there's barely a story that doesn't refer to the madness of Trump and it's been that way since 2015! It's a major revenue stream and has been for a long time. (And I say this not to defend the man, he is odious.)

And as for the debate: "The narrative was all about Biden’s stumbling and bumbling." Cmon this is a massive scandal! The Prez is senile codger and the Dems and the media tried to hide it and demonize anyone who brought it up—and it all unraveled in a few mins in front of the whole world!

Biden turning into Abe Simpson on live TV doesn't mean they gave Trump "a virtual free pass", it just means that Biden's disaster eclipsed everything else happening on the stage. (It may have eclipsed everything happening on the planet.)

Don't worry, they'll be back on the Trump is Hitler beat soon enough. Maybe this next few thousand thinkpieces and clickbait will at last be the ones that finally vanquish him.

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Well said! -However, are the swing voters readers of the NYT, The New Yorker, and/or CNN, (which is *Almost*, yet not as severely, biased as Fox News)? Its not easy to escape the media echo chamber- The main reason I read Damon’s work.

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I can't say I know much about the mythical "swing voter" (I live entirely in the Blue Bubble), but (to speak to the original comment) I don't see how there's any living non-comatose adult American who doesn't have some level of awareness re Trump and his insanity. It has been front and center almost everywhere for almost a decade.

I think it might be time for those of us who are shocked and appalled by that man to maybe entertain the idea that, yes, people know how nuts he is, but that it doesn't bother them or that they even like it. And for various non-evil reasons, such as: disgust with normal politics and politicians; disgust w the Republican Party after the many lies and disasters of Bush/Cheney; the fawning people do over billionaires, businessmen and TV stars (of which he is all 3); and lastly, because his signature issue—the wall and illegal immigration—really resonates with working people, as it offends their sense of fairness and as people are always sensitive to what they perceive as invaders to their homes, hometowns, and countries (it seems to be a human universal as much as the liberal class refuses to face it). Not to mention the fact that he's already served one term and the world didn't end.

Personally, I've always thought of Trump as a flaming bag of shit that downscale America has flung onto the doors of upscale America, as represented by DC, NYC and LA/SF. And, just like w Groucho and Margaret Dumont (if you know the Marx Bros), people really love watching snotty rich people get smeared w shit (or even just cream pie).

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Richard. I respectfully disagree. It is not as you claim being "disproven more and more each day", it. the Dems acting like the Republicans will continue to be so until the President withdraws his name for the Democratic Party's nomination. Period. And drawing a false equivalency by asserting that calling out Biden's Mental incompetence is Trumped by Trump himself only reveals your mistrust in your fellow voters.

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I would hope the difference between Democratic voters and Trump voters is that Democrats would fix the problem rather than pretend it’s not obvious.

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If that were true, then Biden wouldn't be in the position he's in to begin with. The GOP being worse doesn't make Democrats any better than they are. Reality isn't graded on a curve.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

I think to some extent that may be true but then again it appears that a lot of time and effort went into concealing the extent of Biden's deteriorating cognitive condition. (Apologies to Robert Hur) However, once revealed many elected Democrats and voters now admit it and propose to find another candidate.

Trump's support had been pretty consistent and growing even after seeing what he is and evaluating his fitness. They aren't looking for another candidate.

The conceit has always been, as Nate Silver put it, that Democrats were part of the reality-based community. That was always only partially true and contingent. As in economics so in Life the answer to so many questions is, "It depends".

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I absolutely agree with you. I will also, however, submit that IF Biden makes it out of the convention as the candidate, you will see the Dems quickly coalesce around Biden; or, for that matter, whoever comes out of the convention as the candidate.

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Agree the Dems will coalesce around Biden. We had done so up until his abysmal debate performance. But if my party's nominee (Biden is only the presumptive nominee until the delegates vote for him at the convention) is someone younger than Biden, and a moderate, I think there will be a surge of enthusiasm.

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I agree. Glossing over Trump's incapacity (and meanness) is what enrages Biden supporters.

