Two things need to be done immediately:

Biden holds a press conference or a friendly interview w NBC or ABC. Can't be CNN or MSNBC. You say something like this:

#1---As you know, my son Hunter has been indicted on multiple counts related to his taxes. I've told you guys before and I'll say it again:

My son is an addict. I/we as a family have worked hard to support him and help him through his trials and tribulations. I've fought hard w my feelings of failure as a father and many a countless nights we've stayed up praying, hoping for better results. I know I've made mistakes along the way w my son and to have such a personal moment broadcast worldwide is humbling to say the least. I'll always love my son and wish the best for him.

#2---I told you that as POTUS, I'd allow for an independent DOJ. I'm not sure if I can provide a more clear example of that goal/campaign promise having been met. If my son, Hunter Biden, has committed crimes that would send Joe Smith's(average American) son to prison....I won't shield my son from such consequences. He should go to jail like anybody else's son who has broken the law.

Thank you for listening.

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This is outstanding. It’s EXACTLY how Biden should address this. And he should do it today. Chris is right. Silence is untenable.

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Agree, but FOX will twist it. They'll start reminding their viewers that Joe Biden can say anything he wants, but in the end, he knows he can pardon Hunter. I'm sure Turley or Dershowitz will pound that concept home. Either that or 75% of America will never see him make that speech.

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That would be a good way to handle it. I will be surprised if something like this does not happen soon. The Biden team is good at politics.

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It is worth noting that he paid those taxes plus interest. The GOP guys make a big deal about the IRS coming after people. This is an example of them doing that, if I have it right. So perhaps messaging it correctly, this is an example of government doing its job without regard to who it is.

And if Hunter plays it straight it is an example of how one handles being caught in a crime without resorting to name calling judges and the system.

Overplaying Hunter is corrupt may backfire.

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I agree with what you have said here. He has already paid back those taxes with interest. The Republicans risk overplaying their hand. Since their leader is Donald Trump, whose impulsive nature is triggered, I am going to guess that they really overplay these incidents. Let us notice the difference between how, Hunter an average citizen responds, and how Trump responds by bashing judges, DAs, special prosecutors and causing his demented minions to attack these stewards of our justice system. The dichotomy is very important. My two cents.

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I’m a former tax prosecutor w DOJ Tax Division. I believe reason for original plea deal is no one at my former office wanted to try a case where taxes had been paid. Jurors will wonder why the case was brought if taxes have been paid. Saw some cases dropped by office and later in private practice when taxes had been paid significantly prior to indictment. Biden has an excellent defense attorney and believe it will be more difficult to get a conviction rather than an acquittal or mistrial (due to a hung jury). The one caveat is whether the taxes paid include taxes for the income omitted on the filed income tax returns.

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Obviously the left needs a drip drip drip network of BS machines like Fox, Sinclair and the rest of the wing nut media that can focus on the Trump family, starting with that 2 billion dollars Jarad got from the bonesaw cult leader MBS. What the heck was THAT payoff for?

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I believe it is totally Hunter Biden's responsibility to "go public" and shoulder his responsibilities for his actions which have resulted in the indictments. As Ezra Taft Benson said: "You are free to choose, but you are not free to alter the consequences of your decisions."

As to President Biden, "a wise man knows the grace of silence."

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Very smart comments. Hunter should have stepped up and pled guilty a long time ago instead of fighting for an immunity deal. Had he done so, this story would be in the rear view mirror, and it would be clear the Ds are different from Rs because they believe in accountability.

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Republicans would like Joe Biden to have a Hunter Biden problem. Until and unless there is credible evidence that Joe Biden was somehow involved in any other way than being a caring father to an addict, no sentient American will hold that against the President. The non-sentient can vote for Trump, the rest of us know the difference between a criminal and a parent.

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I completely agree with you Cathlynn. Everyone knows about Hunter Biden's problem in 2020 and I believe Trump even brought it up during one of the Presidential Debates. Guess what, Biden WON anyway. So I don't see how true Independents will blame Biden for Hunter's legal problems. The Republicans and Trump would try to blame Biden for Hunter's legal problems but it will not stick. What these charges also prove is that DOJ that is rightly prosecuting Trump for his crimes has not been weaponised like during Trump's Presidency. In the event that Hunter is convicted, Joe Biden should pardon him immediately and let Trump see the four walls of the prison before Biden pardons him in 2024 or 2025

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You are right, except that I am not sure that Biden should pardon Hunter if he is proved guilty. Hunter should be treated as any other American would be. And sadly, I don’t believe that Donald J Trump will ever see the inside of a jail cell. I would love to be surprised!

