His supporters don’t care. They’ll pay what they must for the pleasure of having an asshole like themselves shoving the faces of anyone who finished junior high into the mud.

The rest of us are unsurprised at the lying.

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Not about his supporters. They will always be with him. It's independents and loosely-aligned partisans. If they turn on Republicans, 2026 will be a very tough election for Trump's party.

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Hopefully he will be long gone before 2026!

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you nailed it: the maggots DO NOT CARE. They will drive off a cliff thinking that the road will continue on forever. If this isn't a repeat of Jonestown, I do not know what is.

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I fear you are right, it’s the same thing as it was under Hitler, getting back at those they have contempt for. They don’t actually know why they they find liberals so contemptible except that they constantly listen to far right media to people like the late Rush Limbaugh who spewed hatful rhetoric all day every day! Trump gave him a medal for his hatefulness! That should have been a strong clue right there that Trump was a very poor choice for a leader! We

Seem to have an awful lot of mean spirited people in this country, people who don’t want to see people of color ,women, people that are homosexual get ahead,as if somehow these people‘s life style will harm them or who knows? Too bad people can’t just take care of their own lives and not concern themselves about others getting ahead and that includes the most Prejudiced President we have ever had to deal with! He needs to stop his disgusting behavior and act like a proper President not a Prejudiced Jerk! He wanted to be president that includes all Americans not just the l

Wealthiest ones!

He doesn’t seem to care about the people who don’t have a fortune probably because he actually thinks they are unworthy of him!

this will

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I’d agree. There are a lot of sociopaths in MAGA. It seems that, they seem to think that inflicting pain on others can compensate for the pain they experience in their own lives. (This starts at the top!).

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So true what is the matter with these people who consistently vote against their own best interests? Voting away their Social Security. Medicare etc? Of course that excuse for a President lied constantly! I wouldn’t believe one word he said! He lies about virtually everything !

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This is the wall about to hit Donald Trump. A wall that is moving fast.

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Agree and it's gonna hit hard!

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I agree the Democrats would do well to focus on inflation and the economy. It was a major reason Trump won and he should be held to his promises.

My impression is many Democrats are stuck on focusing on Trump 'the person" and portraying every topic as a crisis. It's been sort of the default position for the past ten years even though it hasn't worked very well.

I agree with other posters the Democrats need leadership, Hakeem Jeffries should be the most obvious choice, but having listened to him several times there just isn't much charisma there. Chris mentioned Elissa Slotkin last night. From the small amount I've heard her speak I'm not sure she will have broad appeal.

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They should but they won't. I can't say it enough, Dems need new blood in leadership...Schumer has to go, go, go!

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Schumer should be thanked for all the hard work he put in, and his many successes during the Biden Administration. And now he needs to step aside.

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I agree he did some good things for Biden but he also messed up on not sufficiently supporting Tim Ryan in Ohio in a winnable race. Now we have JD ASS and a guy in Schumer who can no longer appeal to younger voters. By all means, he isn't the only one, like Durbin should go too. Thanks for replying.

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One of the things I note is that one of the hardest lessons of adult life is learning to let go. I'm against term limits but there are people on both sides of the aisle who need to learn that lesson.

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I am not for term limits either. You lose institutional knowledge. Similar to why it is a bad idea to can all these Feds. Way too many experts that can't be replaced. But it is obvious to me that we need a more dynamic person to counter the bs that is coming in waves from Trump and other R's. I am an old guy but if the Dems ever get back on top it has to be through the younger voter, amongst other things. imho. Messaging or the lack thereof has been a problem for a long time w/ the Dems.

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I've been impressed by Jamie Raskin, Pete Buttigieg, and AOC (the only one of the so-called "Squad" who I respect, and I'm represented by one of them). And keep your eyes on David Hogg now in the DNC.

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And Pelosi too for my money!

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Pelosi already stepped down from leadership.

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Yes but w her presence she's still holding back younger leadership, think AOC, and w her statements in press and the like. Plus as long as she's around, she still carries a big stick. Having the old boss around makes it harder for the new bosses to chart their path forward.

