Haley says that “we have to face the fact that Trump is the most disliked politician in America” and yet it does appear that she's running to be his VP. Why would anybody want that job? Look where Pence is today.

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It's a good point, Dan. Getting too close to Trump usually ends in disaster.

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Dan, keep in mind, 14 Presidents were Vice Presidents before they became President, eight (8) since the year 1900 out of the last 22 Presidents since then. So, being VP provides a better than 1 in 3 chance to ascend to President's role. I think this is one of the key reasons why anybody would want the VP job.

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And given that The Orange Idjit is bound to meet the fatal hamberder sooner or later (preferably very sooner)...

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While I think that Haley could be seeking the Veep role, I believe she probably is teeing up for 2028. She may get a break if Trump collapses but having a hard time seeing that happen. Anything is possible, I suppose. IMO, by the time Trump is found guilty, IF he is found guilty, the primaries will be in full swing and perhaps even decided and he’s going to be top dog. I am not betting that any of these indictments will have an effect, at least not in the primary stage.

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Elaine, I tend to agree. I think the idea that somehow these trials will signal the end of Trump is fanciful thinking. Like, nothing has even slowed him down to date. Why would this?

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I believe Trump’s followers would vote for him if he were on life support. Better than any Democrat!

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Time spent paying attention to the children's table (i.e., the GOP primary) is time you will never get back, Chris. One of them (might) be Trump's VP. I know you guys from your journalistic background are addicted to the horse race, but this is the pony race.

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I'm going to say... no... this is not Haley's moment. She is polling at 18% in a state that she was the governor of. A quite successful and popular one too, by her telling of it. VP would be a dead-end job for her unless Trump dies. Plus, I cannot imagine the massive blowback any woman would have as Trump's running mate. This is a dude who rapes women. Only a complete MAGA nut can fill those shoes. MTG wouldn't care, but Haley would have a lot of explaining to do to independents.

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This feels like Marco Rubio/Amy Kloubacher campaigns where she'll finish in third place Iowa and give a victory speech.

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I think that's probably right. My sense of her is that she is really running for the future. If she gets picked as VP -- great. But this is about 2028 as much as it is about 2024.

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Another presidential election where we have to keep the feral children from the adult table.

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I think Nikki Haley is politically savvy enough not to tie up her Political future and fortune with Donald Trump. She should know that both will only end up in flames. Ask Mike Pence . Haley is absolutely correct about the fact Trump is the most disliked politician in the country right now. So why would she go be his running mate. She knows Trump is a loser.

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Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses in 2024, he will run again in 2028.

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Think about OJ Simpson. By the end of the trial, almost everyone knew he was guilty, just not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Even though I was shocked at the verdict, at first, within a day or so I absorbed that too much doubt was cast on the case. But everyone knows OJ did it - because of the trial.

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Ah, the horse race. Here is the key phrase: "tied, statistically, with Vivek Ramaswamy and several others for second place (way) behind Donald Trump." Wow! Imagine the excitement to be tied with a guy whose name most people can't pronounce and who, like Haley, is never going to be president of the United States. Here's a question: can most people think of one stand on one issue that Haley holds? Yes, she doesn't like the current vice-president, but that isn't a stand on an issue, it's Haley's opportunistic flavor of the month. She wants to be president but, alas, her "surge" may really be less than meets the eye. The American voting public seems to be looking at the GOP field of candidates and, like Peggy Lee, asking, "Is That All There Is?"

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Good news if they finally catch and lock up the crazed cocaine bear.

But won’t mean we shouldn’t worry about the snake lurking in the grass.

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So “opportunity is knocking” by way of the same 3 long shot strategies that you have already prescribed for the rest of the Republican field as well? I’m sure the bump is appreciated by her campaign but it’s apropos of nothing so far.

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May be a crazy thought (okay, probably is), however, I think a Trump collapse is more likely, and kissing his behind now may end up being a negative when he does. I am sensing once testimony starts, it is going to be hard to ignore how much Trump was engaged and active in the election overthrow. Even if the first trial is just for Chesbro and/or Powell, most if not all of the evidence of the conspiracy will have to be presented, giving everyone a view of the entire plot, and Trump's real roll in the conspiracy. And if their case goes first, Trump's lawyers will not be able to cross examine any witnesses, and Powell's or Chesbro's interests in a cross examination will be quite different. Chesbro/Powell will be happy to leave testimony indicating Trump or others were culpable if they can elicit testimony their clients are not culpable. They do not have to convince a jury there was not a conspiracy or crime, only that they had little or no role in committing the crime. And once the testimony starts in the Washington DC trial, I think it will be hard for Trump's supporters not look for an alternative - they will say they still love Trump, however, they will say it is probably time for someone else to be the lead dog. At that point, a candidate who was willing to point out the flaws (Option 1), without outright attacking Trump, and be close to the front (everyone loves a frontrunner) will have the advantage down the stretch. By the time the Washington DC trial concludes, the candidates will be past the 1 mile pole, and be on the home stretch anyway, so the only chance will be to get behind a horse near the front.

Therefore, I think at a minimum she needs to go Option 3, and include some of Option 1, masked as disagreement with policy.

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I mean, maybe? I just see no evidence that ANYTHING has slowed Trump's march to the nomination down. If anything, all of the chaos has strengthened his hand in the race. Is it possible the trials derail him? Sure, in the sense that anything is possible. But I DO NOT think it is likely.

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I thought this Rich Lowry column on the abortion issue after his comments on MTP was interesting. This could've been fatal in 2016, but now it's not going to matter and it sounds like pro-life groups are scrambling with what to do.

I am curious what would happen if Trump came out liberal on guns.

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I hate to say this, but they would kill him.

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I do agree that if cheese and crackpot go down in flames, it will be the canary in the cole mine and and we could then see “flipping” en mass.

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Trump will pick Ivanka or something

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Remember that Haley ripped Ramaswamy during the debate saying he was "choosing a murderer" (Putin) -- then chose the murderer herself embracing Trump. Amazing.

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Haley is the friendly face of a party that seems awfully comfortable with autocracy and autocrats.

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