As an old American History major, It is plain that to be worse than Buchanan and Pierce is quite an achievement.

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Well, Trump says he's the best at everything, and now he's the best at being the worst. Way to go, Donnie! It's amazing to me that 30-40 percent of our country can not only see these facts as they are--that Trump is the worst president ever. Most of them actually believe that he's the best president we've ever had and want him back in the White House. I suppose they also believe that the Carolina Panthers were the best team in the NFL this year.

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MAGATS are in a cult that worships their dear leader. 😵‍💫

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Ten'll get you twenty he finds a way to fundraise off of it. Here's a little song I wrote (the words) a few years ago in his honor:

"I’m a 10!"

Donald Trump was asked to rate himself on a scale of 1 to 10. This was his response, to the music of George M. Cohan's "Over There":

I'm a 10, I'm a 10

Not a one or a two or a three!

Not a four, five, six, seven, eight or nine,

Just a 10 out of 10, that is me!

I’m alright, you’re all wrong,

Okay that’s the whole point of this song!

Whatever happens it's always the same,

I get the credit, you take the blame!

Cause I'm a 10, yeah a 10,

If they had an 11 that I'd be!

Or a 15 or 20 or why not a trillion?

There's no number big enough for me!

So then a 10, just a 10

Not a one or a two or a three!

Cause I'm a winner and not a loser--

And if I go down you're all going down with me!

Happy Presidents' Day - time to go watch a little "Yankee Doodle Dandy!"

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Wonderful adaptation!

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If trump wins in November, Project 2025 will be used to ban abortions totally in several ways and to take away rights of gays and transgenders. Anything that is not like ultra-right white Christian Nationalists will be gone . The ultra right males don't believe in climate change. They don't believe in the rights of parents to make decisions for their children. They ban books. Read about Project 2020. Andra Watkins writes about it in Substack. Very disturbing how white male republicans want to take over.

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Project 2025 is very real and it is thoroughly terrifying.

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Project 2025

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Wow! Trump won the prize being the Worst President. What a shocking finding. To think that he could be back in the White House is disgraceful. What is wrong with this?? What does this say about our great country? We are better than this. We can not let him back to the Oval Office.

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Polls of this kind prove nothing. In fact I dare question whether elections prove anything especially given the electoral college, Citizens United, a never ending campaigning cycle, poorly educated citizenry, and media that is interested in making a horse race instead of focusing on the consequences of elections.

If there is any doubt in this, Trump got elected in 2016 and stands a chance this round. How is this evidence of qualification to govern and advance our country’s values?

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I would also direct your followers on this Presidents Day to your list of the best Presidential biographies. I’ve read many of them and have been enriched by your choices!

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Thanks for the mediocre presidents song. Hilarious.

Pretty sure you lose a lot of points with historians ranking presidents when you attempt to become president for life. It’s not the same plus as freeing humans from slavery, leading forces for free the country from the tyranny of George III before becoming president or even allowing millions to have healthcare. He did, however, suggest people inject disinfectant to fight a disease. Wait, that might be a demerit too.

I just read First Principles by Thomas Ricks. Great book on how the first four presidents were influenced by the ideas and writings from Rome and Greece. Includes a lot of pluses and minuses about each of them. Very honest appraisal.

Here’s Ricks with Ryan Holiday of Daily Stoic if anyone’s interested.


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Chris, thank you for sharing The Simpson's dramatic presentation of The Mediocre Presidents. It validates that our Congress never established a federal holiday to celebrate each of the people who have been elected and/or served as our "Presidents." Ford was never elected. In its 19th century origin and still in statute, the federal holiday is "Washington's Birthday." When Congress in 1968 moved most federal holiday commemorations to create three-day weekends, they selected a Monday in February that falls between the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but which never falls on Washington's actual birth date. That confusion spawned the "Presidents' Day" misconception. No other President before Trump had ever refused to concede their defeat and actively prevented the peaceful transfer of power to their successor. That is why, hopefully, Trump will forever retain his ranking as the worst President in US history.

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Trump aspires to lead us to a Civil War. He is also a seditious conspirator, which should send a President tumbling to the bottom of any rankings list.

Also worth mentioning...Trump is the MAGA Party leader, and is not a true Republican.

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You're right. I reread the article, and on X it just says that Obama was in top ten, and Biden and Dumpy were below that. Not mockery, but certainly less of a full reporting than it deserved.

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I think it's interesting that Dumpy equates being popular with greatness. How many of us, in our youth, wanted permission to do something because all the popular kids were doing it, and our parents said no? Dumpy's father obviously didn't. Part of becoming a mature, thoughtful adult is recognizing that being popular ("everybody's doing it") doesn't equal being a good idea. To use an example from Dumpy's term, Ivermectin.

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He may have seen the rankings, but I can guarantee you that no one who watches Fox will see them (unless it is to mock/deny the results). Your polling numbers back this up. MAGA/Fox News types (they are pretty much interchangeable at this point) get their news from one or two "trusted" sources. Those "sources" do nothing but sing the praises of POTUS45. So, why would MAGA nation ever think anything other than that he is the best thing since sliced bread?

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Actually, according to Huffpost, Fox did talk about the survey. I was surprized to read that too.

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I'm shocked--was it to mock the survey, though?

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Big shout to one of the best Presidents, Sitting President Biden!!! . And FOUR more years to you sir

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By the time Joe Biden is done with his second term, he will be competing for the first 6th to 10th place for sure. He will be one notch above or below his buddy Obama

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idk I think there's a bit of recency bias there. Ranking Trump below people who led us to a literal Civil War? Ehhhh

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Trump wanted us to fight a war that was 100% about salving his hurt ego by changing his loss into a win.

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