The thing is, the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT can be used against Trump. He only passed one significant piece of legislation, and it was tax cuts for the rich authored by Paul Ryan. How about all the wonderful things Trump said he was going to do when he was in office? He said "we'd be tired of winning." I don't think anyone considers 2020 a winning year. The only thing he accomplished was give himself more airtime, which is what he lives for.

I don't understand why Biden's approval rating is lower than Trump's. It's a mystery. Things aren't perfect but the atmosphere is so much better with Trump gone.

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Biden has done great things. He has been pilloried by the press for every little nuance of the aging process that he has displayed, over and over and over again, and this dragging has affected public perception. Trump was a disaster. Trade wars, tax cuts for his rich BFFs, withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, child separation at the border, and his catastrophic COVID “response”. To mention just a few. His stupid WALL ruined huge swaths of the desert environment here in AZ and resulted in a wildlife catastrophe. Flushing documents down the toilet, lying to the public over 35,000 times, throwing paper towels at the Puerto Ricans post-hurricane, alienating our allies and empowering bad actors. He’s running a shadow presidency as we speak, telling his congressional goons to scuttle border security and God knows what else.

He has crapped all over the country for the last nine years. And it will take at least that long, if we are ever rid of his lingering stench, to restore equilibrium and sanity.

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Except when you’re the most powerful person on the planet you can have an incredible influence. Unfortunately the Afghanistan disaster showed the world his utter weakness and frailty. Undeniable

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Yeah. Trying to execute trump's surrender. Hard to do not FUBAR.

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Afghanistan was not a disaster—for President Biden. The end of a 20-year war was a good thing but the end of wars that no one wins will always be chaotic. Could have been better of course, but a former president chose to shut the civilian government out of the process, and dealt with the Taliban

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While I do understand others played a big role, I saw what I saw and people died. Joe Biden was President of the United States at the time and he owns the Afghan departure fiasco. I agree ending that war was a good idea! I wonder what will happen with Russia/Ukraine in terms of wars that no one may win…

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His is lower bc of what hd has done to this great country! Cmon man! Wars, inflation, immigration out of control, Afghanistan, the list goes on and on not to mention he’s senile and has no idea what is going on. Other than that he’s doing a great job! But seriously, people are hurting, things are a total mess (look at right track wrong track polls). His approval rating is at historically low levels AND he was forced off the ticket, bc he’s earned every bit of it. It’s sad but true…..

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Lol. Except the President is not responsible for world wide inflation, or for wars between foreign countries, or for conditions in foreign countries that cause the population to migrate away, or for the surrender to Afghanistan plan and withdrawl signed by djt with the terrorist taliban which Presiden Biden was obligated to fulfill. And, djt's approval rating barely ever budged more than 3 points in either direction because his cult approve of anything he does or says no matter how un-american or disgusting it is.

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There were wars when Trump was in charge (including one in Afghanistan). Immigration, too (including higher border crossings). Inflation almost certainly would have been high if Trump was re-elected. If 4% unemployment isn't right track, I don't know what to tell you.

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Let’s not forget the cruelty of the Trump administration to immigrants and the children separated from parents,some of whom have never been found. I can’t imagine surviving the loss of a child in that manner. Harris has proven to be a capable woman and perhaps we just need let her do her things and show us which is happening.

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You failed to mention WHY people THINK they failed the economy and immigration. The media is failing time after time to correct people. The economy is better than it ever was under Trump. There are less border crossings under the BIDEN decree and would have been even less, if Trump hadn't ordered republicans to kill the border bill.

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I fail to see what is wrong with what he said. It isn ‘t the first time he’s said this. He said this when he stepped down and said Harris was his successor. The Trump assholes will make something bad of it no matter what anyone says. They always do. It’s what they do. Millions of Americans love President Biden. He has endorsed her, and who knows her abilities more for the Oval Office job than Biden. I don’t believe they didn’t get along. How do you know that’s true? It’s conjecture or hearsay.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Maybe a different way to look at it: What does the unusually high percentage of voters who might vote for Harris but who "need to know more" really want to know before committing to voting? I imagine the campaign has had a lot of focus groups to explore this and I'm sure the answer varies, but for some low-information voters, my guess is that it comes down to the unusual way her campaign started, giving rise to the question: "Who is this woman, and why is she taking Joe Biden's place"?

