It will be the end of American democracy and no, I don't believe that I'm exaggerating or being hyperbolic.

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(Ed McMahon voice): You are correct, sir!

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I fully agree ... nothing hyperbolic about it ... it's a fact.

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In short, as many have already noted, we have a choice between re-electing Biden or installing a dictator. The Times story is important and shouldn't be forgotten moving forward.

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And yet they're pretty much neck-and-neck in the polls!! What's WRONG with these people??

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The real polls(when the people get to vote) will show that Biden is the preferred one by far. Biden is going to win convincely like he did in 2020. You watch

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It all depends on what Manchin and "No Labels" does, as well as Cornell West. The could very well draw off enough votes to flip several states in Trump's direction, as Stein did in 2016.

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That’s my big fear. A third party candidate pulling off independents that are anti-Trump and centrist.

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With Jill Stein joining the Cornel West campaign watch out. I won’t forget the picture of her at dinner with Putin and Michael Flynn. Her relationship with Russia was never highlighted or investigated by the MSM. And have you heard one peep from her since the 2016 election about climate change? She’s back to play her spoiler role and West is incredibly naive

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The Greens are anarchists.

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'Be afraid, be very afraid'!

And any effort which could split democratic votes (No Labels, Joe Manchin) could hand the Presidency to the Insurrectionist in Chief...

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Manchin, the self-loathing Italian-American (real name Mancini, changed to try to be a whiter shade of pale for the West Virginia hillbillies) will run, siphon off Biden votes, thus giving the election to Trump.

He'll be rewarded with being appointed Sec'y of Energy. From there Mancini will ensure his daughter (an energy executive) and her friends get copius federal $$$$ for West Virginia.

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Appreciate the passion of your reply - thank you. Two things:

1. I have had the opportunity to meet with Heather Bresch (Joe Manchin's daughter) on a couple of occasions - my understanding is she only has worked in the pharmaceutical industry, having retired in 2020 as CEO from the only company I believe she ever worked for, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, having started there right out of college. I am not aware she has joined any firm since her retirement.

2. My intention is to say this carefully and with all due respect - In my reading of your reply, it felt, to me, you were using or implying one or two ethnic slurs. I personally believe your point(s) would have been just as strong and valid, if not more so, without resorting to the use the slurs.

Thank you

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Without regard to the original comment or the intent behind it, point #2 is important. I see a lot of comments (here and elsewhere) about Lindsey Graham being a closeted homosexual, and they're often stated to be derogatory. We can dislike Graham without implying that his sexuality is something shameful, straight or gay. I know most people saying that probably don't mean it to be comment on homosexuality at large, they just want something to criticize because they're so upset with him. Still, there are plenty of ways to be critical without this kind of negativity.

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And this is why I am so scared and fearful that his supporters want this very thing. I don't think our grand democratic experiment can survive him.

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Agreed, Chris. Trump’s second term would very likely be the LAST term of the American Presidency, as we’ve know it for almost 250 years. And I agree with other readers: I don’t think that’s hyperbole, given the NYT article. We might just have to consider retiring to the southern coast of Spain, if that occurs....

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RE: And the beat goes on.

If we didn't have an inkling before, perhaps becuase so many fellow citizens wrap their arms around the self-annointed notion that the USA is the greatest nation in the history of forever, Trump will offer the back of the hand to the country's collective jaw.

He will change the country in ways unimaginable to all...the destruction of the Republic by those who care about such things, and the re-elevation of White supremacy of the late 1800s run by an oligarchy.

Can't happen???

The Italian people had no issue with electing Benito Mussolini in the 1920s, when he promised he would return the country's greatness last seen in the Roman Empire.

The German people bought into the victimization of a battered people by the WW1 Allies espoused by Adolph Hitler.

He claimed he would return the German people to their natural state of white supremacy across the globe.

With Trump's election all normalcy will be attacked with no possible balancing since his party will follow any action he attempts.

Be prepared for the USA to become a semblance of the USSR.

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People should stop being anxious and panicky. Donald Trump would never be the President again. He had i he blew it. There is a reason why he lost his bid for a second term. Those reasons have not changed for the better. If anything they have changed for the worse. Meanwhile, Biden continues to increase his already great odds of him winning in 2024. Check out the most recent Economic indicators ,and also note his excellent performances in Europe last week. The silent majority who put Biden in the office are ready to do even more in 2024. An example of that is in his recent 72 million dollar haul from the citizens towards his reelection campaign. This is more than twice what Donald Trump got and infact more than all the GOP candidates collection put together. Talk of lack of enthusiasm within the Democrats and Independents for President Biden. I know Dollars don't vote but you need the dollars to drive your message to the people who vote., so the more money you have the better.

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The idea that Biden is guaranteed to win the election is wishful thinking. Biden has a good chance to win, but Republicans are doing everything they can to put Trump back in the White House -- everything from voter suppression to outright election fraud. Biden supporters (people who care about America) should be afraid ... very afraid.

