Biden is not talking to the press because of his stutter and the gaffs he makes. But!! Compared to Trump and the way he mangles the English language, Biden sounds good. And I like the new sterner look on Biden. There's nothing to be smiling about with democracy on the brink.

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I think that campaigning has changed a lot since the pandemic. Social media has its influence, to be sure, to get any number of messages across (albeit, not always accurate). Gone are the days when presidential candidates travel cross-country by bus to shake hands and kiss babies.

Trump will fly to as many places as possible to get as much attention as possible, because he's always loved doing that...but let's not ask anyone to dance to Trump's tune or style. If we're discussing senility and lack of word retrieval, mega-exposure of Trump may not help him...and Donald is not looking that chipper himself...

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Fair enough. And we may see that play out in the next year. I still do think though that presidents have to actively campaign for the job...

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I agree Chris, presidents DO have to actively campaign for the job, but at a different pace...no need for frenzied activity from coast-to-coast, no need to be pressed into germ-ridden crowds. And might we consider, there is nothing normal about this upcoming presidential race? That includes campaigning.

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If press conferences will be seen as campaigning then they will be criticized for being that. With some people he will be criticized for whatever he does. Talks too much or not enough.

Let his actions speak.

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Please Chris! Enough with Biden’s age! We all know he’s old! In a perfect world, I would prefer a younger democratic candidate, but our world is not perfect. Biden’s likely opponent is virtually as old as Biden (is 77 young?) but is also visibly (audibly?) impaired by his aging brain. He is also disgraced, twice impeached, four times indicted (5 times if you count the superseding indictment), facing over 90 criminal counts and adjudged to be a fraud, a sexual assailant, and a defamer. Oh and he’s cruel and grifting off his supporters. I’ll take the old guy who stumbles occasionally and speaks slowly any day over the threat to our democracy by tfg!

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I too will vote for Biden , and I hate Trump with the heat of a thousand suns. But let's not blame Chris or the media in general for talking about Biden's age. It's obvious Biden has been slowed by age and it's obvious that has hurt him in the polls. You can't wish away that concern or vanquish it by pointing out Trump's manifest and myriad flaws. Trump's core base of the bigoted, the stupid , and the greedy is firmly behind him. Biden needs to solidify his shaky base and win the low info votes in the middle. And to do that, Biden needs to calm concerns about his age by making more speeches like the one he made on Israel and picking his spots in interviews.

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I agree with you. I just feel that the repeated harping on Biden’s age equates it with Trump’s infinitely worse criminality and obvious craziness.

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I understand your view. Thanks for the exchange

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Why do you relish discussing Biden's age so much? Don't you want to get old and still be useful to the society like Biden is now?. I do and I don't mean to be personal here. But why are you so OBSESSED with Biden's age Chris? I think I know why. You don't talk nearly as much of Trump's 91 criminal indictments etc. Trump may like to talk the Press so that he can lie to the World. That's not Biden's style. Biden did not call and would not call the Press "enemy of the people" . Trump did. I know some people want Trump back. Sorry he is not going to be the President of this country again. Biden has done so much for this country and the world in his first 2 years and continues to do. Look at what he's doing now the Middle East. Please shake off your OBSESSION with Biden's age and try to be fair

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RE: Press Conferences for Uncle Joe

I agree that Uncle Joe needs to "get out," that is, to be seen and heard more.

While I think he loves the glad-handing part of politics, he eschews press conferences because at this point of his career they are not a strength.

Press conferences have always been rough and tumble, especially after the advent of television where the audience saw politicians instead of just hearing them. And the situation is worse now as too many journalists vie for celebrity when in the company of powerful people.


I am old enough to remember Dan Rather, a CBS News political reporter, who in March 1974, five months before Nixon resigned, at a press conference in Rather’s hometown of Houston that oddly included an audience of non-journalist spectators there to applaud any of Nixon’s comments.

When Rather introduced himself to ask Nixon a question, the audience cheered the native Texan, but some also booed. Nixon joked: “Are you running for something?”

Rather shot back: “No sir, Mr. President. Are you?”

Rather later said that it was inappropriate for him to have said what he said, but it was emblematic of the celebrity that journalists were achieving in the era of television politics.