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Ok I’ve been furious since last week. I was already feeling lied to about Biden promising to be a bridge to the next generation. That was clearly a lie or his ego is driving the bus or something. Anyone pointing out I’m not observing Tr*mps bad performance- just know I do not care what the GOP does bc they aren’t my party. I only care what the Dems do to fix this fascist post Roe shitshow. Tr*mp did nothing unpredictable. He lies and is an unhinged crook. Old news. What’s new news? That hubris might be the driver here and prevent a robust and energizing fight against immune satan. My circles are praying some good sense prevails here and Biden valiantly brings us all into a new era and full throatedly steers the boat to defeat Trump with the next in line. Watching Biden’s campaign slowly sink is giving me ulcers!!!! His answers are not calming. NOT doing a cognitive workup? WHUT. And stumping in that interview instead of calming us. I’m PISSED.

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I feel the same way. I feel lied to about how “healthy” Biden was. I thought Joe was going to be a bridge, so I was disappointed when he announced he would run for re-election.

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Same!! He said he would be the bridge!!! I’m starting to feel nuts. He said it himself.

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I know the word is not popular anymore, but I feel gaslit.

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It is completely accurate.

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FWIW, Doris, when Biden announced in April 2023, I was convinced he was the only Dem, again, who could beat Trump. My top alternative candidates were Gov Whitmer and Pete B. I thought there was too much risk in a woman candidate and I was sure the nation wasn't ready for a gay man. I also thought Harris was a weak alternative. (I no longer do. See "Is Kamala Harris Underrated?" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyvaxlKuOuE&list=PLdMrbgYfVl-szepgVpArP0obwYgbKdfvx&index=1&t=202s&pp=iAQB). Biden had just come off of a terrific SOTU. I said at the time, "If he can keep this up, he beats Trump."

Now I know he can't, and I think Whitmer is a strong candidate and Harris as well.

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I love Gretchen. Harris I do have some issues with, but she’s an easy yes for me.

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Wow, that is one of the most helpful and insightful things you have published. (Not that you do not publish lots of helpful and insightful pieces, which is why I subscribe.) After the debate, I thought the Democrats were starting to sound like the Republicans with their denialism, alternate facts, yea but-what abouts and nothing matters because Trump is pure evil. I started to wonder if I was over reacting. This addresses the issues I was grappling with. Thanks!

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Excellent discussion. I think quite a few of us are steaming mad and getting gaslit doesn't improve our mood.

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Yes, I think a*lot* of us are. 😠

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Dear Mr. Cillizza,

I am one who questions you on all the criticism of Biden and the credulity you seem to confer on Trump. I wonder how that can be?

No, you're right. Biden's effort was pretty bad. It was also poorly micked and there was no fact checking by CNN, a news channel. Instead of Jake Tapper or Dana Bash fact-checking Trumps gish gallop of lies, or having a crawl across the screen at the bottom, they left it to Biden to fact check Trump.

Yes, Biden did poorly. Trump did what he always did. He did what he did in 2016 against 15 GOP candidates who were as lost as Biden. How quickly Trump got rid of Jeb Bush who couldn't take the name calling. Ted Cruz is one of Trump's biggest toadies despite the fact that Trump accused his father of participating in JFK's assassination. Marko Rubio was quickly dispatched by being called "Little Marco." All of those other candidates folded nearly crying because they couldn't take the public belittlement and the gish gallop. In comparison, Biden did occasionally offer up good arguments but yes, he folded, too eventually. I did not see the first hour so I can't make any claim about that time.

We know Trump for who he has proven to be. He lies incessantly, he's been proven a fraud over and over again in court. He used his foundation as his checkbook. His Trump University? His Trump Steaks? His multiple bankruptcies running those casinos? How is it possible to bankrupt your own casino? He has purloined top secret documents and refused to give them back, then has described a search done about a year after the National Archive's first request for return. He says Biden threatened to kill him during the search, which was scheduled to be executed with him at the WH and no one else there. He incited an insurrection to obstruct the pro forma certification of Biden's election, then plotted and set up a full scale conspiracy covering all the bases to keep himself in power, and his advisors say he knows he lost but he just keeps on complaining it was a fraudulent vote. Even the Republican who ran that vote said it was the cleanest vote ever. Doesn't stop him from complaining that Biden's illegitimate and Trump deserves the presidency. He's an alleged child rapists, he's been described by the judge in the E. Jean Carroll case as a rapist, he skims political donations to the GOP to pay his legal bills.

So I ask again. How do you give him a mulligan and hold Biden's feet to the fire as the one of the two candidates who must resign from the fight. And that Project 2025? Kevin Roberts thinks the left should bow down before him, Trump and the Project 2025 and give Trump the election peacefully or there will be blood.

