Person, man woman camera tv says everything you need to know about his health.

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I think the American people are going to be more concerned about Trump's dishonesty. his security risk to the Country and his penchant for fomenting crisis and chaos as well as his divisive actions and his multiple criminal charges pending against him than they would be concerned about his age and health. That is if he makes it through the Republican primary. He will not succeed in spinning his ways through all of the above. They say full me once , shame on on you and fool me twice , shame on m.e. Bob Marley famously said '"you can't fool all of the people all of the time". I tend to believe that his wise(Bob Marley that is) assertion is standing the test of time.

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That may well end up being true. Right now, certainly, the public seems decidedly unconcerned with Trump's age and acuity. Circumstances can always change but I agree with you that for now it's not a top of mind issue for most Republicans.

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Chris, apparently the majority of Republicans currently are more concerned about “owning the Libs” than other, traditional, political party issues. They seem to believe Trump offers the best chance of fulfilling that goal.

Doesn’t say much good about the majority of Republicans!

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DJT lives by the belief - if you repeat something over and over, regardless of whether it is true, people will start to believe it as if it were true. Many people will agree Hillary Clinton was "crooked", since he used the term over and over. It is part of his MO.

What I do not understand is why others do not take the same approach regarding positive events. DJT constantly repeats the 2020 election was stolen - why would not the Biden Administration have everyone repeat in every speech, etc. how the 2020 election was the most secure ever, and the amount of proven fraud less than ever - certainly more people voted than ever. We tend to not report the positive comments because we think it is boasting, and petty - however, by not doing so, the ground is ceded to DJT and his lies - those are heard every day, over and over and over...and over. So much so, many of them are now considered accurate, just like the lie indicating he is very healthy

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I think, Mike, because it's exhausting. To fight the same fight every day. What's remarkable to me is how Trump never seems to tire or slacken. He just keeps banging away -- day after day after day.

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A drum always sounds like a drum. A sparrow always sings the same song. An Irish Setter just loves to run. I'm not sure Trump can "be" anything besides what he consistently appears be in public.

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Mike, I think you nailed it. Trump can't help but he who he is. He doesn't have other gears or a light switch to flip on and off. He's just him.

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In some respects I don't think he can lie. He simply believes "facts" for which there is no substantiation in reality.

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Agree - thanks

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Trump’s physical health might be one thing; his mental state is far more worrying. And it also worrying the the voters have such a high concern about Potus’a age and health, and not showing the same concern for Trump’s mental health!

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RE: Questionable data given by Team Trump

*WEIGHT: Just checked the CDC Adult BMI Calculator. According to his White House Doctor, Fabulist* and Futurist** Ronny Jackson, Trump is 6'3" and 239 lbs in 2018.

Trump's NY Drivers License had him listed at 6'2" for his adult life until in moving to the White House when he grew an inch!!!

The reason for the growth was becuase he'd be considered obese at 6'2" and 239 lbs, so,

1. Dr. Ronny took the Liar-In-Chief's word on his own height or exaggerated,

2. Dr. Ronny measured height with Trump wearing his shoes.

BTW - I was 6'2" from the age of 16 to the age of 65 when I was measured at 6'1". When I asked the Doc why, she responded with one word --- gravity. The discs in our spine dry and shrink as we age.


Dr. R, Sycophantic and Aspiring Comedian, stated that if the president ate a bit healthier over the last 20 years he'd live to age 200! [Nothing was stated by Dr. R. about the president eating a healthier diet going forward].

Furthermore, Dr. R. said the Olympian-In-Chief will remain fit for duty "for the remainder of his term" (except for that pesky minor touch of COVID),".. and even the remainder of another term if he is elected."

Every American should have a doctor like Doctor Ronny, who for one's health sake gives advice as if it was a press release.

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I’m pretty sure he’s not borderline obese. He crossed border. When Jackson’s “report” came out it had Trump’s height and weight both self-reported. The weight was 239 and height 6’3”. This would’ve put him just below obese.

He had a drivers license at one time with his height listed as 6’2”. I’m 5’11” generously and got up to 250 at one time. Back down to 200 🙏. Even then, I don’t believe I looked as heavy as Trump.