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Who else in America would be indicted for non-payment of taxes two years after she/he has repaid the tax with interest in full? No one. How many people “forget” to pay their taxes for a number of years, then hire one of the tax debt councillors and the IRS allows them to pay pennies on the dollar, without any indictments? Too many.

Also, it is clear Joe Biden loves his son, unconditionally. This is something which should be celebrated. Joe Biden may not like the things Hunter has done, yet he still loves Hunter. It is clear the likes of Jordon, Comer, MTG and the other MAGA crazies have never felt what it is like to receive unconditional love. Sucks for them. Nevertheless, what a great example of love from the Biden family. Let’s just celebrate and enjoy that, and wish for it in our lives

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Chris - unless someone has been living under a rock for the last several years, then people are aware of how much a "hot mess" that Hunter Biden is and that he has lots of problems. I do agree that President Biden should keep Hunter at arm's length, as much as practical. Having said that, Rep. Comer's "revelations" that always promise more than is actually there mitigates some of this negative Hunter stuff. Being blunt – it helps that these Republicans are so damn STUPID! Mr. Comer and Mr. Jordan = neither of these men are shall we say, the brightest bulbs on the tree. They can make lots of noise, but at the end of the day, they are trying to make chicken salad out of chicken sh-t. It just does NOT land. My two cents.

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Well, I guess that leads to a prediction.

I think it's *very possible* that Jimmy Carter, who I personally revere, and who is 99 and in hospice, will still be with us after the November 2024 election has come and gone. However, should it happen that that is not the case, my prediction is that after his passing, we will be in for reliving a whole lot of stuff about Billy Carter (because of the Republicans' obsession with Hunter Biden) at the same time that we are remembering a whole lot of wonderful things about President Carter.

People really do know there's a difference between the two men in each case.

And many, many people also have someone in their family who they love, who has battled with an addiction and done bad things.

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That may well be how the Republicans smear the Jimmy Carter legacy. It must really suck to be that evil. :-)

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sorta hoping Hunter Biden just pleads guilty, and this whole situation just disappears.

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Thanks exactly what he should do.

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I agree - that Republican Head of the Florida Republican Party is a big story. And it seems like the national media is ignoring it. Instead we get lots of these "Hunter Biden is a messed up dude stories", which we all should know. Hunter Biden is/was an addict. The man in Florida who was the head of the Florida GOP, raped a woman. This woman is someone that both HE AND HIS wife, had long-term three-way sex escapades with. Where is the acknowledgement of the outrage and hypocrisy as this Florida man and his wife engage in DeSantis culture wars?

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I agree. Maybe the Florida Democratic Party can make some headway. I mean the Florida Democrats chairperson is Nikki Fried who was elected statewide as the Commissioner of Agriculture - an important job in Florida that grows lots of food. I think she has the potential to do really well in that position. Take care!

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I think this is a good thing for Biden. FOX News can bleat all they want but it's preaching to the converted.

The plea deal Hunter got looked like the fix was in but now he's being held accountable for his actions and it's clear Biden has no influence, which he can argue and it also negates the rigged Justice Department stuff.

Hunter Biden sucks, but he's not running for president.

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In a sane party Nikki Haley could say”screw both of these criminal families and nominate me, a successful governor and UN Envoy who beats Biden like a drum head to head”. Unfortunately for her, sanity waved bye-bye to the Rs long ago. They would rather use this to nominate their own uber-criminal and beat Biden...I die a little every time I think of what Trump (and rw media) did to my former party.

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Quite honestly, I am so tired of hearing about all of this, as in both sides. I hate wishing my life away and have much to look forward to, but November 2024 can’t get here fast enough. Trump can’t get elected again. Period. We need to save democracy. Full stop. However, IMO, Hunter Biden is going to make the news, ad nauseam. In some ways, rightly so as it is news. However, it does not need to be 24/7. I hope the voting public can discern that Hunter Biden’s problems are not Joe Biden’s and can look past it. However, I have to say that Joe Biden needs to get out in front of this and then keep some distance. I am not sure he will do this, as his messaging about his age needs to be addressed and that has not been done. This is all exhausting.

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I will add thar if Hunter is guilty, so be it. It’s tragic, but it is what it is and take the punishment. Guilty is guilty and should be treated the same, no matter who you are. Investigate Jared, he worked in the administration but Trump would claim fraud, witch hunt, hoax. If Jared is found guilty so be it, take the punishment.