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I agree. Besides the fact that in 2016, so many thought Clinton was a shoe in and look what happened. People didn’t go out and vote.

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That and the media was constantly attacking her with Republican talking points which led to a critically large number of people voting for Jill Stein handing FL to Trump. Republicans (and their billionaire backers) are doing the same thing again trying to get RFK Jr or some others to run to siphon votes away from Biden -- note that Manchin and Lieberman are trying to put something like this together to help Trump.

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As long as Donald Trump remains the leading GQP candidate for president, our republic remains in jeopardy. His supporters view him as a messianic figure. He can do no wrong in their eyes. As we learned in 2000, the Supreme Court will not hesitate to put their thumbs on the scales of justice and the bench leans much more heavily against us now than it did in 2000.

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Donald Trump may remain a messiah to his supporters. But , aa evidenced by the 2018 ,2020 and 2022 election results,his supporters cannot make him the President. Majority of Americans do not want this guy as the President ever again. The Supreme Court made the right call in 2020 and will hopefully make the right call again if necessary.

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A majority of Americans did not want Trump to be President in 2016 either. That did not end well.

Since 2020, GOP controlled state governments have been passing laws and enacting rules and regulations making it more difficult to vote and making it easier for election officials to reject legally cast ballots and disenfranchise voters. They have learned from their mistakes in 2020. The groundwork is being laid today to overturn the results of the 2024 election.

We must remain vigilant and not get lackadaisical regarding the 2024 election. No one thought Trump had a snowball's chance in hell in 2016. We can't repeat that mistake.

Regarding 2020, GOP lawyers managed to get ballot recounts halted multiple times, in essence running out the game clock. Equitable relief for the Gore campaign would have required extending the deadline for certifying the election results and allowing the recount to complete, essentially the electoral equivalent of penalty time in a soccer game. It was not to be.

But if had been... What follows is my imagining how the last 20-odd years might have played out. President Gore heeds Richard Clarke's admonition about bin Laden, so 9/11 never happens. The Iraq War never happens. Saddam Hussein, admittedly a monster, is not deposed so there is no power vacuum in the Middle East meaning there is no place for ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban to take root.

The US becomes the world leader in green technology. Carbon emissions are halved worldwide over the course of Gore's 8 years in office. Politically, the nation is not reeling to the left because the GW Bush administration never took place. Mortgage underwriting rules were not relaxed and the recession of 2008 never happened. John McCain is elected president in 2008. As the rabid right wing conspiracy theory wing of the GOP remains small and amusing, McCain taps Mitt Romney as his VP. No one outside of Alaska ever hears of Sarah Palin. In 2011, no one mocks Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, so Trump is not motivated to start the whole Birtherism shit-storm. In 2012, rising Democratic superstar senator Barack Obama defeats McCain and is elected president with Joe Biden as his VP. In June of 2015, Donald Trump stays upstairs at Trump Towers, masturbating with Big Macs and Russian pee videos. In 2020, after 8 years in office, President Obama endorses Joe Biden who wins the White House.

And we probably all have jet packs for commuting to work.

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I think it just took Trump 3.5 years to figure enough out about how to hijack the federal government for his own uses. That saved us. If that narcissistic criminal sociopath gets in again, America is over as a democratic Republic.

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But remember, the most important issue in the upcoming election is Biden's age.

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I don't agree that Biden's age is the most important thing in the next election. Biden's age and his wisdom would be important but the state of the economy remains the most important thing in most elections

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Chris has written two columns in the last month harping on Biden's age -- that's what I'm referring to.

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I thought you were on vacation. Take a breath.

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I read the story in the NYT earlier today and my jaw dropped. No, it shouldn't surprise me, but yet it did. It chilled me and made me more certain than ever that he MUST be convicted of his crimes prior to the election. If, whether by hook or by crook, he takes the presidential oath of office in January 2025, we will have sealed the fate of this nation ... a fate that will mean a full-blown dictatorship for the foreseeable future.

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Personally, this has been my thought process. I would also say that I am afraid of what this country will face , win or lose.

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Two thoughts.

1. This could read like a campaign commercial for the MAGA hatters. Because this is pretty much exactly what they want. They’re aware he’s going to do a bunch of his own personal vendettas, but they’re convinced enough that the permanent employees of the government are evil enough for getting in the way of what they want, and Trump himself is just savvy enough about choosing enough enemies the base believes themselves to share, that they’re fine with it.

2. Congress and the courts are still going to get their say in this. The Constitution does vaguely say that the President of the head of the executive branch, but he only is charged with carrying out the law and the directives of Congress alongside the usual commander in chief stuff. Many of these agency heads and staff, Congress has expressly said he can appoint this and that and fire this and that, and that’s simply... the deal. He doesn’t get to just change the laws establishing agencies by screaming about it. If Congress says “this person can only be fired by X process” in the law, he doesn’t get to alter it.