Press conferences are useless at best and for Uncle Joe a potential detriment at worst because he is unwilling to stoop the the level of the Narcissist-In-Chief's use of press conferences to pontificate on a variety of subjects and give innocuous answers to pointed questions.

Their purpose to Trump is to get face time and show "how tough" he is on the fascistic, socialist, communist, deep-state, anti-America media.

Therefore, I suggest Uncle Joe's technique going forward is to give "Fireside Chats" (a la FDR), using social media to talk about specific issues facing the American people and how his administration has been addressing them and will address them going forward.

Biden's social media delivery should be based on, Yes, I am your grandfather, but so are many of the ancients' music you listen to. This will be messaging to younger Americans can be his version of Trump rallies.

Young people use You Tube and Tick Tock for communication and information. His team needs to use short, crisp, punchy...to counter the average age Trump rally attendees (50+), who pine for their youthful vibes of top country tunes of the 1980s.

Barbara Mandrell's- "I was Country Before Country Wasn't Cool"


Have to admit I wasn't really into so-called Country music, but I did like the vibe of Hank Williams Junior... "Family Tradition" --- this is the kind of music I can listen to because of it's musically:


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I do not frequently agree 100% with almost anyone, but I believe this observation is correct. Attack the age question and put voters at ease. I watched the speech Biden gave about the danger of MAGA. Clearly, the man's brain is functioning properly, but that is not coming through to FOX viewers. Biden’s visit to Israel should be front and center, and he needs to actively promote his leadership and role at this time while walking the Israel-Palestine tightrope.

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That's it, exactly. Take on the caricature being made of you in conservative media!

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Right-wing media won't give Biden a chance to challenge this caricature. It's not what they do. Come on, these right-wingers aren't ever going to give a Democrat a fair shake.

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I agree that age is a concern, however, it’s the perception that Biden is giving. I do not think age should be talked about constantly, pounded into every single conversation. Biden has done an awful lot of good for this country, which seems to be forgotten about with the media and not being communicated enough from the campaign. What we are seeing is the perception that Biden’s age is a huge factor. Few interviews, little engagement with the media and the using of the shorter stairs, wearing sneakers (who cares!) all give off the perception that he is an doddering old man. I think that Biden needs to be engaged with the media, the age factor should be spoken about in a positive way such as experience, talk up his accomplishments and remind people that Trump is only 3 years younger.

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Given the state of the DC Press Corpse - unrepentant shills; otherwise-unemployable over-educated under-intelligent Ivy League trust fund babies; general ignoramuses; active traitors; over-the-hill whataboutits; quasi-literate idiots; paid propagandists; spineless schmucks; general clunks; corporate whores; and undifferentiated idiots, who would want to waste their time? Biden could walk on water and 90% of them would question whether he could swim.

Most of them won't be missed when The 2025 Project they're actively enabling puts them in FEMA camps.

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Since my view of the president doesn't depend on what they say, but what they do. Listen to the unhinged 4 time indicted predecessor and think about which one is unfit for office. How about a comparison of days not in washington, the number of lies, and the general overall demeanor in office.

I'm in the camp of less preening in front of the camera.

A word about focusing on influencers...as a boomer I understand his approach as those who rely on influencers are the ones who have to fix this mess...they have far longer left on this planet than the boomers who ruined it..

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Why would Biden do press conferences? When he has, he has gotten ridiculous questions and right-wing talking points. The traditional WH press conference is really a waste of his time. Fifty people chasing non-stories, salivating about Joe's age, ignoring the trilateral summit he just pulled off.

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Strange, I just saw him on 60 minutes.

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Saw him interviewed by press on flight from Middle East. Maybe this is a non issue.

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“Donald Trump loved to talk to us.”???? WTF? Trump loved to use the MSM to spread lies, attack anyone who put his panties in a wad, and promote the grift of the day. You happily cooperated because it made your job easy. His daily outrage made great clickbait. You should be ashamed, both for yourself and your colleagues. You do not deserve to be called a journalist.

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Maybe it’s because he’s senile and can’t speak without note cards or teleprompter.

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And yet he's the most effective president in decades. What does that say about his opponents?