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Carville’s rope a dope idea may not be that far off

For the Democrats to win back the left behinds they will need to start getting hit more in the pocket book

I don’t think these people are bad, idiots, etc. A lot of them are just trying to pay their bills

I heard a long time ago a spouse can tell me something many times and I will discount it. But let a good friend tell me something and it’s the greatest idea since sliced bread

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Of course his supports don't care. As Chris said, they will always be with him (no matter if he shot someone on 5th Ave.)

46% is the floor for Trump's support (among voters) and his usual ceiling is about 48%, although because fewer Democratic voters stayed home in 2024, he achieved 49.8, almost all because of the price of everyday items.

It's irrelevant that inflation was a worldwide issue, the result of a once-in-a-century pandemic. That issue toppled incumbent governments in pretty much every wealthy nation that has a democracy.

Trump lied and lied about the degree of inflation and what caused it, but his big mistake (as he usually does) he promised that he would "fix it" "on day one".

Along with a plethora of other lame, stupid promises he made, Dems must remind everyone every day that not only is he not able to "fix" pretty much anything, he is doing atrocious things that he did not run on.

He repeatedly disavowed any knowledge of Project 2025, and just like we (non-Trump Cultists) warned you all, that regressive appalling blue print is the guiding light of Trump II's reign of terror.

He distanced himself from Project 2025 for a reason....it is VERY unpopular. We have to tie it around his (and the GOP) neck like the albatross it is.

Midterms virtually always are tough for the incumbent party. The only question about 2026 is how bad will it be for the GOP.

Unfortunately, the damage will already be done with Trump/Musk unconstitutional blitzkrieg on the rule of law.

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Hey Chris, "And I always warn you not to put too much stock in a single poll — especially if it tells you what you want to hear." is something I believe and expand upon. Polls are only a reflection of whatever their favorite media outlet tells them. I hesitate to use the propaganda, but! If one lives in echo chamber of FOX or MSNBC, they only know the right or left extremes are telling them is gospel truth. Finding multiple sources of differing editorial policy is a much better reflection of reality. Therefore, the polls are skewed to one side or the other of any subject and the conclusions drawn are subjective to that particular propaganda. For instance, just this morning in the NYT is an article, not op-ed piece on the Pope’s Illness/incapacity siting among other things, “Overall, the public tenor of the Holy See has changed absent its most public face and voice — lacking the weekly appearances of the pope and his pronouncements on important global issues, like rebuking the Trump administration over immigrant deportations.”. Rebuking Trump as an example of what Francis isn’t able to do. Really? It was necessary to throw a dig at Trump. Hence the “echo chamber / propaganda” as I see it.

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As it always has been, its the economy, stupid. Under Biden, the economy was objectively pretty good, but for too many it didn’t ‘feel’ good.

Now the shoe is on the other foot. MAGA faithful will be the among the first to feel the economic pain of cuts proposed to Medicaid, SNAP, and fuel assistance.

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Man, I feel the respect in this comment section. I've been called an asshole that didn't finished junior high, maggot, and a sociopath and that's just from 5 comments! Nice company you keep, Chris.

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I hate that. And I am sorry for it. I can't spend my time policing the comments section full time. I have asked people repeatedly to avoid name calling. So dumb and pointless.

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I think you may find that folks are tired of that "dumb and pointless" tactic being a winning strategy for MAGA while others are scolded for it. It's more than a little frustrating to be held to a standard that is not just ignored but utterly ridiculed by the MAGA/Trump supporters.

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Who cares what others think. Who cares who scolds you. Do you, personally, want to be on the same level as Trump supporters when it comes to rhetoric? Is this not one of the most off-putting aspects of MAGA culture?

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I hear you. I just think scolding folks when their frustrations boil over isn't terribly productive either. Perfect behavior is a fine aspiration. But I've met very few saints and I personally do understand the level of pain, shock, fear, panic and frustration that exists out there.