Which Democrats are threatening bloodshed?

You position is suspect. The NY Times's and WaPo's and the Wall Street Journal's positions are suspect. Why? Because all that Trump has done, all that he promises to do, including that he'll only be a dictator on day one - do you buy that? Show me a dictator who voluntarily stopped being a dictator after day one?

Again, your position is suspicious because you don't answer these questions.

I wish you good health, I wish you continued prosperity, I wish you good luck. But if you don't take all these questions and so many, many more and look at who you want out of the race and say nothing about Trump and all the danger he poses to our country, why should we just settle and say your lack of attention to what Trump will do to this country if he stays on the ballot and wins.

Be well.

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Because that’s not the story. The story here is dems (and I vote blue) are behaving in a MAGA way after we said we denounced cults!

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Except the "dems" and NOT "behaving in a MAGA way".

See my comment that included this truly unbiased media take from Peter Baker in the NY Times...

“Varying Treatment of Biden and Trump Puts Their Parties in Stark Relief

Republicans and Democrats live in radically different universes, interpreting the same set of facts through radically different lenses.”


"“One of America’s political parties has a presidential candidate who is really old and showing it. The other has a presidential candidate who is a convicted felon, adjudicated sexual abuser, business fraudster and self-described aspiring dictator for a day. And also really old.

One of the parties is up in arms about its nominee and trying to figure out how to replace him at the last minute. The other is not.“"

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Agree, Janie. Lifelong Dem here.

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Let's be clear. The denialism of Biden was baked into his 2020 campaign. He was hidden from public view THEN and had been the last four years. Does that equate to years of criminal lies and behavior? Even worse, does it equate to the go along party that enabled trump... Yes this is choice of the lesser of two evils... Literally

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Top of mind for me is Project 2025 and it's list of who the rich white male supremacists and racist hate and how they want to enslave us. There is no justifying it.

I am in the Biden camp but I realized that the intraparty discussion is more heat than is good for us and less light than we need. Closely linked to my preferred candidate is the fervent wish that we Democrats express ourselves in a peaceful, respectful way. Disagreement is not only allowed but invited. I will vote for the Democratic candidate with 1 caveat: no billionaire should be nominated as that is, at present, a suspect class of individuals. It's the billionaires who fund and will profit from Project 2025.

I completely respect your opinion and want you to express it without being attacked by other Democrats. I already have been so attacked. I'm a big girl so I can take it.

Project 2025 is such a threat to your rights, our rights, our well-being, our financial future, our right to thrive in a democracy now 248 years old, protected and defended by millions of young men and women who fought bravely, died or were horrifically wounded and some came home from Vietnam and were spat upon. I was against that war but no one who has gone through that crucible deserves that treatment.

I wish you good fortune, good health, and support your right to level any criticism respectfully. But I find nothing in Mr. Cillizza's commentary that I can stomach without comment. I don't expect an answer. I don't curse him. I ask him questions.

Be well.

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All fine. But the point is that I and many others strongly believe that Biden proved at the debate that he is completely incapable of responding forcefully to Trump's firehose of lies. It was not for the moderators to challenge Trump - it was for Biden do so. He failed spectacularly.

I yield to no one in my fear and loathing of Trump. It is BECAUSE Trump is so dangerous that Biden's pathetic display at the debate and the subsequent denial and yes, gaslighting, are so infuriating.

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I disagree with you but I thank you for your comment and its civil tone. Be well.

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It's not the moderator's job to fact check the debaters! It's the debaters themselves, and Biden flubbed even the easiest of opportunities to do such. He deserves zero sympathy for not being able to do his own goddamn job, and him and his family are being grossly irresponsible in continuing to push for his running a second term given the condition he's in.

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The firehose of BS is a deliberate technique to combat sufficient coverage for those of us who are screaming for it. And yet you are aware of the dangers of Trump and have many details to support this, so you are getting the reporting. We now know that a lot of people have observed Biden & witnessed the decline, but there was little reporting on that. Were reporters concerned about doing anything that might help Trump? Maybe. It would have given me pause, frankly. But there has been a failure of due diligence in exposing Biden's deterioration that may have cost precious time to react and move in another direction. I, too, will support the Democratic nominee, for the good of the country, but that's not the same as saying I think Biden is the best candidate to lead the campaign.