To me, the psychodrama of the very familiar figure of Joe Biden, a favorite guest on the View (11th appearance), relaxed and smiling, continuing to hand off to Kamala Harris with no regrets, and showing that he likes her, may do a WHOLE LOT to answer the implied question behind "I need to know more about this Kamala Harris before I vote for her." Meaning, is she a good egg or a back-stabber? Joe Biden seems to say, good egg. That's just how I read it before coming here.

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I have to disagree with you Chris. It shows that she is presidential. Team Trump is trying to paint her as unqualified and not ready for the job. Having the president out front for you us a good thing.

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He said the truth...she was there right beside him for 3+ years and did nothing, now she want to fix all they destroyed that administration is a total disaster, look at ALL the wars alone, they appointed Harris cause Joe was failing after they said he was fine, they are the threat to democracy WAKE UP PEOPLE

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Sep 25·edited 23 hrs ago

Please explain how the President of the USA caused or encouraged foreign countries to go to war with each other.

And, following pre-aporoved DNC rules for replacing a candidate after the primaries, who becomes unable to go forward, is not a threat to democracy. A threat to democracy is to engage in several plans to try and illegally overturn the result of our free and fair election, or refusing to act to protect our nations Capitol when it was under atrack and the entire congress and senate was inside, and saying if prez I will suspend the US Constitution, or having an adjudicated criminal in the White House! Those are threats to our democracy, not a party following its rules!

It is hilarious how maga suddenly "care" about following rules of democracy when the DNC follows its rules, but approve and defends djt when he tries to illegally reverse the legitamite election results to install himself as prez! Lol!

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I quibble with the words “who becomes unable to go forward”. Biden did not decide to step aside because he was unable to go forward. He stepped aside because the DNC leadership convinced him he would most likely lose. That is just a nit, and hopefully doesn’t take away from the rest of your comment. The DNC has a much better candidate who very likely will win.

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Point taken.

The DNC rule tho was always intended in case a candidate dies or becomes incapacitated after the primaries and before the convention, and obviously, could not go forward.

Granted President Biden could have continued, but (wisely) chose not to.

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That’s utter bullshit.

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What is BS? All the wars? I think the turmoil around the globe is real.

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Yes Yes Yes

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Biden is unpopular as a candidate. As a President,he has been terrific. I am glad that he is gracious enough to share his experience working with Kamala Harris and endorsing her capabilities. Joe Biden has never been a Ciceronian orator. In his own way, he is being eloquent about his admiration for a really good candidate. Let’s accept it in the spirit in which it was given.

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It’s beyond worrisome that this feeble and faded old man is in charge for 4 more months while his second in command pays zero attention to the job she’s paid to do. And none of us should forget that Harris was entirely complicit in the conspiracy to cover up Biden’s profound intellectual decline and thus invalidate the Democrats’ primary election process.

Beyond all of this, the claim that he freely gave Harris responsibility for big parts of the Presidential job portfolio and then let her go off and take care of them us unmitigated BS. Her list of any significant accomplishments as VP is so short as to be undetectable.

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Can I get an amen on that!!

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Quote your sources, sounds like cheetolini speculation; is it just a feeling you have that you want raise so it will get discussion? So that’s the mein now, since jd whatever his last name is now, decided fabricating an a-factual lie, is rationalizable because it furthers his political objectives of divisive racebaitig.

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EXACTLY!! I've been saying this since Kamala took his place on the ballot!! Biden represents nothing but risk for Harris - he can only hurt her with some new evidence of his cognitive decline by taking the focus off her and back onto him. And the only constituencies that Biden might be able to bring that Kamala can't are voters in Scranton PA and Rehoboth Beach DE....

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Biden has no cognitive decline. He is elderly and has a problem walk due to a long term foot injury. Why stock these lies? I just don’t get it. Democrats seem have the need to shoot themselves in the foot or conduct a circular peeing contest. Stop it, please.

