Perfect way for Biden's administration to counteract the age question. There is no doubt that he's old and slowing down but considering the last guy didn't enter the office until late morning and left mid-afternoon, Biden is certainly doing everything he's supposed to be doing and is informed on the issues at hand (no one needs to keep briefing memos to a certain length or insert his name in to keep him reading). So he needs to lean on his staff more than a younger man like Obama did, so what? With age does come experience and hopefully wisdom, he has a VP that has been kept involved in the administration should the worst happen Harris will take the ball and run with it. Fantastic analysis as always, Chris!
When Biden’s age comes up I always comment that there are many people older who are still highly successful. Warren Buffet, Bob Dylan, Barbara Streisand , Ridley Scott, plenty of others.
There are many things that come with age, including wisdom, experience, patience, historical perspective, knowing first hand the other players, etc.
When Reagan was asked about his age he said he wouldn’t hold his opponent’s inexperience against him.
Reagan may not be the best example for your argument. He was in his mid-70s when he made that comment. We learned later he was already experiencing signs of dementia and he made a fool of himself re Iran-Contra
Many many negatives come with age as well. Biden is a walking example of the negatives. Cognitive decline. Physical decline. Ability to tell truth. List is endless
Smart piece. That's exactly what Biden should try. But I am worried it won't work. People aren't reacting to the objective fact of Joe's age. They are reacting to the way he now presents, including his at times odd and indecipherable comments. I'm afraid the negative is baked in. It should not be as much of a problem vs Trump because there are plenty of viral clips of Trump's babbling incoherently. But if Haley somehow got the nomination, Joe would really be in trouble. Joe deserves better. He's had a great term and done remarkable things, especially given the numbers in Congress. But the age issue isn't going to get better, and we're going to hear a lot more about Hunter. He should have stepped aside. But failing that, your prescription is the right one.
Agreed. I think the "age equals wisdom" perspective is absolutely the best shot Joe has at overcoming the objection. As to Nikki Haley getting the nomination, short of Trump literally dying first, there is no universe in which that will happen! And even in the highly unlikely circumstance that he adds her as his VP pick, it still won't work for them.
I agree with Chris that his team needs to get on this message and repeat it over and over and over again. It will work.
I absolutely agree that Trump is the prohibitive favorite, but so was HRC in 2008. Voters in those early states have been known to rebel against conventional wisdom. If the Rs had any sense, they'd pick Haley, who would be a much more formidable candidate. But , then again, if the Rs had any sense, Trump would never have been nominated the first time
Spot on. The Biden team shouldn't hide from the topic, instead confront it and tell us why his age is an advantage (wisdom, experience, calm, doesn't have the energy to lead an insurrection...). Also, did you see that Dolly Parton half-time show at the Cowboys game? She is same age as Trump and appears to be in much better shape mentally and physically. I can hardly wait for that to show up in a Lincoln Project ad.
Here we go again!!. I was expecting two or more "commentaries and analysis" of again Biden's age this week from Chris Cilliza. And there is one of them. I expect more either directly or indirectly before this week is out. The good news is that Biden continues to prove to the country and the world that he's a decent and competent leader. Keep going Mr President and five more years for you sir!!!
Dr. Ibrahim: I would agree with you when Chris is merely repeating the argument that Biden is too old and not really adding anything to the subject. However, this article is EXACTLY what I want to hear from Chris: good and thoughtful suggestions to overcome what is an obvious issue to a vast majority of Americans! Even those of us that will absolutely vote for Joe have to acknowledge that he IS showing his age and slowing down. That's a reality that you just can't hide from.
Dr., I think you are FAR too optimistic about 2024 and need to embrace the reality of what is on the minds of independents and those that can have their minds changed, and not diehard Democrats that will vote for Biden simply because he's a Democrat (and the incredibly obvious point that a vote for anyone other than Biden is asking for a Trump presidency and the end of American Democracy as we know it).
Bravo, Chris! I've criticized you before when you approach the "Biden is old" subject without either a new event that makes the point or when you aren't really adding anything new to the conversation. By highlighting MIka's perspective, and suggesting that THIS is the best strategy moving forward, you are indeed making a new and valid point that needs to be considered and reiterated.
Hard to believe that this “age” issue is getting such media attention yet again! Any politician, in any party, at any time, could fail to complete the full term they were elected for REGARDLESS of their age. There are no guarantees in life. Accidents, Illness, who knows what can happen even tomorrow. The point is, there are many excellent people behind Biden ready and able to take over should anything happen to him. It’s not an age thing….. nobody knows how long their life will be that’s why people make wills, prepare estate plans. The future is unpredictable. The Democratic Party is prepared and ready to govern this country. That’s all that matters!