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I’d love to see more conversations between Chris and Damon. They are both in my top group of pundits I try not to miss.

I doubt this will help, but— some of the comments here are like data proving the points expressed in this interview. It is scary indeed to accept what’s going on with Biden’s health and public perception of it, but that doesn’t mean denying reality is a sensible choice. I’m in the camp that says I actually do continue to believe that Biden can do the job of governing, but he’s failing at the job of public relations. And blaming that on the media is really delusional, even if their thumb is on the scale. Because if Biden had what it takes to convince doubters that the media is wrong, he hasn’t even come close to demonstrating this.

The issue as I see it is neither his competence or the media’s attitude about it. He needs to win over undecided voters, and he’s not able to do that, or he would be doing it. His team is not aggressively doing that, because they are in damage control mode. And to those who blame the media— there are numerous commentators who are more anti-trump than anyone here, and they are saying Biden will have to step down. They’re not trying to help Trump; they are trying to help democracy. Chris and Damon are among that cohort, and they’ve eloquently explained here why it’s easier for tribalists to blame them rather than accepting reality.

Our divide is too close for most people to be honest about how they contribute to the polarization.

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But surely communication is a core part of the role of president and not just something you need for the campaign?

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I don’t disagree with that reasonable point. I’m basing what is ultimately just an irrelevant aside on the idea that mostly that communication is teleprompter and brief, and extemporaneous communication over a two hour period is not part of the actual job. But I’m not trying to get from that to dismissing your valid point.

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Yes, the Biden campaign is failing to appeal to undecided and swing voters effectively. Democrats don't a new candidate so much as they need a new campaign strategy. A new candidate who sticks with Biden's failing campaign staff and strategy will not perform much better than Biden.

A new candidate could provide an opportunity for a new campaign, but that kind of bold thinking is not something I would expect from Democrats.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I'm a high school history teacher in one of the most liberal parts of Texas (liberal for Texas anyway), and every time in the last year Biden came up in class the ONLY thing any kid (liberal or conservative) had to say about him is that he's too old. It seemed to be the only thing they know about him, or certainly the fact about him that they consider most important.

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Because that is the message that comes from the media. Trump is 3 years younger and speaks of Hannibal Lector, sharks and electric batteries causing the fictional boat he's on to sink. What? And all his lies, all his crimes? Wait to see if the Epstein file, made public by NBC News, and inquire why Trump made 7 visits to Epstein Island where satanic practices against girls as young as 12 were raped - and there are court documents in which one such victim says Trump raped her and another 12 year old. Is that okay?

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Most high school students don't watch political news on TV. Nor do they deliberately consume it online. Not to say that my kids are just vapid fools staring at TikTok all day, but they're not seeking out news in any medium.

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They themselves may not seek out traditional media but theories, accusations, political beliefs and statements filter down better than trickle down economics ever did and kids hear things. I'm not blaming or addressing kids. I address adults. Particularly given the two official candidates so far, I address my fellow Democrats to say okay, let's discuss Biden and others who might run in his stead. But we must do so civilly, without accusation of being a traitor, without demanding agreement, without losing a single Democratic vote because we need every vote we can muster. We must not make enemies of each other. I am a Biden fan because of what he and his team have accomplished, I know he is not perfect and never will be and I gave up the childlike expectation that anyone I vote for must be perfect. What motivates me? Read Project 2025 which embodies all that Trump stands for even though he is denying any knowledge of it despite the fact that so many of his staff helped write it. Read that.

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I appreciate and share your passion to stop Project 2025 and everything else that Trump would bring. Our difference lies in what person we think would best wage that war. Within a short time of the start of that debate it was clear that it is not Joe Biden. It was shocking and excruciating. 2020 is not analogous to anything. People were sick of Trump and COVID was raging, which allowed Biden to basically campaign with little extended public exposure. The tables are now turned. Biden is perhaps the most disliked President in recorded history. People - fairly or not - are disgruntled. They want change. Right now Trump is that alternative. The best chance Democrats may have is to inject a new option into the environment.

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I agree that the debate was painful to watch. I didn't get to see the first hour but did see the final 30 minutes and was very disappointed. I did see Biden get in some shots, saw his amazement that Trump's lies flow like water and I saw him grow tired and give up.

