Chris, it’s unlike you to get sucked so thoroughly into FOTUS’s fantasy world. Did he win bigly? Hell no! An otherwise substance free tour de farce, a 2-hour gusher of lies and personal insults, probably appeal to his cult. More’s the pity. The specter of the TrumpthugliKKKan side of the chamber popping up and down like jackasses-in-the-box at his every inane and dishonest utterance was shameful. I leave it to professional fact checkers to document Trump’s lies. The most disgusting example of Trump’s psychopathy was the way he used that young cancer survivor to pander for an emotional response, while at the same time he has cut funding for childhood cancer research. Bless that sweet boy and his positive attitude, and bless his father for encouraging the boy’s hopes. But really?

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You need to get out of your own head and put yourself in the shoes of someone who doesn't already hate Trump. Embody an Independent or a disengaged voter. Think about the average person who doesn't follow politics and doesn't have strong feelings one way or the other about Trump. Maybe even people who don't like him but would balk at a term like TrumpthugliKKKan. The 77% of people CNN polled that said they felt positively about the speech, for instance. Chris isn't falling for anything - he's being realistic about what the average voter saw.

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You lost me when you said "he's being realistic about what the average voter saw". According to CNN, the average vote did not watch, as CNN reported on the "Republican-heavy audience".

Also, CNN mentions "44% offering a very positive response", which is lower than Trump's initial speech to Congress 8 years ago, lower than his initial SOTU address, and lower than Biden's initial speech in 2021. So I don't think we should get carried away about Trump's oratory achievement yesterday.

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I mean, the average American voter is Republican. I hate Trump but I agree with Chris that this speech will be very effective with low information voters and working class voters. And Democrats totally shit the bed.

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I think the Democratic Party is moving deliberately actually. This is for the courts let’s face it. Winning the hearts and minds of a Trump voter means treating them like the racist/antisemites/insecure ignorant people they were raised to be and pretending that’s a good thing. Tell me who is that cynical?

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It's that type of ignorant remark that makes matters worse. Please quit reading and posting.

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Condescension is not limited to democrats. But treating people as if they are incapable of grasping an issue like immigration - when we are ALL immigrants or descendants of immigrants - is infinitely worse I believe.

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Democrats are a rudderless mess. They clearly have no understanding of why they lost and it shows. They’ve doubled down on issues that lost them the election and have yet to find an effective way to message on the economy (an issue Trump is bungling). Trump made major inroads with all non-white populations -especially Latino and black men- as well as the working class demographics. By contrast, the only population democrats overperformed with are affluent white educated people. It’s not a good look for the Democrats who purport to stand against racism and to stand for the common man. And I think a bunch of rich white people telling a multiracial coalition of working class people that they are racist and ignorant is not going to play as well as you think it will. I think progressives who resort to hateful rhetoric against their fellow Americans are just as bad as the MAGA nuts they deride so much.

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Sorry - not buying that bs anymore - Trump is rude a bully - his power grab should be a wake-up call to all parties

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There is a reason Trump won the election. You can keep your head in the sand if you'd like, but you're doing yourself a disservice to ignore reality in favor of what you wish to be true.

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The reason Trump won the election is because a lot of people voted for the couch. I get pissed thinking about those blind idiots, so that's my only comment about it for now.

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A lot of people *who otherwise would have voted Democrat* chose the couch. There are more Democrats than Republicans in the country.

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I agree with your first sentence. Not sure about the second, as I think many voters go back and forth, or are independent or Libertarian.

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You do understand that he won by the smallest of margins since Nixon - let's put it into perspective

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Ebola is great if you are the virus. Don’t be the virus.

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He’s a blatant, vicious racist as demonstrated time and again. If someone is so uneducated as to be unaware of the ugly history of the KKK in our country, perhaps. But otherwise, let’s face it.

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I sincerely hope this attitude doesn't prevail in the Democratic party, or else they're liable to lose the mid-terms. I'd really like to prevent a 3-branch Republican majority in 2026.