Your view is valid. But the consistent poll data teaches that many swing voters view Biden's age and condition as disqualifying. The issue creates the frightening potential of another horrible 4 years of Trump.
It's not the media doing that. The vast majority of people think he's too old based on the way he talks and thinks. Can't blame the media for showing you videos of his speeches.
Chris, I agree with you that it is a messaging issue at this point. One can’t hide the aging factor but how it is presented can perhaps change the only talking point that he’s old. Yes, Biden is an older gentleman and walks slower, speaks slower, has some stumbles. Yet, he is currently the president and is actually doing a good job despite his age. Some of what people are saying about Biden, such as his gaffes, has been part of Joe Biden for years. Yes, these gaffes may happen more often but they get picked up in the media, voters see this and it plays into how old he is. Yet, they don’t think about that has been part of Joe for many years. I also think besides age, Joe is a gentleman and statesman, a quiet man, an ethical man, a man who has manners and one who wants the best for everyone. People are not looking at any of that, they perceive him to be too old and that’s that. What is beyond my comprehension is that the voters will disregard all the good with Biden and focus on age, yet Trump is soaring in the polls for the GOP nomination, as well as a few percentage points ahead of Biden in the general. How can voters brush off the good with one man and yet, Trump with his baggage gets a pass. Boggles my mind.
Agree with you bazillion percent, Chris. I for one am sick of the ageism and am so grateful for the grownup in the room. And I'm a wet-behind-the-years 70!
Everyone knows that Biden and Trump are both old politicians. Can we therefore discuss honestly their policy and personality differences instead of obsessing with Biden;s age . And that is and would continue to be point sir.
Wasn't JVL pushing this concept a while back? I seem to recall he wrote something on a way for Biden to tackle the age issue over at The Bulwark, and it had this same feel to it. Glad to see it start spreading, even if Biden is just flirting with the concept at the moment. He's done a good job as president, and his experience (in my opinion) has been a huge factor in that.
Chris - is anyone in the Biden Administration a subscriber? If not, give someone in the campaign a free subscription.
Great advice - and on point. The Biden Campaign must directly address the age issue to defuse it. The more they bring up Biden’s wisdom and experience first, the more useless the Trump call that Biden is too old...
Praying for JB to be able to speak eloquently, deeply, or off the cuff ain't gonna get you very far. Points are true, but you're pining for something that simply isn't possible.
Another offering from Mr. Cillizza about how old Biden is.
I'm not gonna scold, after all it is true. He is old.
But his presumptive opponent wants to eliminate civil service, start actual camps (concentration?) for undocumented humans, and quote, "go after my enemies in the press."
I know you are coming at this from an honest place. But somehow, the electorate is NOT understanding the unique danger our country is facing from another Trump term. That is the story. It is the only story that should matter. We should be very obsessed with that story.
Yet, you would be hiding your head in the sand if you were to ignore what is on the minds of those that have yet to make up their minds, polls or not. I talked to many family members at Thanksgiving, especially my "kids" (30, 29, 27), and there's no question that age is a huge negative. Don't get me wrong: they understand just how bad the situation will become if Trump gets another term, and they will all vote for Biden because of that, but there's more than one angle to pursue to convince the swing voter.
And I have always been a critic of Chris' when he harps on the "Biden is old" without offering any new information on the subject. THIS article, however, has a detailed prescription to overcome a MAJOR negative and turn it into a positive.
Of the 20 oldest Congressman, 13 are Dems and 7 are Repubs. Clearly, both sides are able to see past age when it's for their desired candidate.
When you don't like somebody and can't really put your finger on the "why", you go straight to the obvious......age. Ya.....that's why we dislike him, he's old. Bc most people won't just come out and say - regardless of the candidate I only vote for Party X and would never vote for Party Y. People always like to seem or feel or represent themselves as smart or smarter than they are and an admission of being a party line voter comes across as simple-minded. I feel like this is a larger % of people's reasoning for claiming age as a disqualifier than we could ever quantify but it's there, for sure.
Three years wiser than Trump and a helluva lot saner.
Does that fit on a bumper sticker?