I disagree with your assessment of the future and a come back by Biden as Reagan, Bush Jr., Romney and Obama turned in very poor first debates.

In all fairness, we risk whichever road we take. I would be interested in names of people you think would do better and, most important, be electable.

Be well.

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Honestly, I've long felt Biden might be the only Democrat who couldn't beat Trump. Recent revelations, including the debate - which was not just poor, but disturbing - has removed all doubt. I think the Democrats have a deep bench, any one of whom could prosecute the case better than Biden. The easiest path would be VP Harris, but some competition would build a stronger candidate and bring excitement to the race. What is known is that most voters want neither Biden nor Trump, so I think a fresh face would be welcomed. As you've noted, there's risk with everything, but doing nothing creates the greatest risk, in my view.

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All the more reason Dems shouldn't run the one guy who makes DJT look young and healthy in comparison! (Or for that matter, the one guy who has a more embarrassing family.)

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A very thoughtful exchange and clear-eyed exchange. The Democratic propaganda machine continues, I'm still getting the same type of avoiding the elephant in the room fundraising emails that began - insanely - when the debate itself was ongoing. I'm beginning to look at them as being as nuts as the hysterical Republican emails that have also come my way. In both cases, it's an audience of True Believers that is being courted, people who buy the party line and gain strength from that tribal identification. I don't fit into that, and it is very frustrating for me to see this type of discourse driving political action.

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Are you still contributing? I am not.

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No, but I never have. I can't as I'm not a citizen. Perhaps it's because I've been a permanent resident here for decades that I get onto these fund raising email lists, but it does give me an inevitably detached way at looking at them! It makes me wryly smile to think that if I ever did, even to Republicans, I'd feed right into the right-wing anti-immigrant anti-voter fraud hysteria.

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Count me among the numbnuts who saw your constant coverage of Biden as way over the top. I even thought I would unsubscribe, and I would have if I could find the button. :0) Thankfully I couldn't and the more I thought about it, the more I just realized that I am angry that I bought the narrative that President Biden is just fine. He clearly doesn't seem to be. My bad Chris.

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Thanks to you and Damon, Chris! You've captured what I've been struggling with since the debate. It's the idea that the ONLY thing that matters right now is beating Trump and all other concerns are just a distraction. I feel like we've backed ourselves into a corner. If we stick with Biden and he loses, it's the fault of everyone who criticized him. If Biden steps aside and whoever replaced him loses, again, it's the fault of those didn't trust Biden to win. We are terrified of the idea of Trump winning (at least I am!), so we're clinging to Biden, because he's the only one who has beaten him.

It seems to me that we need to broaden our vision and think about what we can do to mitigate the damage if Trump does win. We've got to listen to the down-ballot candidates and fight for them too, because if Biden loses, the worst case scenario is if MAGA also wins control of Congress.

Thanks for everything you're doing, Chris. It's important to step out of the echo chamber and when I disagree with you, it forces me to think about why I do.

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Absolutely - actively support all Senate and House Dems in toss-up races! That's Tester in MT, Rosen in NV and Brown in OH. House toss-ups are here: https://www.cookpolitical.com/ratings/house-race-ratings.

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The way the Dems have tried to coccoon Biden has clearly backfired in an enormous way. The more they dig in, the lamer they appear. This whole thing is heading for an epic crash and when the debris is cleared we will..hopefully..have a strong nominee. One that we can ALL get behind. A nominee who can strongly expose Trump for the treasonous criminal that he is and in a way that can lead to a convincing victory. A victory that is too great for MAGA to lie about.

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Love all this Jeff, but I don't see us crashing. I see us navigating this crisis in our party to an alternative candidate as our nominee and the party united going forth after the convention, with a whole lotta enthusiasm.

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I'd love this to be the case, but the only person whose opinion matters on this is Joe Biden. If he doesn't wanna drop out, he'll stay in. And not only does he not wanna drop out, but all the people closest to him, whom he most listens to, want him to drop out even less than he does.

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Yes, of course it's his decision and his alone. But I see the pressure on him, from Dem electeds and donors, building (see https://www.yahoo.com/news/here-are-the-democrats-who-are-calling-for-biden-to-end-his-reelection-bid-or-voicing-concerns-about-his-candidacy-141450629.html). The vast majority of registered Dems didn't want him to run again, and I suspect that once the polls start coming out this week and all the answers to questions about how to get an alternative start permeating social media (Jim Clyburn suggests a mini-primary), a majority of registered Dems will want him to drop out. He's only the presumptive nominee until a majority of the nearly 2,000 delegates vote for him at the convention.