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If that happens it won’t be the Democratic Party at fault, contrary to the blame game talking points of pseudo-intellectual bloviators. Rejecting inclusivity and common humanity in areas of health and human services isn’t a perception problem on the part of Trump voters. It’s sullen entitlement to everything we have ALL worked for, fruit pickers, teachers, artists, railroad workers, banking employees, the professions, the cooks, the people who collect our recycling.. the fruits of that labor is generous, it’s the distribution of it that’s challenged by what was once a viable Republican Party. No more.

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He’s a criminal, sorry.

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CNN chooses their viewers to poll.

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That was my take when I saw the poll numbers. Democrats and folks who hate Trump didn't watch his speech, so of course the "like" his speech numbers would be high.

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Btw I don’t ‘hate’ Trump. I see him effectively as a foreign agent. Unless he thinks tariffs will do anything other than hamstring American industry (also something I do not ‘hate’.) he’s tanking the economy.

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Yes the poll numbers are slanted In favor of Trump because the audience was more Republican. Many Democrats did not bother to watch.

For me the speech was a nothing burger. Too many lies, too much about how bad Biden was, too much about poorly Trump has been treated, too much about the first 50 days (nothing new). Not enough about the future: Ukraine, tariffs, economy.

I found introducing people from the audience and telling their personal stories too cute and over done. More like a television show, “Queen for a Day”. I think Reagan was the first president to do this, another showman.

This speech was a master class but only for those who are poorly informed.

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Agree on the poorly informed.

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What one must accept is that for many Americans, The Show is everything. When it comes to The Show, Trump is a force of nature that cannot be contained. There's never been anyone in our history, particularly any president, anywhere near his ability to put on The Show. The problem is the people, who are too impatient or incurious to care about facts and effects. They crave the entertainment - and he delivers, every time, with absolutely no regard for what collateral damage might be done. There is no effective counter, because there is no anti-Trump that can put on an opposing Show that is as entertaining. And so the "approval" numbers are what they are.

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He’s ridiculous and offensive. To anyone intelligent enough to see the present all around them. What is wrong here is given his amateur status in leadership - if it can even be called that - he is dismantling our system of government that has maintained a framework of relationships between citizens and those agencies WE have set up through our representatives to work for us. And they have. Until, apparently, very soon.

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Love the thought! Keep it up! Never win another election!!

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We won’t lose. As long the election is both free and fair without intimidation or other interference. It would help if Peter Theil or Elon Musk didn’t have a free hand buying advertising and spreading cash out like Boss Hog.

Not to mention the creative, tortured and bizarre districts you’ve persuaded your judges to approve. (Gerrymandering: look it up)

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Every Trump "event" is produced like an SNL episode. He struts around, tells stories, lies up the wazoo, teases Dems, shamelessly uses victims as props, then goes home. It is pointless to even think about what happened during them, since they are a fiction, designed to do nothing more than stroke the ego of the world's greatest egomaniac.

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I listened to the Canadian prime minister and the Quebec prime minister yesterday discussing the tariffs. THAT is leadership. America has zero leadership. It has media personalities. And anyone who follows sports knows that winning starts at the top.

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I thought Justin Trudeau response to the Trump's tariffs was more effective than the Democratic response to the Presidential Address. Justin Trudeau's organized response was authentic, heart-felt. Elissa Slotkin felt like she was just reading a bunch of lines.

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As I said, "no leadership" We are a rudderless boat heading over Niagara Falls.

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Dems are TOTALLY lost! 😎

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If T “won” the night as you suggest, it’s the American people who lost. A sad state of affairs when lies and gimmicks are touted as success. I’m just sad and mad.

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With all due respect, Chris, you missed something far more disturbing than anything Green did. Lance Gooden ripped a sign out of Melanie Stansbury’s hand, and is openly boasting, “No one disrespects President Trump in front of me.” Imagine if a Democrat did this.

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What we like about Chris is that he attempts to be neutral and call it like it is. We then can't be mad the moment he says something positive about Trump.

I watched this and although I don't believe this speech matters it shows me why he Trump is a great communicator. He had special guests, he hit on points that are popular and it was smart TV. It will be broken out and sent around. I personally despise Trump with the power of 10,000 suns, but when he talks about transgender mice, he wins. Now does it matter, no. Does it make great TV, yes. Does it comfort his base, absolutely. What is the point of doing this address? it is to make great TV and comfort his base.