And on the golf “exercise.” Trump plays his own courses so he’s allowed to use the golf cart anywhere and everywhere. I don’t golf, so I don’t know what the rules are on that, but I understand it’s not done.

He’s gonna have to hold up for almost a year and a half. Same with Biden. I’m probably not the most unbiased person, but I believe I’d be more concerned as a Republican both for Trump’s physical and mental health. His father lived into his 90’s, but did have dementia well before he died. Maybe with his son no one will notice. Certainly none of his fluffers are going to mention it.

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Any golfer will tell you that playing from a golf cart is not exercise, it’s not even minimally aerobic exercise.

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If you can't curb your tongue when your lawyers tell you to do so, then I am afraid you're "unhealthy" regardless of what all your doctors may say.

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It *is* remarkable how he just talks and talks -- all while being under active indictment. That's probably why he runs through so many lawyers...

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His attorneys come and go like a revolving door. Most in recent times have second tier or less professional reputations, and a few have been candidates for disbarment.

No first class attorney will represent him, he’s a toxic client!

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It helps that the overpaid, over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable trust fund babies of the DC Press Corpse haven't got the brains to swat flies or pour piss out of a boot.

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I disagree! I think the press corp have written a whole lot about Trump's health and diet/exercise regimen.

I just think people see him out playing golf and are convinced he is healthy -- whether or not that is actually the case!

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Trump isn't a politician or an old man, he is a symbol. It doesn't matter whether he lies or not, it doesn't matter if he's healthy or not, because folks will root for or against him regardless of the details.

I wonder if he would get 40 percent of the vote if he died during the campaign. I suspect he would.

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He would first tape a preemptive speech, or put out a Truth Social statement, in which he would say, "...Some people are going to tell you I am dead. NOT TRUE! I want you to hear it from me first, it is FAKE NEWS! I am alive and very much fighting for you! I will always fight for you, whether you can see me or not."

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Congratulations TCinLA, you have posted the dumbest comment I’ve seen online this week, and that’s a high bar to win.

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I'm gonna get anecdotal. I'm 6-2 and weigh 250. Trump is the same height and has a much larger gut and legs than I do. I'd guess he weighs 290-310. He's not borderline obese. He's obese.

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It’s likely we will never know the state of Trump’s health. Anything he says or allows to be released isn’t to be believed, he never tells the truth.

Medical Ethics and Laws prevent medical records from being released, or personnel from disclosing his medical information unless he authorizes such. And anything he authorizes for release is not to be believed.

All we know is what we see, an old man with terrible dietary habits, no physical exercise, and questionable mental capacities and stability.

Just the kind of person we want with his finger on the nuclear trigger!

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Obfuscate! Nice

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I do what I can ;)

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Seems like someone would have already cornered that witch doctor he had in Manhattan.

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He’s dead! Died in 2021!

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My primary thought about Trump’s unhealthy habits is frustration that they haven’t caught up with him. Only the good die young, as they say.....

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I agree that we should know more about Trumps health, however, it will never happen as it is always the same thing: lie, spin, hedge, will do it in “2 weeks”, 2 weeks never happens. Quite honestly, I do not care if he’s healthy or not, I will never vote for him anyway. If he should become president and drops dead, the better we will be anyway. This has all been baked in at this point and it won’t matter to his core supporters.

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I understand how you feel about Trump Elaine but I know in your heart you really don't want him dead. At the end of the day, he is a human being with a family and friends who love him .We just want him out of American Politics so that the country can move forward.

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Behind bars would be better.

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You are 110% correct. I was too quick to post my response. I want him to suffer behind bars and have the humiliation of going to prison. His final years after getting away with things for his whole life, paying his dues.

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You are correct. I am just so disgusted with it all, but no, that was more of a knee/jerk reaction. He needs to be held accountable and not be able to return to the White House.

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Do you think that anyone who really knows him, like family members, really loves him? Unless deranged they know better.

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Hey Chris! Just a small correction you wrote in your first paragraph that Joe Biden won in 2016 but he won in 2020! :)

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FIXED. Thank you!

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You re welcome! Great text as usual!

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