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Effective in record inflation, opening the borders, and escalating towards world war 3? The entire world laughs at us and the brainwashed lefties who can’t see his sad decline with their own eyes.

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You need to stop watching FOX Noise. They're lying to you. None of what you state is correct. Meanwhile, the alternative is criminal defendent Trump and the clown show in the House.

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I don’t watch Fox News. These are all real data and facts. You seem to be captured by MSM.

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No, the facts are that inflation in the US has been lower than in other western nations, we do not have "open borders," and the world is relieved that at this time of crisis we have an adult in the White House rather than a manchild who responds to flattery by kowtowing to dictators. You are seriously misinformed.

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The world laughed at us when Trump was the President. The world could not believe that America elected Trumpbas the President. That is why there was a heavy sigh of relief when Trump was defeated by Biden in 2020. Can you see what Biden is doing in the Middle East now and what he did and still doing with NATO and Ukraine? Did you also see numerous bipartisan legislations he has crafted and passed. Now those are the RECORD achievements

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Trump was the only president in decades who didn't start any wars. Biden's weakness is getting people killed. The disastrous Afghanistan pullout led to the deaths of 13 soldiers and thousands of Afghans. If Trump were the president during these conflicts, you would be losing your mind.

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he started a war internally, january 6th was the manifestation of his fomenting hate and discontent.

and as a reminder, he negotiated a withdrawl with the taliban the free 2500 taliban terrorist...

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Let me ask you this question Chris. Why is it that you relish bringingredients up and highlightingredients Biden's age? Why are you so OBSESSED with Biden's age and not your beloved Trump's age who is just 3 years younger? Why do you think ans breath Biden's age. I think I know why. But please pay aa much attention to your beloved Trump's 91 criminal felonies because I notice that you try to avoid them. A lot of articles have also been written about Trump's criminal indictments in the Post and The Times. Trump may like to talk to the Press and lie to the World. That's not Biden's style.You can continue to highlight what you perceive as Biden's negative, but guess what though, the Country and the world see the positive things Biden is doing for the Country and the World. I refer you to what he's doing on the world stage in Isreal and Ukraine. Please, for fairNess sake as a Journalist, shake off your OBSESSION with Biden's age, and try to see his positives(and there are plenty of them) as well.

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No effectI've in the passing multiple bipartisan bills for the American people. EffectI've in bringing NATO together to support Ukraine and effective in supporting Isreal against the terrorists called Hamas and promising some 100 million dollars for the innocent Palestinians. That's an effectI've President right there.

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Repeating Fox lies isn't helping your cause. The record inflation started during the previous administration due to a very botched and deadly Covid response.

The ensuing rise in prices after the country opened is more or less greed-flation. Companies tried to claw back as much revenue as possibile.

Putin, who is adored and revered by your hero, is pushing the world to another large scale war...

The border mess falls on the republicans who reneged on an agreement to fix immigration a decade ago...

dismissed...epic fail

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Biden has accomplished more than most Presidents in his first term. But he is now diminished by age and it's highly debatable whether he is up to all aspects of the job. Yes, Trump is old too and is a criminal, know nothing, and incompetent . But Trump's deficiencies don't cure Biden's issues. Biden should have stepped aside, and Ds who pretend the media is to blame for Biden's weak polling are misguided. It's probably too late now for any alternative, especially since challenging Joe while war is being waged in Ukraine and Israel would be unthinkable. The bottom line is we face real peril that Trump could be elected again. Joe's coalition is shaky, whereas Trump's noxious base of the bigoted, stupid , and greedy will apparently stand-by him no matter what.

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The real problem that exists when presidents don’t use their bully pulpits religiously, is that the media, hungry for clickbait and breaking news, decides to run with ridiculous headlines and stories.

Like Biden is senile. All it takes is one person on Twitter, and suddenly the entire press is covering the comment like it’s ratings gold.

It’s amazing how journalistic ethics and integrity integrity have metastasized over the years.

They’ll run with asinine stories to fill time slots, knowing full well the stories aren’t news, but when it comes to covering idiots in Congress and Trump, they still treat these people with kid gloves.

Go figure!

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I watch Biden's foreign policy speeches and interviews quite closely. And his problems are so evident even in these highly-manicured appearances. You can see a recent example on 60 Minutes.

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