There’ll be a lot of court fights. It’s possible he’ll even get savvier about identifying loopholes in the law. And, indeed, elections do have consequences. But this won’t make him a dictator immediately or anything.

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Given that that the Republican Supreme Court will rubber stamp anything he does, who's going to stop him?

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You mean like they’ve let him throw out all the electoral votes he didn’t like and declare himself immune from investigation and prosecution? I seem to recall that not going quite the way Trump wanted. 😊

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If I recall correctly, none of the election challenges went to the Supreme Court -- please correct me if I'm wrong. And on the investigations, again, I am not aware of any of them going to the Supreme Court (other than them possibly refusing to take up a request) -- again, correct me if I'm wrong.

But what we're talking about here is what the Supreme Court would do about, say, Schedule F where Trump and his cronies want to replace tens of thousands of civil servants with political lackeys. Or getting rid of all flag officers who don't pledge their loyalty to Trump and Trump alone. Or using the IRS and FBI/DOJ to attack all political opponents (or just outlawing the Democratic party altogether). And there are dozens of other things that the far right Trump supporters are proposing. Does anyone seriously doubt that Scalia/Thomas/Gorsuch/Barret/Kavanaugh would oppose Trump on anything?

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Yes, you’re quite wrong. At least one, and I believe two, of Trump’s election lawsuits made it to SCOTUS, and were summarily dismissed. It actually made a bit of a stink when it was discovered that Justice Thomas’ wife was lobbying various people to help Trump overturn the election, as he did not recuse and was pretty much the only justice who gave much indication that he would’ve voted in Trump’s favor.

The various investigations and prosecutions of Trump have also been appealed to the Supreme Court. Sometimes they’ve overtly ruled against him, and sometimes they’ve simply let precious decisions against him at the appeals court level stand without express review.

So... no, it’s not at all fair to assume that this Supreme Court would let Trump rewrite the balance of power between Congress and the presidency out of unilateral action if there were not a plausible legal basis to do so. His appointees, if anything, have almost acted embarrassed that he seems to expect that they’d be personally loyal to him for their appointments no matter what he asks them to sign off on for him.

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i wonder how much we should trust the NYT? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-times/

i just finished the book "the grey lady winked" and its filled with NYT stories that were reported incorrectly.

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I agree with you . I think that story should be taken with a grain of salt

Remember last week CNN reportEd a story that there is lack of enthusiasm for Biden among some Democratic leaders and donors omly to find out that it's not the case as evidenced by Biden raising a whooping 72 million dollars last quarter. . That's a great sign of great enthusiasm in my book

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Bear in mind that over $4 BILLION was spent on the 2020 Presidential election https://www.fec.gov/updates/statistical-summary-24-month-campaign-activity-2019-2020-election-cycle/.

That $72 million Biden raised looks mighty insignificant compared to that.

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It's an excellent beginning though. Good beginning always make a good ending

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Good beginnings do not always make for an good ending. I'm a Boston sports fan; I've got the therapy bills from years of good beginnings leading to smoldering crashes at the end of the season to prove it.

More to the point, Trump and the Republican National Committee raised $105 million in the second quarter of 2019, while Obama and the DNC raised $86 million.


To me, Biden's $72 million looks like tepid support at best.

Don't get me wrong, I like Joe Biden and I love what he's accomplished so far. But support for him is lukewarm at best.

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Don't forget that Biden raised the 72 million dollar in an abbreviated time period compared to Obam and Trump. Don't buy the talking point of the Press that there is lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden among the Democrats and Independents. Can anyone point to an OBJECTIVE evidence of tepid support for Joe Biden? And let's assume that it's true that Biden has tepid support among the Independents and Democrats, come election day , the Republicans and even more so Trump would energize them to go to the polls to vote against Trump and in effect for Biden. And Iam not saying Biden and the Democrats should rely on that to win in 2024. I am very confident that Joe Biden will win in 2024

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I'm confused. How is the 2nd quarter of 2023 shorter than the 2nd quarter of 2019? A fiscal quarter is a fiscal quarter. Three months is three months.

It's possible I'm missing something, but I don't understand what.

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Just remember that it doesn't matter how much enthusiasm for Biden that there is in New York or New Jersey or California, etc -- the election is going to be decided in WI, MI, VA, GA, NC, and AZ. These are the only places that the enthusiasm matters.

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You're right . And Pennsylvania as well.

In fairness to Biden, his numerous accomplishments at home and abroad should also be discussed in addition to his age and of course the wisdom that comes with his age and kot just "harping "on his age alone

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You are correct about PA and about Biden's (Democrats') accomplishments. But the national media (NYT, WaPo, ABC/NBC/CBS, etc) constantly parrot Republican talking points uncritically, leaving the majority of the population with a slanted idea of what is going on. But it does no good to complain -- the situation is what it is.

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WRT the media repeating R talking points, as I noted elsewhere here, Chris wrote two columns recently harping on R talking points on Biden's age -- including a statement that Chris considered Biden's age a significant issue.

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