All it will take is DeSantis or someone calling Trump a coward and a loser for refusing to debate to get him to change his mind. Trump will claim unnamed Republican leaders, with tears in their eyes, told him, "Sir, we need you in the debates."
Trump showed himself to be a terrible debater in 2020 and he should be even worse this time around. He should want to debate to show off to independents how much smarter and thoughtful he is in comparison to the “senile” Biden. I can only surmise that by his absence, tfg and his advisers believe he cannot express himself in a cogent, meaningful way and he will lose voters if they see how ineffective he is.
I will give you my opinion on debates. I watch and read about these people on a continual basis. I pay attention, and you should, too. As much as I abhor Trump, he is right about this. Anything said on a debate stage is showmanship and lies. If you are using what is said on a debate stage to make a voting decision, you are a bigger idiot than the idiots on the stage. I have no time to watch debates, I'm watching what they're doing while we aren't looking.
He might change his mind about a Presidential debate. If he trails President Biden at any point, his ego won't let him skip a chance to show the voters that he's the better candidate (in his view).
How many debates did the RNC hold to protect braindead Donald Trump when he was running for re-election? And there were candidates challenging him. Didn't Putin tell you about that when he told you to troll here?
IMO, all candidates should be in a debate. It is so obvious that Trump had no clue about nuclear triad and rambled on about who knows what. With that being said, Trump sickens me so much that his bullying, incoherent, word salads, etc., I just can’t stomach. I can’t look at him at all, here is voice makes me sick, a despicable human being. I don’t care to here the bullshit that he regurgitates.
As someone whose presidential debate watching goes back to Nixon-Kennedy, that first one they did changed things. Seriously. The only other one I have seen change things was when Romney walked into Obama's trap in their second debate. Past that,. the rest of them were wastes of several hours of my life I will never get back.
All it will take is DeSantis or someone calling Trump a coward and a loser for refusing to debate to get him to change his mind. Trump will claim unnamed Republican leaders, with tears in their eyes, told him, "Sir, we need you in the debates."
The proof-it's-a-lie word.
Trump showed himself to be a terrible debater in 2020 and he should be even worse this time around. He should want to debate to show off to independents how much smarter and thoughtful he is in comparison to the “senile” Biden. I can only surmise that by his absence, tfg and his advisers believe he cannot express himself in a cogent, meaningful way and he will lose voters if they see how ineffective he is.
So Trump isn’t even going to pretend to raise money for veterans in order to skip debates this time around?
I will give you my opinion on debates. I watch and read about these people on a continual basis. I pay attention, and you should, too. As much as I abhor Trump, he is right about this. Anything said on a debate stage is showmanship and lies. If you are using what is said on a debate stage to make a voting decision, you are a bigger idiot than the idiots on the stage. I have no time to watch debates, I'm watching what they're doing while we aren't looking.
Can't buy that the Victim-In-Chief/Sessionist-in-Chief/Defender-In-Chief would never debate again.
In 2020 he made himself look the fool when he thought he could make Uncle Joe look like a dottering fool.
Didn't work!
He will not forego the opportunity to try it again on 2024.
He might change his mind about a Presidential debate. If he trails President Biden at any point, his ego won't let him skip a chance to show the voters that he's the better candidate (in his view).
Are you going to write a piece about how the DNC is not holding debates to protect senile joe Biden? Democracy dies in the darkness!
How many debates did the RNC hold to protect braindead Donald Trump when he was running for re-election? And there were candidates challenging him. Didn't Putin tell you about that when he told you to troll here?
They shouldn't be giving platforms to cooks like RFK Jr and Marianne Williamson
Nice ad hominem smear. We should censor everyone we disagree with to stay on the right side of history ;)
Tell it to Bill Weld, Mark Sanford, Joe Walsh and ask them how many debates they had against Trump.
Go take a ride in one of your exploding tanks, asswipe Putinscum.
Do you have any arguments other than ad hominem smears?
He’s basically an incumbent in his mind and the mind of his followers
IMO, all candidates should be in a debate. It is so obvious that Trump had no clue about nuclear triad and rambled on about who knows what. With that being said, Trump sickens me so much that his bullying, incoherent, word salads, etc., I just can’t stomach. I can’t look at him at all, here is voice makes me sick, a despicable human being. I don’t care to here the bullshit that he regurgitates.
As someone whose presidential debate watching goes back to Nixon-Kennedy, that first one they did changed things. Seriously. The only other one I have seen change things was when Romney walked into Obama's trap in their second debate. Past that,. the rest of them were wastes of several hours of my life I will never get back.
I think Trump would want to debate, especially with someone as stilted as DeSantis.