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He’s not neutral

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The fact that Chris criticized Al Green's disturbance but did not mention Lance Gooden's outrage shows that Chris was not being neutral in his story.

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If that is your definition of winning then it may be time to roll up the American experiment.

The democrats can't counter the power of the incumbent standing in front of congress and the world. We're in agreement there that they looked petty and foolish.

But every other point you made is malarkey.

We listened, well some of it as I fell asleep at the hour point, but it was all show and no go. Yup, bad people murdered great people. There are 20,000 murders annually here, and about 70 undocumented immigrants are murderers of that 20,000.

The executive order crap was performance. If Biden or Obama pulled that stunt you would laugh at them.

DonOld is Captain Chaos starting fires and rushing in to put them out and asking for firemen of the year! You keep pointing out how great he's doing at masterminding the dismantling of America.

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Thanks for your comments. I did not see the speech, just the highlights and lowlights. I think there was little Dems could do yesterday; those that didn't attend or who walked out (Including Al Green, who should be proclaimed a hero) were the best ones. My only criticism was the cards, as it looked like a Benny Hill skit or something.

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It was a master class in Cherry picking individual events to prove his wide points. Yes the murder of Lake and Riley by an undocumented immigrant was tragic. But where is his compassion and sympathy for the thousands of other women who are killed by Americans every year for example.

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Most Democrats didn’t watch the orange crazy dude spout off to the now less than 32% of Americans eligible to vote, who voted for him. Most of what Trump said wasn’t true, will be reversed by the courts, and will inevitably cause issues for Congressional Republicans who already have to field angry phone calls from Red district constituents.

That said, Democrats just sitting there did aggravate Trump. Caused him to complain early in his speech. So it had an impact. Hard to think what else they could do. Throw tear gas like the Serbians did?

It’s interesting that Chris sees this as a win for Trump. Most of it felt like a 2023 campaign speech with a lot of anti woke bs red meat for his base. May I remind everyone that most shareholders of US corporations have voted to keep DEI policies. And those that haven’t have lost tens of $billions as a result. So that is not a good strategy for Republicans.

Trump’s chaos is causing damage to Americans. Him spouting off about it doesn’t seem sensible. Right wing commentators like Chris praising him for this seems as appropriate as praising Hitler for his ruthless efficiency.

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It's a small win for Trump if you just count Republicans. But there was little Trump could do to lose.

CNN said 44% of the viewers offered a very positive response, which isn't winning in my book, but maybe for Chris it is. I bet if Biden had that number in his last SOTU address, Chris would have been all over it with disapproval.

And as I said, there was nothing Dems could do, except not show up or leave in the middle. Maybe instead of tear gas, throw eggs?

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Eggs are too expensive to throw.....maybe rotten tomatoes

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“Throw eggs!” 😆😂🤣

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Yet another great idea!

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If Trump managed to gain Democratic voters or Americans who did not vote for him, with his speech last night it’s a win. Do you think he did that?

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Living in Sarasota, the home of Ringling, last night's "Under the Big Top" marathon was one for the history books. It was a true mastery of manipulation of his base. He made Jim Jones look like a "piker" with his Jonestown group. The lemmings will certainly follow this guy off the cliff. The Dems need to seriously decide on a leader(younger than their current "antiques") to navigate back into the game. There is plenty of great, young talent on the Dem bench, time to put them into the game. Give Schumer his "farewell" golden watch and wish him well in retirement.

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In a word, no. In two words, hell no. Voters still have to buy groceries and gas.

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Then to Chris’ own measure, this was not a good speech for Trump or Republicans. What good did it do?

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Trump has always tried to his own base In that respect he won. The majority of Democrats don’t understand that

Stop yelling the ship is sinking and figure out why

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I noticed in 538's latest poll that Trump's unfavorable rating has passed his favorable one for the first time since re-elected. Since Chris loves polls so much, I hope he mentions it.

To answer your question, Trump was overdue to give a long-winded speech. He loves them. His disciples love anything he does. And he will point to the CNN poll like Chris did and call his speech a big win. And screw the price of eggs.

