Newsome would appoint a Democrat, shouldn't that be enough? Well, I guess it's not just Republicans that put politics over country. It is not surprising, but it is disappointing.

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It's politics. Pure and simple. Unfortunately, it isn't in the best interest of Feinstein. who is clearly struggling to do even the basics of her job.

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I don't disagree--the issue, though, is that Senator Feinstein is loyal to Mr. Schiff, but if she does resign, that would (apparently) result in Congresswoman Lee being appointed to replace her, which would giver her a huge leg up in a race to replace the currently incumbent Senator. It's a mess.

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That is the worry among Schiff loyalists. Which I get. At the same time, Feinstein is clearly flagging as she tries to do the job she was elected to do.

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Again, I don't disagree!

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As one of senator Feinstein’s constituents, I sincerely wish she would step aside. I commend Barbara Lee as an excellent legislator and defender of the rights of marginalized people. I thank her for voting against GW Bush’s Middle East misadventures. But she is in her late 70’s! A hypothetical second term puts her in Feinstein territory! We need a new generation of leaders, like Schiff or Katie Porter. Even if Lee were appointed to Feinstein’s seat, giving her more exposure in Southern California, I think her age would be a problem in the election.

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It really is atrocious that Nancy Pelosi is enabling Feinstein instead of thinking about the residents of their state.

Time for the Dems to have the hard discussion with Feinstein to help her preserve he dignity.

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I think that is the key point. Feinstein's legacy is MASSIVE. But the longer she serves, the more that legacy has a bitter ending.

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It reminds me of RBG, her legacy was massive and yet, bitterness at how it played out. DiFI should resign gracefully, on her own terms. Should something catastrophic occurs, that will be the story and bitterness on the fact she stayed in office for far too long.

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Serving your party is much more important than serving your constituents. That holds true for both parties. Party politics is way above doing your job, and if it is not, your party will primary you out of the game. Safe seat? Self funded? That means you are not beholden to mega donors. No, it means you still have to spend a lot of time fund raising for your party so you still are beholden to the mega donors. Super PACs and Citizens United have to go. Fund raising should not be the main goal of any politician. If money is speech, as it is said in the Citizens United ruling, then taxes are a violation of my first amendment rights. Actually, being asked to pay for anything is a violation of my first amendment rights if money is speech. That is absurd and so is the Citizens United ruling.

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If you have spent the greater portion of you life learning about the intricacies of government and developing relationships which lead to the amassing of money, influence, and power "for sake of the people" it is hard to "step away" even when it is obvious that is the right and necessary thing to do. I tend to think that regardless of the 2024 election results, Donald Trump will run (and serve?) until his body or mind simply can no longer do so.

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She should resign and Newsom should -- as he promised -- appoint a black woman... but NOT Barbara Lee. It should be someone who agrees to finish out the term and then step aside.

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If anyone in the Republican senate had a soul, they would tell Democrats that they can choose a replacement for her immediately and voting for judges can continue, and they can send her home. It’s just inhumane

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Well, we know that isn’t going to happen.

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She has an amazing legislative history that is now being totally tarnished by not acknowledging the obvious that it’s time to resign. And her staff well knows it and is wimping out on advising her what is best to do for her constituents and the country.

The behavior of all involved is massively disappointing.

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This is the danger for all of us -- sticking around so long that we are remembered for our last days rather than our best days.

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This is a tough situation. While I think that age limits should be in place, who determines the age? Someone at 80 could still be fine and yet, someone at 50 could also be mentally incapacitated from forms of dementia.

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This is why age limits are, I think, unworkable. Incapacity is a sort of know it when you see it thing.

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Need only observe the antics and shear madness of comments and behavior by Bobo Boebert, Gooney Gosar, and Madge "Dude Looks Like A Lady" Greene to realize insanity and ignorance does not prevent election to office.

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Agree, Chris. Sadly Thurmond ain't the only other example of a mentally failing Senator. Claiborne Pell of RI (he of the "Pell Grant") served till 1996 at age 78 and I think was pretty mentally incapacitated at the end. Also I really dislike Newsom's and Biden's habit of pre-announcing the race/gender of some appointment. No problem doing it - just don't say so ahead of time. It boxes you in and minimizes the impact of the selection. Clinton did it right - he decided privately to appoint the nation's first female Attorney General. Took him three tries - Zoe Baird, Kimba Wood, Janet Reno - which led to many questions (suspicious that they're all women) along the lines of "Is this nomination the best possible AG candidate?" to which he deftly and economically replied "It is, by my criteria". Well played, sir.

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Not to diminish the Feinstein situation, but Ronald Reagan was reportedly experiencing dementia for the last two years of his administration. The presidency is even more important and we survived that because of competent people around the president. Not saying we can't do better, but I don't think Feinstein represents some sort of crisis.

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Lots of tricky business here. If Feinstein won’t resign of her own accord, what can Schumer do? Would he ask Nancy P. to intervene? Then, if she were to leave, who will Newsom appoint? He said it would be a black woman, but appointing an announced candidate like Barbara Lee is really putting his thumb on the scale. A “caretaker” is risky since they would have a leg up if they decide to run for a full term.

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This is so sad, and of course there will NEVER be an age limit like there are in some political positions in this country.

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The optics for Pelosi are terrible. Big oof.

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May 18, 2023
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I don't take it like that. An objective assessment of the situation suggests that Feinstein is simply not up to the job to which she was elected. Which means that serious people need to think hard about next steps. Especially when you consider she is 1 of 2 senators who represent a states of 39 million people.

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