Nobody in the party, including me, wants that scenario. That would be complete humiliation for him and could wreck the party's chances of beating Trump.

I think he will see, as LBJ did, that stepping down preserves his legacy of public service and is the noble choice. The key voice here is Jill Biden. The key voice for LBJ was his wife, Lady Bird.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

As an active grassroots Dem who belongs to a backwater subreddit where we're all Dems and have had a lot of lively yet very depressed conversations since the debate -- I don't think this guy has great reporting or sources about how Dems actually feel. What I've heard there and in person is very much like what the Washington Post reported in the Hannah Knowles story, "I'm terrified": As Biden visits Wisconsin, Democrats worry." Especially the guy at the very start:

"Dean Leeper was never thrilled about voting this year for President Biden. The incumbent is too old, in Leeper’s eyes, and even before his disastrous debate, some relatives who usually back Democrats were eyeing other candidates. Now, Leeper is hoping that he and millions of Americans who want a new mainstream option will suddenly get their wish. He would be fine with Vice President Harris. Really, any other Democrat would work.

“I’m not asking for much,” the 32-year-old said. “Just, like, knows how to address a camera,” Leeper continued, sounding demoralized, at a park where families celebrated the July Fourth holiday with live music and a bounce house. “Can shake hands.”

That is absolutely not a Trumpist or personality cult or tribal response, and it's how most grassroots Dems are feeling. Sure, there are also Dems who think that sticking with Biden is the safest of all the bad options now, who are scolding other Dems for not being "loyal" (and as a secondary matter, stupidly blaming the media, as you say), but they're in the distinct minority. For people in the media to resent clearly biased criticisms is understandable -- but to assume that these folks are in the majority in the Dem party is simply not accurate.

FWIW, perhaps I'm being too sympathetic, but I also see that particular attitude in a different way, as working through the stages of grief (denial, bargaining), rather than tribalism. Most of them are not going to permanently cling to this position. Especially if Biden steps down as nominee and explains why.

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Thank you! I am not experiencing the same in my grassroots group but it’s small and local. I am being othered for thinking Biden should step aside for Kamala. But, reading your post, I am hoping this is just my group working through grief. I appreciate your comment

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If they are a minority, they are a VERY vocal minority.

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Most minorities are!

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One thing is that supposedly Trump was yelling - even when his mike was turned off - which might have been an attempt to be heard anyway. If true, that would be quite the distraction to speak over/through. In any case, I’d vote for a corpse before I would vote for Trump.

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This is what Biden needed to do if Trump continued to speak when his mic was off: Stop speaking, cock his head and furrow his brow while looking at the camera (that brings the audience in on this move), turn to Trump, take a beat, then say, "Your mic's off."

But he couldn't execute such a move. That was clear.

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It’s also a lie. Most of the debate was split screen during Biden’s worst moments, Trump was standing with his mouth shut and a smug grin on his face watching his opponent self destruct. There was a bit of cross talk later in the debate but I thought Biden was slightly stronger in those moments.

Honestly this is just another clearly dishonest excuse.

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Thx for confirming that. I was certainly looking for Trump continuing to talk and I didn't see it. This is even worse than his performance - lying about it. Joe is such a decent man, I'm surprised he's making up this excuse. Is that a part of cognitive decline?

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Agreed -his performance was awful

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deletedJul 6
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Agree the leader of the free world should not get distracted by a tale told by an idiot.

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I’m not lying to myself. I felt President Biden’s performance was abysmal. Still, I’m not voting for the pathological orange POS no matter what - are you saying I should vote for Trump or a third party? I will vote for the democratic candidate, regardless of who they are - no question.

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Insulting people who are already on your side isn’t a great strategy - but thanks - I won’t interact with you anymore.

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Unfortunately, you are not a careful reader. Note “supposedly” and “If true” in my post. My point was not to explain Biden’s performance but to make the point that I didn’t care as much about that as voting for anyone but Trump. And, at this point, I wouldn’t vote any Republican candidate since Project 2025 is their policy paper. Hope I made myself clear this time. Your explanation of what you think I said is neither what I said or thought.