Perfect way for Biden's administration to counteract the age question. There is no doubt that he's old and slowing down but considering the last guy didn't enter the office until late morning and left mid-afternoon, Biden is certainly doing everything he's supposed to be doing and is informed on the issues at hand (no one needs to keep briefing memos to a certain length or insert his name in to keep him reading). So he needs to lean on his staff more than a younger man like Obama did, so what? With age does come experience and hopefully wisdom, he has a VP that has been kept involved in the administration should the worst happen Harris will take the ball and run with it. Fantastic analysis as always, Chris!
When Biden’s age comes up I always comment that there are many people older who are still highly successful. Warren Buffet, Bob Dylan, Barbara Streisand , Ridley Scott, plenty of others.
There are many things that come with age, including wisdom, experience, patience, historical perspective, knowing first hand the other players, etc.
When Reagan was asked about his age he said he wouldn’t hold his opponent’s inexperience against him.
Reagan may not be the best example for your argument. He was in his mid-70s when he made that comment. We learned later he was already experiencing signs of dementia and he made a fool of himself re Iran-Contra
Many many negatives come with age as well. Biden is a walking example of the negatives. Cognitive decline. Physical decline. Ability to tell truth. List is endless
Smart piece. That's exactly what Biden should try. But I am worried it won't work. People aren't reacting to the objective fact of Joe's age. They are reacting to the way he now presents, including his at times odd and indecipherable comments. I'm afraid the negative is baked in. It should not be as much of a problem vs Trump because there are plenty of viral clips of Trump's babbling incoherently. But if Haley somehow got the nomination, Joe would really be in trouble. Joe deserves better. He's had a great term and done remarkable things, especially given the numbers in Congress. But the age issue isn't going to get better, and we're going to hear a lot more about Hunter. He should have stepped aside. But failing that, your prescription is the right one.
Agreed. I think the "age equals wisdom" perspective is absolutely the best shot Joe has at overcoming the objection. As to Nikki Haley getting the nomination, short of Trump literally dying first, there is no universe in which that will happen! And even in the highly unlikely circumstance that he adds her as his VP pick, it still won't work for them.
I agree with Chris that his team needs to get on this message and repeat it over and over and over again. It will work.
I absolutely agree that Trump is the prohibitive favorite, but so was HRC in 2008. Voters in those early states have been known to rebel against conventional wisdom. If the Rs had any sense, they'd pick Haley, who would be a much more formidable candidate. But , then again, if the Rs had any sense, Trump would never have been nominated the first time
“If the Rs had any sense”.... there’s that! 🤣
Exactly. And I think CC completely ignored that problem. People see what they see - Biden can't talk his way out of that.
Spot on. The Biden team shouldn't hide from the topic, instead confront it and tell us why his age is an advantage (wisdom, experience, calm, doesn't have the energy to lead an insurrection...). Also, did you see that Dolly Parton half-time show at the Cowboys game? She is same age as Trump and appears to be in much better shape mentally and physically. I can hardly wait for that to show up in a Lincoln Project ad.
Here we go again!!. I was expecting two or more "commentaries and analysis" of again Biden's age this week from Chris Cilliza. And there is one of them. I expect more either directly or indirectly before this week is out. The good news is that Biden continues to prove to the country and the world that he's a decent and competent leader. Keep going Mr President and five more years for you sir!!!
Doctor, you know you don't HAVE to subscribe right? HA!
Possibly one of the best responses to a comment yet!
Dr. Ibrahim: I would agree with you when Chris is merely repeating the argument that Biden is too old and not really adding anything to the subject. However, this article is EXACTLY what I want to hear from Chris: good and thoughtful suggestions to overcome what is an obvious issue to a vast majority of Americans! Even those of us that will absolutely vote for Joe have to acknowledge that he IS showing his age and slowing down. That's a reality that you just can't hide from.
Dr., I think you are FAR too optimistic about 2024 and need to embrace the reality of what is on the minds of independents and those that can have their minds changed, and not diehard Democrats that will vote for Biden simply because he's a Democrat (and the incredibly obvious point that a vote for anyone other than Biden is asking for a Trump presidency and the end of American Democracy as we know it).
Bravo, Chris! I've criticized you before when you approach the "Biden is old" subject without either a new event that makes the point or when you aren't really adding anything new to the conversation. By highlighting MIka's perspective, and suggesting that THIS is the best strategy moving forward, you are indeed making a new and valid point that needs to be considered and reiterated.
Thank you!
