Trump is again desecrating the presidency because of the corporate media and mainstream reporters like you.

He's not to be 'normalized', 'covered', explained', or 'understood'.

He's to be hooted, booed,and exposed for the dangerous and corrupt narcissist, King wannabe, that he is and laughed at when he lies through his thin lips and small teeth which is about every time he opens his mouth.

The guy's a naked joke.

Expose that.

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Not what I do. If you feel that way, that’s your right! I call balls and strikes. You can decide. You are plenty smart enough. Don’t need me to tell you what to think. As for corporate media, what part of independent journalist did you miss?

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You, too are entitled to your opinions. However, you come across as a condescending person in this post. Not sure that was your intent.

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Is not an “emotional connection” with his cult! Wow, please become educated about this dictator’s psychosis and what’s really happening here. Follow Bandy Lee’s work, Steven Hassan, Timothy Snyder, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, and other scholars who understand what’s happening based on science and expertise. Stop glamorizing this psychotic lunatic. It’s equivalent to glamorizing the mustache man.

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The malignant narcissist didn’t “win” the elections, and media is part of the problem using this language. He manipulated everything from his minions to the media. He bought votes, campaign funds, and let’s not forget the implanted minions in electoral college, voter suppression, and poll fraud. Nobody “loves” him - they use him for their own personal gain or they’re in the cult.

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Just ridiculous. He won fair and square. If you want to castigate Trump for election denialism (and you should) you can’t do the same stuff.

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We the people please explain to me how implanted people in the electoral college

You and others can castigate insult and speak ill of Trump supporters all you want but it is not changing anyone’s minds

If I’m not the problem there is no solution

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The story of the year isn't this book or how the media covers trump.

Everyone who reads this substack needs to view the YouTube Sam Seder Jubilee 1 hour interview with 20 YOUNG trump supporters.

Watch it tonight. Immediately. Keep a vomit bucket. You may need it more than once.

The sheer stupidity and ignorance and lack of knowledge and humanity is mind blowing. Everyone of those fucking creepy bastards has a different phony reason they hate the democrats. 99% of them are patently false.

If you weren't disappointed before this, wait till you see the gay guy explain how trumps is for the gay population and the blond bimbo openly advocating for a white Christian nation.

These fuckers do 2 things that are concerning:

1. They vote.

2. They reproduce and make more stupid spawn.

Please watch the video.

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I wish people would stop putting so much focus on them

old fogies are the vast majority of people the people who watch or read them

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Great interview! Timely, but not another "what Trump did today" article. Much more depth. The book sounds like a good read also.

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The stunt that he pulled on Sunday with Musk and the Teslas was nothing short of “arse kissing” Musk!

Doesn’t Trump know anything about something called the Emoluments (sp) clause?

Why is this man continually allowed to crap on our Constitution and other rules and nobody says or does anything to rein him in. I would resign my position before I would sell my soul and sell out my constituents!

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Moved to a big Democrat run Midwestern city in November 2016. After over 60 years on the same farm in a red county with a strong conservative Protestant and American Farm Bureau presence.

As a life long Democrat frustrated by the easy to see MAGA ascendancy I was along with being near our children and grandchildren we were eager for a different political landscape. looked up some old “liberal” college buddies, fellow boomers, and went to coffee.

Trump had just been elected and they were essentially bemused, surely not concerned that it could be anything more than a phase that would surely pass.

My efforts to explain to them that they were severely handicapped by the fact that (pounding the table) “you don’t know any of these people!!!”, soon simmered down into that as offensive and comical as it seemed those voters surely appeared to them, holding them as caricatures would be a huge mistake. Which, of course, became the immediate project for bougie, hipster boomers everywhere.

The populist window has not just blown open but has been severed from its hinges in the past 50 days.

And yes, Chris, it is not being reported. Not so much as hinted at. Is it that the “answer my friend” isn’t in the lyrics of any Peter, Paul and Mary tunes?

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He lies CONSTANTLY! I'm just so frustrated. I can respect this writer and understand that he is just telling us what was going on during this time. Honesty it just makes me sad and sick about what it says about the fate of our country.

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Kudos! I’m far more likely to purchase the book without the Amazon link.

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