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Thank you Chris and Damon. You made me feel a lot less crazy. If the D’s continue on this path, I am probably going to stop calling myself a Democrat for the first time in my 60 years of life and my heart is shattering. I feel like I have been lied to and, at this point in time, I don’t believe a single word the party says. The party I have been a delegate for to multiple county and state conventions. I have lost friends and family that became part of the Trump cult. I never, in my wildest imagination, believed I would lose my D friends in a similar manner but it appears to be happening.

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Hang on, Mary. We're in the middle of this crisis and the voices calling for Biden to step down are increasing.

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Go vote for Trump, lady. He & his people are definitely not lying to you. 🙄

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So you believe that lifelong Democrats should be pushed out of the party for wrong think? You are no different than a MAGA. Exactly the same

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It seems like your days as a Democrat are over because you feel like you’ve been lied to about Biden’s cognitive ability? That. That is what will make a “lifelong Democrat” leave the party? None of the other things that make being a Democrat great is going to get you to vote for Biden because his allies were trying to put the best spin on a bad situation. So, yeah, go vote for the other guy because Republicans certainly don’t lie you to about Trump’s mental state.

BTW, the Democrat nominee is who I will vote for, but to misconstrue my remarks as cult-like is absurd.

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You made a giant pile of assumptions based on my comment. You’re not worth conversing with because I didn’t say exactly what you wanted everyone to say and then you let your emotions read my comments in a twisted way with assumptions to justify your misunderstanding. You do sound exactly like the Maga’s I know.

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And you know this how?

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Thanks so much for making this available to non-subscribers. (I'm watching my pennies these days.) As to the Dems' fear that moderate voters will stay home if the alternative candidate is Kamala and Black women will do so if she's not, I think they're wrong. (I'm a lifelong white, female Dem.)

First of all, I was persuaded by Ezra Klein's podcast with Elaina Plott Calabro, a staff writer at The Atlantic who traveled with Harris extensively for a major profile last year (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyvaxlKuOuE&list=PLdMrbgYfVl-szepgVpArP0obwYgbKdfvx&index=2&t=202s). Klein says he left this conversation with a very different theory of who Harris is, what her politics are and what led to the confusions of her vice presidency. I did as well. Calabro says Harris, the former prosecutor, was considered the law and order Dem, but that wasn't what the political moment in 2020 wanted after George Floyd's murder. It's a different political moment now. So I think if she's free to be the law and order Dem she actually is, the moderates will not stay home.

Secondly, if the polls show Harris is not the best candidate the Dems have to beat Trump, and the delegates in the open convention give the nomination to someone else, I think the Obamas can persuade those Black women not to take it personally and remind them that beating Trump is the only thing that matters. In fact, it will be up to all of the party leadership - Pelosi, Schumer, and Jeffries - to remind their petulant factions that beating Trump is the only thing that matters. I think they can demonstrate that kind of party leadership.

Here's another fact the Dems can agree on, besides that Biden won in 2020: The party came together behind Biden in 2020. Is there any reason they can't come together again?

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That Ezra episode was really good. I was not a fan of Kamala way back when because her presidential campaign was so bad. I think that interview went a long way in explaining why. I found several videos of Senator Harris before the campaign and I want her! She was fantastic as a Senator. But I hope they have a very different campaign team.

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I'm glad you watched it, Mary. I was not a fan either. She should bring Carville or Axelrod out of retirement.

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Thank God my children never sat in a class that you taught! You call yourself an educator? You’re watching your pennies living on a retired teacher pension, please don’t insult our intelligence. And why must you watch your pennies? It may have something to do with the shitshow that began in January of 2021, that you happily voted for and will vote for more come November.

You described Kamala as if she is a genius behind closed doors when nobody can see, but just as Biden has literally been propped up for 4 years by the dishonest media, you’ve already opened yourself up to take the bait again. You’re retirement age, the Dumbocrats Party has abandoned you years ago and you’re not smart enough to see it. Like so many of your kind, you will blindly follow what used to be the Democrat party at the expense of your grandchildren and their children.

Your hatred for Trump and your foolish allegiance to the Teachers Union is worth more to you than standing against the indoctrination of your grandchildren to trans nonsense, the demoralization of young girls, crime, and flooding the country for non citizens to vote. You Madam are not worthy of the title educator, and I hope you live long enough to see the damage done by your party.

