A thousand years ago when I was 15, a few hours after Nixon resigned my father and I were discussing the whole fallout from Watergate and he impressed upon me "Whatever you've done wrong, don't lie about it. That will always make it worse. The lie is worse than the crime".

Smart man, my dad.

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Your dad nailed it.

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It was an idiotic thing for him to do. That said, House Republicans seem just fine with George Santos being one of their members, so they really need to sit this one out.

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Yes, that's true. But us justifying this by "look at what they do" does not make us The Good Guys. If you want to be The Good Guys, you have to act like them, not like some truculent 12 year old sent to the principal's office.

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I don't disagree at all. My only point was that the Republicans aren't in a position to say anything.

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Yeah. And I know you don't disagree. It seemed a good place to remind others.

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I've always appreciated your sense of humor Chris, but this write-up on Bowman is a gem. I laughed all the way through it. Essentially, I know that what Bowman did was wrong. Totally wrong...and yet...thanks. I needed a good belly laugh today.

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My God, Chris! It is becoming such a Clown Show! Pulling clearly marked Fire Alarm and saying you thought it would unlock a door is inexcusable. Add to it the Nazi comments and there you have it….Clown Show! We are in deep trouble with this new breed of politician on both sides of the aisle!!

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Just dumb on top of dumb.

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Kevin Drum puts forth a different explanation...

Rep. Bowman is innocent


Innocent or not, this is a perfect example of useful idiots of the media echoing and promoting GOP bullcap.

In the Trump crazy world we live in today where this lunatic, in just the last week or so...

-Suggested that the outgoing highest military office in the country should e executed.

-Promised extrajudicial murders of suspected shoplifters

-Vowed to go after his political enemies with the Dept. of Justice.

-Has been revealed to literally hate and mock injured military vets

-Vowed to purge the federal civil service of anyone who questions his views and replace them with his people that vow alliance to TRUMP, not the country or it’s constitution

-Mocked the brutal hammer attack on Paul Pelosi

And on and on and on. The crazy never stops.

But the confusion and pulling a fire alarm is such big news???? Please.

A little reality check on what is worth getting one’s panties in a twist over. Rep Bowman pulling a fire alarm is NOT!!!!

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There are so many more important issues for Congress to be concerned with - was it dumb by Bowman (and staff?) - Yes. Relative to other issues, not worth spending time on.

Not sure there is any "perspective" left in Washington (reference McCarthy's comments comparing the fire alarm incident to January 6th - although at that point, I am sure McCarthy was happy to have anything to talk about which might distract from his lack of ability to lead the House)

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Thanks for writing about this, Chris. I’d been curious about certain aspects of it and hadn’t bothered to look. No worries on the Breitbart photo. As you say, a photo is a photo and presumably this one accurately depicts the “scene of the crime.”

I had been giving Rep. Bowman some scant benefit of the doubt. That’s kinda gone out the fire door. His district, along with God knows how many red ones, is not sending their best. How many people would’ve seen the Nazi comparison statement and not pointed out it was as wrong as can be?

Bowman should receive whatever punishment is suitable. Rep. Malliotakis should be expelled for having a name I can’t pronounce.

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His argument is bogus. Everyone knows not to pull a fire alarm by accident. Everyone. We learn this as children. It's something we are trained not to touch. Ever. Unless necessary. I was about 7 when I read the words on one: it said that causing a false alarm could result in the death penalty because it could lead to the loss of life. I got the message.

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Stupid has no particular party affiliation

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This guy should be investigated and if found guilty should face a commensurate punishment . Period. That was a dumb thing to do.

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never cross the Nazi line

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I hope there’s as big a stink about the waste of money that the GOP machinations are costing the taxpayers. Matt Gaetz and all of them are paid $174,000 ($477 a day) and we get nothing for the American people.

So when we worry about the deficit we can ask why are we paying these clowns.

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I raised my kids with the mantra, “don’t do anything stupid.”

MAJOR violation by Bowman.

PS My kids are all adults, and they have done some stupid things here and there, but I think this likely helped them avoid at least some stupid things! 👍🏻

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Bowman needs to "polish the bench" for a few hours before getting the "act your age" lecture from the middle school vice principal he used to be.

That this guy replaced a Democrat who actually knew where the bathroom is, is another of those events that keep me far away from the "Justice Democrats" and the other loonies on the left edge of "progressivism."

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Let voters expel him.

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There is enough chaos in this Republican led House. They don't need a Jamaal Bowman to make things worse. We thought we have left chaos and manufacturered crisis with the ousting of Donald Trump but apparently not. Can't wait for 2024 to oust them from the House leadership as well

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