Hard to believe that this “age” issue is getting such media attention yet again! Any politician, in any party, at any time, could fail to complete the full term they were elected for REGARDLESS of their age. There are no guarantees in life. Accidents, Illness, who knows what can happen even tomorrow. The point is, there are many excellent people behind Biden ready and able to take over should anything happen to him. It’s not an age thing….. nobody knows how long their life will be that’s why people make wills, prepare estate plans. The future is unpredictable. The Democratic Party is prepared and ready to govern this country. That’s all that matters!
Your view is valid. But the consistent poll data teaches that many swing voters view Biden's age and condition as disqualifying. The issue creates the frightening potential of another horrible 4 years of Trump.
It's not the media doing that. The vast majority of people think he's too old based on the way he talks and thinks. Can't blame the media for showing you videos of his speeches.
Chris, I agree with you that it is a messaging issue at this point. One can’t hide the aging factor but how it is presented can perhaps change the only talking point that he’s old. Yes, Biden is an older gentleman and walks slower, speaks slower, has some stumbles. Yet, he is currently the president and is actually doing a good job despite his age. Some of what people are saying about Biden, such as his gaffes, has been part of Joe Biden for years. Yes, these gaffes may happen more often but they get picked up in the media, voters see this and it plays into how old he is. Yet, they don’t think about that has been part of Joe for many years. I also think besides age, Joe is a gentleman and statesman, a quiet man, an ethical man, a man who has manners and one who wants the best for everyone. People are not looking at any of that, they perceive him to be too old and that’s that. What is beyond my comprehension is that the voters will disregard all the good with Biden and focus on age, yet Trump is soaring in the polls for the GOP nomination, as well as a few percentage points ahead of Biden in the general. How can voters brush off the good with one man and yet, Trump with his baggage gets a pass. Boggles my mind.
Agree with you bazillion percent, Chris. I for one am sick of the ageism and am so grateful for the grownup in the room. And I'm a wet-behind-the-years 70!
Everyone knows that Biden and Trump are both old politicians. Can we therefore discuss honestly their policy and personality differences instead of obsessing with Biden;s age . And that is and would continue to be point sir.
Wasn't JVL pushing this concept a while back? I seem to recall he wrote something on a way for Biden to tackle the age issue over at The Bulwark, and it had this same feel to it. Glad to see it start spreading, even if Biden is just flirting with the concept at the moment. He's done a good job as president, and his experience (in my opinion) has been a huge factor in that.
Chris - is anyone in the Biden Administration a subscriber? If not, give someone in the campaign a free subscription.
Great advice - and on point. The Biden Campaign must directly address the age issue to defuse it. The more they bring up Biden’s wisdom and experience first, the more useless the Trump call that Biden is too old...
Praying for JB to be able to speak eloquently, deeply, or off the cuff ain't gonna get you very far. Points are true, but you're pining for something that simply isn't possible.
Another offering from Mr. Cillizza about how old Biden is.
I'm not gonna scold, after all it is true. He is old.
But his presumptive opponent wants to eliminate civil service, start actual camps (concentration?) for undocumented humans, and quote, "go after my enemies in the press."
I know you are coming at this from an honest place. But somehow, the electorate is NOT understanding the unique danger our country is facing from another Trump term. That is the story. It is the only story that should matter. We should be very obsessed with that story.
Yet, you would be hiding your head in the sand if you were to ignore what is on the minds of those that have yet to make up their minds, polls or not. I talked to many family members at Thanksgiving, especially my "kids" (30, 29, 27), and there's no question that age is a huge negative. Don't get me wrong: they understand just how bad the situation will become if Trump gets another term, and they will all vote for Biden because of that, but there's more than one angle to pursue to convince the swing voter.
And I have always been a critic of Chris' when he harps on the "Biden is old" without offering any new information on the subject. THIS article, however, has a detailed prescription to overcome a MAJOR negative and turn it into a positive.
Fair point.
Of the 20 oldest Congressman, 13 are Dems and 7 are Repubs. Clearly, both sides are able to see past age when it's for their desired candidate.
When you don't like somebody and can't really put your finger on the "why", you go straight to the obvious......age. Ya.....that's why we dislike him, he's old. Bc most people won't just come out and say - regardless of the candidate I only vote for Party X and would never vote for Party Y. People always like to seem or feel or represent themselves as smart or smarter than they are and an admission of being a party line voter comes across as simple-minded. I feel like this is a larger % of people's reasoning for claiming age as a disqualifier than we could ever quantify but it's there, for sure.
Well done, Chris.