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I empathize with the frustration as well, but it's a far cry from perfection to not use invective at every available opportunity. For the people I'm thinking of, it's not a rare moment of losing one's self. It's basically every comment on every post. They have built homes on their hatred, and it's becoming hard to distinguish them from the strain of MAGA they despise. If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

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Chris, yes I agree with you BUT ppl on the left are really frustrated. Branding issues? I want democrats to be more than a brand, I want them to a way of life, a life where everyone is taken care of

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If this sort of name calling and denigration is offensive to you, do you call it out when Trump does it? Does he offend you? Do you support him in spite of his offensive bullying, or because of it? And if it is in spite of, how do you justify the behavior to yourself? I'm sorry, but the double standard and hypocrisy is just too much. I'm a libtard, sheeple, too dumb to know better, and supposedly support someone who was head of the "Biden Crime Family" despite no evidence of any crimes. Until you demand more from the members of your party, I don't believe that I will ever cede Trump supporters the moral high ground.

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Don’t be so thin skinned. Democrats are called a lot more vile adjectives

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Indeed. It's hilarious watching the MAGAts swoon over being insulted and belittled as if it isn't only a fraction of the invective hurled at the other side.

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Tbh, I don't like it when the anti-Trump crowd does this just as much as the pro-Trump crowd.

But, to be fair, does it surprise you? After the vitriol/hate/lies/mis&disinformation that Trump has spread over the years......you Trump supporters really thought you could hop on chats and not feel any real heat?

Remember, I said that I don't agree w/the name calling either, but you really can't be surprised by the response given the energy Trump has infused into the political realm?

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And aren't you assigning the blame to the wrong person in Chris?

Sort of out of his control what commenters say and he has taken an active role in trying to create/foster a community where ideas can be exchanged freely. Almost to the point, he's mentioned it enough now, that it's almost to the point of feeling like my Uncle brow-beating me.

Would you be better served going directly at those commenters than addressing it as Chris' issue?

Just curious. Not arguing just trying to open some dialogue here.

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You missed the Hitler reference. That's always a sure winner.

I'm not sure why Chris attracts these folks, they really don't reflect his approach at all.

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Yes those insults are very persuasive arguments to help me see the error of my ways and are much appreciated.

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I’m sorry this is happening to you. I think it’s because people can hide behind their post and not say it face to face to you or anyone in their circle.

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I don't understand how such a reasonable and respectful man accrues such a toxic group of followers. Is it just osmosis from working at WaPo/CNN?

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Have you really been ignoring what the right deems acceptable political "dialogue" for the last twenty years or more?

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Beware that, when fighting monsters, you do not yourself become a monster. For when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Chris -

I’d encourage you to look at the Conference Board data set on consumer sentiment. Much larger sample size (3,000 vs 500) and they put a lot a lot of focus on sampling small businesses so have a good read on the labor market (plurality of jobs come from small businesses). Today both are showing rapid declines in sentiment - but Conference Board has (in my opinion) been a more reliable and less volatile indicator.

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Yes, I said it over and over prior to the election, VP Harris and her liberal SF ideology will not, would not, could not win in the Midwest swing states! Chris is absolutely right! Go woke go broke! Certainly Gavin N is not the answer either…. Someone normal needs to step up and lead this party that is lost and wandering around in the wilderness.

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I want to Zoom with you. Am a subscriber. CAN’T find the link. !!!

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Keep up the good fight👊🏻💪🏻💙🇺🇸

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OMG Trump. You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm so, so disapointed in you. What is your definition of peace? You, yes you, will be resposible of your actions. You think we can't see the real you. Your tatics are transparent. What's the difference between someone dying in the front lines in a war or what you are doing to this world. Someone dying for their country is admirerable and your way is slow torture. How does it feel to be you?

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Trump has already found his scape goat. “It’s BIDEN’S inflation!” And the Kool-aid drinkers believe it, of course.

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Dawn, he’s been in office a month, where were you when JB had inflation at 9%?

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Dutch, I've been right here. trump was the one who said he was going to cure inflation immediately. but I guess he's been too busy cozying up to Putin and gutting to take care of it. I can wait till next week to check the price of eggs.

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For the next 6 - 12 months Trump will blame Biden for..everything..and he will get away with it. After that, Foxnews will continue to whitewash the facts but those aforementioned independents may be amenable to the truth and that could lead to a good result for Dems in 2026 and beyond.

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