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Chris - Trying again -

Growing up in this country as a baby boomer out history was skewed- I respected this country & its values. It wasn't until adulthood the "rose colored glasses came off".

I was a Republican ( a very liberal one). I am not anymore & will never be again.

What I find incredible and frustrating as all hell is those that support Trump's actions as a man.

His disrespect for women, disabled, veterans & for anyone that disagrees with him. Then they go to church 3x a week.

He has systematically breaking down the system. Which is why many find him scary as hell.

His Supreme Court are busy tearing down protections that many in this country fought and died for.

1 Roe V Wade

2 The overturn on gunstock - more mass shootings

3 The Chevron case yrs of held precedent decisions overturned- holding Big Pharmaceutical Companies accountable for the promotion of fentanyl

4 The SEC will not be allowed to punish bad players in the financial markets- this decision will eventually effect every agency

5 The final blow thus far - allowing Trump or any man holding that office to not be held personally responsible for his actions.

To tear rights that only wealthy corporations or individuals can afford through our court system is a travesty to each & every citizen

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Reply to self - I am voting Biden even if he's on life support

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I would have made the same choice before the debate but afterwards it renders that vote wasted now that we've seen what we can't unsee. The numbers are the numbers and Biden is who he is and it doesn't spell election victory - it spells disaster.

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No he doesn't - it smells let save the rights of the citizens of this country

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That's the line BEFORE the debate. After the debate it's, as Carville said of Biden poll numbers, like walking in on your grandma naked. The voters are never going to unsee that.

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Boy you are all over the map - an adequate job - to a silly old man on the Simpsons. However, I see this election far beyond one man or women.

Trump and his Supreme Court has citizens rights being diminished as we speak.

Now we all vary on issues in varying degrees and that's what makes the world go round.

But Trumps Supreme Court are moving far too right and will effect everyone eventually.


1. Roe V Wade

2. To make bump stock legal - will result in more mass shooting-

3. The overturn of the Chevron decision which has decades of precedent behind it

Means Big Pharmaceutical companies won't be held accountable for promoting fentanyl (a case that was 5 yrs in the making )

4. The SEC cannot police and punish bad players in financial markets. A law that was put in place after the market crash in 1929. ( cause we all know how honest those guys are)

This decision will weaken every government agency.

It will result in not dealing with climate change.

Will allow huge corporations & ultra rich left to fight any legislation they disagree with.

But you can't fight you will have no leverage and too expensive going through the courts.

5. The final blow - a president is immune from breaking the law.

I guess Trump was right he can shoot someone and get away with it.

Scary stuff.

So let's stop the bleeding- cuz you know if he attains the office - the next thing will be Social Security-

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I don't have necessarily have a problem with ends but we need a candidate able to achieve it - that means a candidate that doesn't begin sundowning in the evening. If we're so confident Biden is up to it why aren't we promoting a cognitive evaluation - it would answer Pelosi's question, episode or a condition?

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I can understand your pain- I look at this whole mess as - where are we going as a country - Trumps Supreme Court is setting this country backward. Now if folks vote Trump that backward move will continue- the 5th circuit court all Trump appointees is more conservative than his Supreme Court. The decisions made by the SC is going to effect generations. Climate control won't be dealt with if Trump wins another term.

The way I see it- It's not a vote for any man or party. It's how can we hold onto democracy for future generations

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I'm an Independent not a Democrat so I'm not in any pain. I'm just pissed at the arrogance and dishonesty of Biden's team. I was never that enthusiastic about Joe to begin with although he's done an adequate job. He would have been heroic if he had passed the torch. Now he's just the angry old grandpa in the Simpsons.

His overriding virtue was that at least he could win. That is now off the table. No candidate can win with his numbers and especially when 72% of the electorate want him to stand down. We need another candidate and we need them now.

France elected a new government within a month so I don't believe Democrats can't manage it in four. Britain did it in about a month and a half. It will be ugly but it needs doing.

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Wish it were that easy

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I never said it would be easy.

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Hey I was a Republican

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Cheryl, I'm with you on holding on to our democracy. But it is only by voting for a Democrat in November that can happen. It is about the party.

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Mass shootings will continue- and when folks are cheated by Wall Street - their only recourse will be trial courts.

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