
This is the point right here. Hunter Biden should continue to aggressively defend himself and his Dad. He is doing the right thing. A few days the commentaries were that oh, Biden is silent about his son's problems and now Hunter is aggressively defending himself, the commentary is that , doing that is not good for his Dad. Damn if he does, and damn if he does not.

Also, there was a poll on Monday which shows Biden beating Trum in some 7 Battle ground States, We did not see that amplified anywhere because the poll was good for Biden

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The fundamental flaw in your argument is that it ignores that Hunter Biden is guilty. Recall that he had pled guilty earlier and withdrew the plea b/c the DOJ would not give him full immunity. The new indictment re taxes strongly suggests he is also guilty of these new counts. If he has a defense, we haven't heard it. (Yes, he belatedly paid some back taxes. That's not a defense, although it can be a mitigating factor in sentencing.) Part of moving on and atoning for your past misdeeds is accepting accountability. By continuing the legal maneuvering , Hunter exacerbates the political harm he has done to Joe. Pleading guilty when you are guilty is the honorable course. It is also the course that would give Joe a chance to get past this issue -- or at least show the world that the difference between the Biden's and the Trump's is that the former believe in honesty and accountability.

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My argument though is not about Hunter Biden's guilt or innocence, rather it is the politics of it all. That Hunter Biden should not defend himself because it is somehow affecting his Father politically. Hunter acknowledged that he has made several mistakes in his life but the Republicans are trying to use him and his issues to destroy his Father. Why should he allow them to continue to define him and the narrative? And you are right that Biden is a decent man compared to his would be opponent. The American people will see through all of that and reject Trump next year like they did in 2020

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It’s good that Hunter acknowledges mistakes, but it’s not sufficient. He committed crimes. Working the court system instead of pleading guilty helps keep the issue alive . And it serves no purpose- other than adding fuel to the Rs’ efforts. Sooner or later, Hunter will be found guilty or will plead guilty. Delaying that accountability is good for Rs and bad for Joe. Time for Hunter to do the right thing.

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The idea that if Hunter just shuts up he will have a "low profile" totally misreads the situation.

The GOP and their media department, otherwise known as Fox "News", will be unrelenting and never, EVER let anyone forget Hunter Biden nor the massive amount of LIES that they use to smear Joe Biden with.

Hand wringing non-Republicans (read: wish-washy Democratic operatives) that live in fear have got it all wrong. Trump figured it out.

People like a "fighter". The best thing for Joe Biden is for Hunter to fight back with all his might. Expose these scumbag Trump ass kissers for what hey are.

A bunch of lying sacks of poop.

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Hunter Biden should be aggressive. James Comer is a clown and this "investigation" needs to be called out for the sham it is.

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How would you suggest Hunter Biden be aggressive? Yes, Comer is a fool and his committee is bogus, but Hunter has and continues to give the Rs ammunition by refusing to accept the consequences for his actions. All Hunter can say is "Joe Biden wasn't involved in or benefited by my business. " That's important; it's been said; it bears repeating . Beyond that, Hunter has nothing affirmative to say. He did trade shamelessly on the Biden name. Although that , in itself, was not criminal, it was the sort of thing we Ds condemn in others. Most problematic was his service on the Burisma board (without meaningful credentials) while Joe as VP had a policy portfolio as to the Ukraine. As to crimes, Hunter already pled guilty to the gun permit charges. He withdrew that plea only because the DOJ refused to grant wholesale immunity. If he has any defense to the new tax charges, we haven't heard it. (That after being caught he paid some taxes is not a defense, although it is relevant to sentencing.) In sum, Hunter is in no position to be aggressive. The right thing for him to do is plead guilty to give Joe a chance to move on by saying that , unlike the Trumps, the Biden's are accountable.