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You know Chris - I am quickly coming to the conclusion that you are just another typical reporter of your time.

I liked catching up with your work- but not so much anymore.

We have a man in the White House who is making an unprecedented power grab & u waste time critiquing some of his speech - giving him worth. Amazing

I read your article criticizing some democrats citing as dumb - wrong moves.

There are many many reels taken of town hall visits where folks are attacking Republican politicians for not representing constituents- by allowing Elon to run this country. Look them up!

There have also been multiple protests in many states & even in front of Congress - not a word

You are so neutral- why bother.

Many are furious in this country - 6,000 will be fired from the IRS. Social security will be gone instead of displays of election graphics- try reporting how this will affect us all.

Please believe me not a threat as you only cost me 6$ a month. But I am on the verge of canceling cuz everyday the topics are dead on arrival.

I fly 4 times a yr from Bush to Boston - JetBlue - they would fly more than ten flights a day - down to two a day night flights. This is thanks to Trump - FAA layoffs - not a word

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I hate to admit it because I have often appreciated Chris' efforts. However, in this case, this commentary on the speech feels tone deaf. We are in a major crisis. Offering an applause meter on the Democrats response seems asinine. Criticizing their attempt to show opposition seems picaune. The reality show antics of Trump in the face of lives being sacrificed in Africa, families being burdened in this countriy, the climate issues, the ketamine kid being allowed to destroy lives, careers and institutions...are now entertaining, they are evil and atrocious. This is not time to offer a review of a "show", Chris. It's time to offer substantial commentary. Otherwise, so what is So What?!

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I hate to say it, but you called it. The wise people stayed away.

On a positive note, this is all political theater. The harsh realities of Trump’s inept and corrupt regime are destined take an immeasurable toll on our nation and the world. The question is whether we will simply collapse like the former Soviet Union, which of course has all along been Putin’s design, or will we manage to hold one more election and throw the bastards out before the nation is destroyed.

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Trump is the president America deserves after decades of brain rot from reality television and social media.

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What a cluster fuck of a disgusting display of hatred, meanness and lies.

Lie after Lie after lie.

I posted a "preview" of this shitshow yesterday and it was almost spot on...


Trump was talking to his fellow Republican MAGA Cult.

He is NOT my president, he does not want to be my president and in fact is ACTIVELY doing everything he can to REPULSE everyone EXCEPT his cultists.

He may have been "win bigly" with this minority of voters, but he basically thew piles of shit at everyone else.

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Maybe you should move?!?

Or, get ready to cast your ballot in just a short 3 1/2 years…..

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This speech, like all SOTU speeches is not going to matter to people much when they see the economic disaster and prices staying high because of a trade war and our strategic alliances destroyed with our western allies and the world is less safe. That’s what will matter to people.

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I think many Americans didn’t watch. I didn’t.so the polls may have been skewed I much prefer Trudea’s speech earlier regarding tariffs and how Canadians are our closest ally

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Move to Canada

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If you've not paid attention to anything regarding Trump over the last 6 weeks, I can see how you might have the view portrayed here. Fortunately, we don't live with our heads in the sand. It was full of lies. He spent a majority of time belittling everyone. You point out the 80/20 topics leaning in his favor. I'm pretty sure he also spent a ton of time talking about 80/20 topics going the other way, like tariffs. Find me 10 people outside elected Republicans that think those are a good idea.

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I knew it! And I said it yesterday that no matter WHAT the Dems did during the speech, they would be criticized. "They did exactly what they shouldn’t have.", "shouting...is a very bad look for Democrats", "Democrats should have sat on their hands, grinned and beared it".

But of course if Democrats had just sat there, Chris would have criticized that: "Democrats acted like they were defeated and just didn't care." No winning for Dems last night, none zero.

I admit I did not watch the speech, so I am commenting on replays; I also admit the Dem "bingo cards" was a bit amateurish. Al Green showed emotion, which is the biggest criticism I hear about Dems these days. I'm surprised Chris didn't criticize Jasmine Crockett again, as she left in the middle of the speech.

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Maybe they shouldn’t act like 3rd graders….. just a thought

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