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I have said before in this space that Hunter is a substantial problem for Biden. In part, that's because the things he was doing with Burisma and China were naked influence peddling. Particularly as to Burisma, his serving on that Board w/o real credentials while Joe had a policy portfolio as to Ukraine was shameful. In part, as Chris notes, the problem is that Hunter's mess gives Trump and his cohort the ability to say "what about." Did the Trumps do worse things? Yes, but playing that game doesn't give you the moral high ground. I also disagree with the notion that saying Hunter was an addict is an answer. The right thing for Hunter to do is to stop negotiating for a deal . He should plead guilty-- because he is. That might or might not help, but it's the right thing to do.

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Are you serious? Yes, Hunter and the Biden's suffered two tragedies. Is it your position that excuses unethical and/ criminal conduct? I don't condemn Hunter. But he committed crimes and has caused endless problems for Joe. My prescription is that he should do the right thing and plead to the crimes he committed.

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Hunter Biden is entitled to require that the prosecution prove its case. You obviously believe that he is guilty of crimes but he might have a defense to the charges.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Bear in mind that Hunter pled guilty to the charges re his gun application but later withdrew his plea because the DOJ would not agree that the deal included immunity from other charges. As to the tax issue, it's clear he was in violation. When confronted with the issue, he paid taxes in an attempt to forestall prosecution. That might have worked in a less high profile case. There are other potential charges re the failure to register as a lobbyist for foreign interests. I've followed the case pretty closely. If he has meritorious defenses, I haven't heard them. You are correct that he is entitled to put the government to its proof. My view is that's not in the best interest of the Country or Joe.

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So I see the answer to my question re whether you're serious should be "no." But thanks for the exchange

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Most people on this site know how to conduct themselves civilly. But then , you're not most people.

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By the way, the quotation re "human decency" was from Joseph Walsh ( not Stevenson) during the McCarthy / Army hearings. Yes, MTG and the rest have demeaned the government in many ways. All the more reason for the Ds to have standards, including accountability.

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Chris, you’re right on. Silence is untenable. Fox News and the other screamers smeared Biden for drinking an ice cream confection with a STRAW on his Thanksgiving holiday. It’s cruel and unusual. They will go to pound town with this latest HB issue. Biden needs to get out in front of it today. And our fellow member Paul has excellent suggestions for how @POTUS can address this.

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Correct. I can’t believe the miscreants in Congress. And the American public stands poised to sleepwalk into the abyss if it doesn’t wake up in time.

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Chris, you point out the tough, cruel truth. Politiccal decisions are driven more by emotion and perceptions than rational calculations. Trump is unparalleled in his skill, motivation and amorality to divert attention or minimize his many weaknesses by hammering relentlessly at creating false equivalencies by his opponents. As an analyst, it's not your job to suggest responses by Biden. What do you think of this? I love my son Hunter. After the death of his older brother, Beau, from a brain tumor in 2015, Hunter spent the Trump Administration abusing himself with drugs. Like millions of other Americans with relatives caught up by drug abuse from opioids and fentanyl, I never stopped loving or trying to help Hunter recover. I wil never stop loving or supporting Hunter. Hunter is confronting the legal consequences for his actions with dignity unlike Donald Trump who won't accept responsibility for his lies that led thousands of Americans to attack our Capitol and Congress on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump didn't help any of them in their legal cases. # of his lawyers have pled guilty to committing crimes trying to overturn my election as President in 2020 without evidence. Jenna Ellis said that she accepted Trump's lies. She's accepted legal consequences for those lies. Trump continues to lie. If he lied to you about the last election, how can you trust his word about the next election? I appreciate that you're not a cheer leader/free media supporter like Sean Hannity serving up the softball at Trump's counterprogramming Town Hall to the 4th Trumpless GOP POTUS debate. For those who missed it, Hannity asked, "There's been a lot of talk by some about you becoming a dictator if re-elected (articles/op ed by Wash Post, NYT, Axios, Atlantic.) "Will you reassure us that you won't abuse the powers of the presidency as retribution?" Trump replied. "I won't be a dictator, except on day one -- fixing the border, drilling for oil." Hannity helpfully reinterpreted, "it sounds to me like you're going to pursue the same policies as during your first term." Trump demeaned Hannity, "He's so funny," then repeated, "I won't be a dictator, except on day one." The audience laughed. And I think Trump repeated a third time, I won't be a dictator, except on day one." ARRGGH. Day Two will be like "The Day After" 1983 film about the effects of nuclear annhilation by the Soviet Union and USA?

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