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I gotta say I’m very very tired of two totally different rules structures and censure standards for Republican politicians and Democratic politicians, ever since the sickening advent of Donald Trump. Here’s how it goes:

Donald Trump and his “sons” are out there on the regular saying literally ANYTHING outrageous and always ALWAYS a panoply of lies and disinformation. Nothing happens. The media doesn’t say OMG THIS IS BAD NEWS FOR TRUMP DJTJ LOOKED IMPAIRED AND DIDN’T MAKE ANY SENSE AND THREW DOWN FALSE AND MISLEADING ACCUSATIONS.


Meanwhile, Joe Biden is DOING AND SUCCEEDING. On the economy, on jobs, on unemployment, and the quagmire in the Middle East obviously wasn’t staved off by Jared Kushner.

Hunter Biden has been trashed on the daily and indicted and now he is rising up to encounter it. What does the press do? FOCUS ON IT!! This is BAD FOR BIDEN! I want to know WHY? If NINETY ONE CHARGES (91) and four indictments aren’t BAD FOR TRUMP, why should Hunter Biden’s efforts to confront any of this be held to an entirely different standard?

Hunter is not in public office. He never will be.

Meanwhile, Biden is being impeached because DONALD TRUMP is pulling the strings of Congress from stupid MarALago.

Donald Trump has made fools of the press. Donald Trump has made fools of Congress. Donald Trump is in the process of making fools of the courts. Donald Trump has made fools of his supporters and is doing it again right now by selling his stupid NFTs and actual cards with a piece of his suit glued in. The suit he wore when HE WAS INDICTED.

If this BS continues and the press insists on tearing Joe Biden down while blowing off Donald Trump and his “sons”, and this ghoul is elected again, we will all get the government we deserve.

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Thank you Julie. You made my point.

They exaggerate Biden 's negatives and then minimise Trump"s numerous faults. I mesan at the economy, none of them is saying how great it is. Look at the stock market for goodness sake. And all we hear about Biden is either his age or his so called Bad polls. On Monday, Reuters /Ipsos pushed out their own poll numbers, no one mentioned it because it was great for Biden

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Yes!! That’s exactly what happens! What’s wrong with the media? Do they want this ghoul back? The one who calls them the “enemy of the people”?? And has threatened to investigate them and put them in camps? That’s what I mean. If we get this ghoul back, we will have the government we deserve. And so will the press. Complicit 24/7.

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If there was any evidence tying Joe Biden to Hunter's business deals, don't you think we would have seen it by now...as hard as the Republicans have been looking? Hunter is NOT running for president. The guy who will likely oppose Joe in the general election is facing 91 indictments. Any independent voter who votes for Trump over Biden because they think the 2 of them are equally corrupt is a moron.

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True, but if there’s one thing I’ve come to understand all too well over the last 7 or 8 years is that we are indeed overwhelmingly a nation of morons...

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"the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter" - a statement not made by Churchill, though he likely would agree

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There is absolutely no benefit to Joe Biden or to Hunter, if Hunter sits quietly by and lets the Republicans craft the narrative about their investigation. He is completely correct to insist on a public hearing, and the result of that, whatever it might be, will not change one Biden voter’s mind. The media hyping that there is some “connection” between Biden’s candidacy and whatever Republicans are investigating will be the problem, if a problem there must be. Please Chris, be part of the solution, don’t add to it with this sort of thing.

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You go, girl. I agree with you completely, Cathlynn.

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Respectfully, I did not take the message from Chris' post that he was adding to the problem - my take was Chris was asking the question, since the narrative of Hunter's issues seems to be bad for the Biden candidacy, is it worse for the campaign if Hunter is being aggressive and keeping the narrative in the news more than it already is? To me, it appears Hunter's team agrees with your perspective to not sit quietly, and to insist on the public hearing, as do many of the others leaving comments in response to Chris' post. Thank you

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“Hunter Biden’s new high profile is bad news for his dad” as a headline..is not helpful. Or true. The media in general have been hyping this as a “thing”, and it is not. It is a talking point for right wing talking heads. Only MAGA will not vote for Biden because of anything Hunter did, or failed to do. The narrative should be “Biden is a caring father and Hunter is a grownup ,capable of making bad decisions all by himself”.