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Um I'm sorry, but I guess that you must have missed the debate with Trump in June. Biden was a slack jawed, doddering old man that was incapable of clearly expressing thoughts and frequently meandered off topic. Trump was an exemplar of clarity by comparison.

And thank God that Democrats united to force that selfish old man off the ballot, or we would have been totally screwed - Trump would have beaten Biden in a landslide. I'm a Democrat, but I had decided that I would sit home in November rather than vote for a galvanized corpse as President of the United States.

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I watched it. He was jet lagged, sleep deprived after crossing six time zones and had a cold. He also had to manage his stutter in 2 minute time limits. One bad debate does not make one in cognitive decline. Good god. Did you listen to his speech afterward? He was terrific. Have you heard him speak since. He’s been just fine. You leapt to a conclusion that was irresponsible, imo. He’s done a brilliant job. Bidenomics is the envy of the world, even conservative mags such as Forbes and the Atlantic say so. He is highly respected by world leaders and he’s the first in decades to pass three bipartisan bills in an impossible House/Senate. His Chips Act alone is nothing short of miraculous.

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Please. I saw what I saw. I don’t believe that he was jet for a full week - do you? One bad debate made me question whether he should even be allowed to continue to serve out his current term, let alone run again.

Unfortunately, the next President won’t be elected by Forbes and Fortune magazines, or by economists in other countries. More than 70% of US voters believe that the economy is in terrible shape - and THEY are the ones that will elect the next President.

If Kamala can avoid getting tied to the Biden economy and focus on things like jobs she may have a good chance of getting elected.

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Biden has created more jobs than any potus in the past 50 yrs. Trump lost more jobs in 1 term than any potus in the history of the USA except Herbert Hoover. Trump lost 5 million jobs.

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Per chatGPT: “Yes, under President Biden, the U.S. has seen significant job growth compared to previous administrations over the last 50 years. Since taking office, the economy has added approximately 14.8 million jobs, with an average monthly job growth of over 400,000. This is considerably higher than any other recent president, with the next closest being Bill Clinton, who saw an average monthly job growth of 239,000 during his terms. However, this growth must be viewed in the context of the recovery from the pandemic, which led to an unprecedented loss of 20.5 million jobs in April 2020, and then a substantial bounce back during Biden’s term as the economy reopened and recovered​.” (FactCheck.org)

So a huge part of the “job creation” was reemployment of jobs lost during the pandemic. And of course all of the price increases that were a result of 9.1% inflation are still reflected in today’s prices - they are just increasing at a lower rate.

That’s why more than 70% of Americans say that the economy is in bad shape - because it really is.

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I’d prefer someone dead over trump. I’d do anything I could to prevent that, least of all voting for Harris. No vote or a vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. I’d vote to help guarantee the USA continues as a democratic country … for the people.

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Right on. But refusing to step aside - kicking and screaming like a denied toddler at the supermarket - was just as bad as voting for Trump. I would never vote for Trump. But I couldn’t vote for Biden after what I saw in the debate. Sitting out the election would have been my protest at Biden’s selfishness. Thankfully - grudgingly, reluctantly - Biden did the right thing. Now I’m all in for Harris - made my second donation today.

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Exactly what Republicans want you to do. Biden had had COVID. Have you g he ad a conversation with someone who has COVID or had it? He clearly wasn’t feeling well. Then went on to do an excellent statue of the union address.

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I didn’t want Joe Biden to step down. I thought it was a knee jerk reaction. You think you saw what you saw but perhaps you didn’t. Have you ever gone through six time zones in less than a week? It takes quite a while to recover. Over a month or more. He isn’t 30 yrs old. He was also in war zones. He travelled 23 hrs round trip on a train. I doubt a 50 yr old could recover in two weeks time. It’s profoundly disorienting and he had to fight through a cold. I thought he was coherent, understood everything he said, but had a hard time getting everything he wanted to say out in two minutes. He talked too fast. His mind was ahead of his mouth. He needed to slow down. He beat Trump in 2020 and he was down in the polls most of that campaign. His economic recovery from the pandemic is nothing short of miraculous considering the economy he was given.

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Regardless of whether the economic recovery was miraculous or not, 70% of voters think that the economy is in bad shape.

