Great piece! the only assumption I'm not willing to grant comes at the very end: he is already well past the point of "mental fitness".

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You forgot to include how much money is to be made by constantly campaigning and fighting the witch hunts.

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Trump running every four years until he dies would be some insane darkest timeline stuff. I do wonder if in 2028 the GOP would put in some guardrails to stop him, like fully endorse one candidate and one candidate only or try to rig primaries/debates.

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They’re stuck with him because they bought into the lie about the election being stolen. They have to, to a person, as a party say he lost. It has to be universal because a few at a time get picked off and excommunicated.

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I wonder how many Republicans privately wish Hillary had just won. You're stuck with her four years and they could've raked her over the coals big time if something like covid happened.

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Fox definitely likes having an opposition president. Much better for business.

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As long as his mental fitness held out? His raving social media posts make it clear that train has already left the station.

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I have thought of this myself and I am not sure I can get through 2024, let alone 2028. Never thought I’d see the day Trump became president, thought that our great nation would never elect such a vile man. I do think he will keep running as long as he is able to. If he loses 2024 he will try for 2028, no doubt about it, IMO. Unless, of course, he is dead, totally incapacitated or in prison. I do think that the GOP will stick with him as they are spineless. If he should win 2024, that should end his eligibility, I predict he will blow it all up to remain in power.

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I think that he will keep running until he dies and no, I'm not joking. Even if (when?) he wins in 2024, he will run again for exactly the reason you wrote. And, watch as Republican states fall all over themselves to try and get a Constitutional Amendment passed which does away with the two term limit.

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Really? He would start off at 83 years old? No chance, the cheeseburgers have to get him before then 🙏

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Freudian slip-- E. Jean Harris.

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Sorry. Yes. E. Jean Carroll. Fixed!

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I should have added, I agree with your points in this column. Thanks!

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Is there anything like this man anywhere else in the world?! He just won’t sit down somewhere

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On the plus side of a Trump win in 2024, if we’re actually able to get him out of office in 2029, we could finally prosecute him because he would no longer be able to run for the presidency.

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He will also probably be dead, which also would stop his next run . His weight is not my concern, it is his poor sleep habits which I think will lead to serious health problems in the near future. A stroke is very likely. Sleep apnea is also a very common condition for people of Trumps weight and that just adds to the sleep problem.

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By 2028 he will be even more deranged than today, if he’s still alive.

His lifestyle, eating habits and lack of physical fitness do not indicate a long term good outlook for him.

And Melania is probably coaching the kitchen staff to feed him his junk food every meal!

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The loud angry Trump mob will not bother to vote in a rigged election. Many of the J6 crew were not even registered voters and many also did not even bother to vote in the election. Putting down their beers long enough to go and vote is unlikely. And a mail in ballot for them is out of the question. Trump actually managed to suppress turnout from his own voters in 2020 with his election fraud lies. Stable Genius? I think not. Modern elections are all about who actually gets out and votes and not about what the average voter has to say about who they will vote for. That is why the polls keep getting it wrong. In 2016 Trump fired up a bunch of people who did not usually vote and that led to his election victory (through the electoral collage of course), and the bad polling predictions. Losing the popular vote but winning the electoral collage is the new normal for Reps. Trump is toast in a general election. He fired up a large group of people who do not support him. Women do not just get mad, they take action, and Trump and the Reps will soon learn that. Many women will publicly support Trump and put on the appearance of a Trump supporter, but at the ballot box, they will do what they know is right for women like them and their daughters. Even a woman who has a big MAGA fanboy husband might think twice about actually voting for Trump. Also, the constant drip, drip, of stories about Hillary's E-mail server hurt her. Most people do not even know what that private server issue was really about. Now Trump faces a constant drip, drip, of charges against him and it will only get worse, and most of us do understand what these charges are about. Many of us want "No Drama Obama" back (even some Reps perhaps) , and Biden is a close as we can get to that. If the Dems nominated Hillary again, she would win this time.

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Trumps "Perfect Phone Call" has always bothered me. What is a perfect phone call? Then I realized that what he actually meant is that it was a "perfectly legal" phone call. But if he said that then he would be admitting that the phone call did actually look illegal. Which it was.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

I have no doubt that if Trump doesn't win in 2024 he will run (and again) until his body, his mind, or imprisonment simply makes that impossible. He will have fanatical followers when he needs them.

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Are you trying to get me to slit my wrists?

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E. Jean Harris?

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Sorry. Yes. E. Jean Carroll. Fixed!

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