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Very much agree. Joe loves his son, unconditionally, which I have said before should be celebrated. Joe has also already lost a son, and he is not going to risk losing another.

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He can’t just flop forward into the fetal position as the MAGA media machine and “Congress” tramples all over him on the daily. Neither can Joe. The MAGA machine loves a real man and a fighter, right? It’s time to unfold from the fetal position and encounter the fulminating and flowing outrageous BS.

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The hypocrisy of Jim Jordan complaining that he ignored a subpoena is delicious.

Would Hunter going for a closed door Republican deposition be a smarter move?

The public likes fighters who don’t just give in. We see that with Trump. So it is very likely that with a loud voice and standing up to the bullies is a good idea.

The problem will be how the media treats this. Who do the media make look bad.

So far the writing is about an investigation of Hunter and an impeachment inquiry (they are related) but not about evidence.

To quote a former president “witch hunt”.

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I agree with much of the commentary here. I think Hunter Biden is a juicy morsel to the slavering jackels (Thanks, Will Salaten!) and letting the American people see them, in public, act like the idiots they are is about the only benefit to be gained by this. There is no "there", there and it needs to be out in the public. As i understand it, Biden jr already paid back the taxes and others in his situation are allowed to slither back into anonymity. So what is the harm here? the news is bad, i'd rather someone on Biden's side have control over that narrative then let the MAGA crowd make asinine insinuations about what went on behind closed doors. Oh, and Chris... your mom wanted you to be a lawyer and you ended up a journalist. My mom wanted me to be a nurse and i ended up a professional Modern dancer... the artistic version of a ski bum.

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I disagree with your premise. I think the reason Biden's numbers are where they are is because he, and Democrats in general, have let Republicans own the public space. No objections, no actions to counter the false statements, no effort at all to counter the insinuations. The entire party needs to follow Hunter's strategy and call the bullshit out for what it is.

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Parent. President.

A fine line that many could not walk.

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Is this really the case? Will anyone's choice in the election actually change as a result of this investigation? Won't some of the 17 undecideds conclude that Hunter + Impeachment = GOP Overreach. Again. Did Benghazi change any votes?

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Damn. It looks like I won't be voting for Hunter Biden for president after all.

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Agree with all those here who say Hunter fighting back is better than ceding the narrative to the extremely bad faith actors in congress. I found Hunter’s comments yesterday quite moving and brave actually. I will always believe that everyone deserves redemption if they honestly confront their own failings and he did just that.

Standing up to these bullies is exactly what Hunter Biden should be doing, as btw should the president. What nonsense to think that saying nothing will somehow make it all go away, or do whatever that strategy is supposed to accomplish. When you give in to bullies they’ll just keep kicking, even when you’re down, even when you choose to say nothing. So nope. Fight back!

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Chris - is there another narrative here? Will spokespeople begin to question, if the “Biden Department of Injustice” is so politicised to attack Republicans and Trump, and fully directed by Biden, why would they be going after Hunter? Why would they go after Menendez? Why did they not go after Gaetz, etc.

Could the attacks by Hunter be meant to highlight this, since they are going to go after Hunter anyway? In the end, does it allow for a narrative which says The DOJ goes after people who commit crimes, and not after those who do not, like Hunter Biden AND Donald Trump?

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That is really what the narrative should be. But, no, they are not going to talk about that because it would make President Biden look too good.

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How far can you push someone? My main concern here is that Hunter will take his own life. For his Dad at this time, it's one more to burden bear...to see his one remaining son torn to shreds. Joe Biden lost his first wife in a horrific car accident, along with his baby daughter, on the way home from buying Christmas presents. He lost his beloved son Beau to cancer. Oh. And Hunter lost them all, too. HB's coping skills were shot to bits years ago. Here we go again. And a Merry Christmas to all???

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Sen Kevin Cramer R-ND and Biden should speak jointly on loving their children during difficult times. Cramer's son is now charged with drugs and manslaughter in death of police officer. The manslaughter charge could be upgraded to homicide.

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