Face it. Biden is a doddering old man who can no longer provide the leadership this country needs. He’s been on the decline for years, it’s just that his staff and handlers have been covering for him. If you want to make excuses about being jet lagged at the debate, how about calling Zelenskyy “Putin”….

Thank God that Biden is out of the picture and we now have Kamala and Tim. Trump was going to mop the floor with Biden - it now looks as if Harris might win. And that’s all that matters.

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Please stop making excuses for the man. First COVID, then jet lag. How about when he called Zelenskyy “Putin”…? What’s the excuse for that? It was afternoon and he needed a nap???

Biden served his purpose. He defeated Trump in 2020. Bravo. But he’s proven that he no longer is capable of providing the vigorous leadership that the country needs. He’s old, he’s frail, and he’s definitely not as sharp as he used to be.

If only he would have kept his promise to be a one term President we wouldn’t be having a conversation like this.

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Have you ever miss spoken? Do you have kids? Biden was/is well known for those gaffs when he was a young man in the senate. My mother called me by my brother’s name, often. Judge a person by what they do and accomplish and by their character. It diminishes you to do otherwise.

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Biden has hid nothing. No one of except the Republicans had an issue with his competency. Not one head of state in the world came forward to speak on his competency. Higher standards means character, moral compass, not misspeaking. Everyone who is human misspeaks. Trump is in far worse decline yet the media ignores that. Biden’s gaffs never interfered with his job and over 40 years of amazing accomplishments. Regarding his ‘promise’ to be a one term potus, he changed his mind based on the circumstances as he saw it. That’s admirable. Many public office holders do, and thank god. Obama and gay marriage, John McCain and the ACA, Harris and fracking technology evolved and so did she. Biden truly believed he could win until the DONORS threatened they’d pull their pledges out of the DNC. He had no choice. He would not do that to the party. It would cause a disastrous down ballot outcome. Remember, he was behind in the polls on Election Day in 2020 and he won!!

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I’m not 81 years old and the President of the United States. We hold the President to a higher standard than “pretty good most of the time”…

I do judge Biden by his character. And a huge factor in my judgment is Biden breaking his promise to be a one term President, hiding his cognitive decline behind aides and handlers, having a spectacularly bad debate that brought into question his fitness to serve the remainder of his term - let alone run for a second term - and fighting calls for him to drop out of the race until the party forced him to. I’m not a Biden fan at this point.

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Trump himself probably won't hammer the point home, but I'm sure this will show up in an ad soon enough. I doubt it's actually true, I think Biden mostly ignored Harris and doesn't seem to hold her in high regard but a soundbite is a soundbite.

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BFD. This isn’t a thing. If the actual sitting POTUS, in an appearance on THE VIEW, compliments his VEEP, and that act peels off enough THE VIEW viewers and voters, superseding “THEY’RE EATING THE DOGS! THEY’RE EATING THE CATS! THEY’RE EATING THE PETS OF THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE THERRRRE”, and all of the other hate mongering by Trump-Vance, and we get Trump back, then we deserve the hellhole that will ensue. For all of us.

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No, that really does say it all!

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Tell us you lack critical thinking skills without telling us you lack critical thinking skills.

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This isn't exactly an all-out gaffe for Biden (and he's known for them), but you're right. Statements like today's on The View are not helpful. At this point, dear Joe, silence is golden.

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Yes, remember not so long ago VP Harris was looked at as JB’s insurance policy that they would never ever try to be rid of him bc the one standing behind him was, as you write, not to be trusted. BUT after the wheels totally feel off and the Dems were left with a mumbling bumbling JB they were forced to take VP Harris like it or not. SO, the fake enthusiasm started and continues. She is an awful candidate, same as before, but it’s all they got! HRC tried the ole “Orange Man Bad” campaign and it failed. VP Harris trying the same thing….. Dems got a good deep bench, they just weren’t able to pick one this time around. JB left them in shambles. Not selecting Shapiro was still another cataclysmic decision.

Keep talking ole Joe!

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Granted it was not the best thing for him to say. But you don't want him to stop talking. How about if you stop talking. You said more dumb things than he has lately.

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