I would push back a little to say it’s bad news for democracy. Anyone willing to choose this time to bitch about the two party system is naive and has their head in the sand. Biden has many flaws, but he has shown that he’s not willing to burn the system down. He’s not a narcissist with heavy authoritarian tendencies. I could go on.

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Speaking of "bought and paid for," Jill Stein is the bought-and-paid-for candidate of Vladimir Putin. Go look at the famous photograph of Michael Flynn at the dinner with Putin and look at who's sitting halfway between him and Putin - Stein!

The Green Party is well known for being willing to run a candidate at the behest of Republicans in a race with a good Democrat, running against the Democrat and siphoning off enough votes to put the Democrat out and the Republican in. The Greens are actively anti-Democrats as they stumble around trying to get their revolution going.

In 2016, Hollywood Lefty Moron Susan Sarandon was asked about the Stein candidacy harming the Clinton campaign, to which she replied a Trump win would "speed the revolution." That's what these far left fools in the Greens actually think - make things bad enough and people will turn to them to lead the way to the promised land. That was the 1932-33 strategy of the German Stalinists - telling people to vote against the Social Democrat who could win, because a Nazi victory would "speed the revolution." I'm pretty sure people here who don't think they know any history, know how that turned out.

Lincoln was right: the American people will be the authors of their own doom.

God I hate all these fucking morons.

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Not sure I agree with this one, Chris.

I don't think Manchin is running for president. Manchin loves attention and by announcing he's not running for re-election, he immediately becomes irrelevant. By dangling this third party run, he keeps his name out there, gets Schumer and other politicians going to his houseboat begging him not to run and he can play Hamlet on Sunday morning shows.

I don't think he wants to run a race he won't win and that will make him a pariah.

Re: Good Riddance

ehhhhh I get it. At the end of the day, you'd rather have more Democratic Senators than not if you're A D, but Manchin was such a windbag who embodied the worst of Washington and the "swamp," constantly making up his own rules on legislation based on whatever got him in the press. Good riddance.

And for 2024, now Democrats don't have to pump a bunch of money into a race they were not going to win and can focus on AZ, OH, PA and NV. The map was always going to be brutal and now they can better allocate resources.

I am also curious how the open seat in WV goes. Obviously, Republicans will romp, but if you run a candidate who is unequivocally pro-choice and vows to protect abortion rights, I wonder what the ceiling is.

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I have not been a fan of Manchin, he most probably would not have been reelected. IMO, he and Sinema went hand in hand. Ugh. I hope he does not run for POTUS, I do not want any chance that gives Trump any more votes. On a personal level, 2023 has been a horrendous year, 2024 does not look good for our country or democracy.

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Manchin realizes he's dead meat in West Viginia and doesn't give a Fiddler's Fuque that running for the presidency for his own ego as a ReTrumplican't/No Labels candidate.

How can anyone trust a man who is a grandson of a self-loathing Italian "Mancini" immigrant willing to disregard his heritage for financial gain.

Like grandfather and father --- like son.

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Let me be hypothetical for a moment. Trump wins the White House and Republicans win the Congress. How are you ever going to get Trumpism out the GOP after that? It will look like the winning tonic.

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"But you know the only vote Manchin took that really, really mattered? For Chuck Schumer as Senate Majority Leader."

There were other votes that mattered: Manchin voted to confirm a lot of liberal judges. (Yes, I know he voted against a few of them.)

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Manchin was a DINO anyway. Might as well have been a Republican for all the support he showed ‘his’ party. So honestly, goodbye and good riddance.

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I'm just curious about who Joe Manchin thinks will vote for him on a national ticket. He's universally reviled by Democrats and Republicans alike. I'm pretty sure we would have lost him, anyways.

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I think the problem posed by a Manchin 3rd party candidacy is that republicans who are dissatisfied by trump might vote for Manchin rather than Biden or simply sitting out the election. I don’t think actual Biden voters would choose Manchin instead. Time to double down on efforts in Arizona and Ohio and other states at risk and hope that republicans continue to select unpalatable candidate for senate.

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I seriously doubt that as tribal as Republicans have become, that any of them would cast a vote for Joe Manchin. Even with Jon Huntsman at the top of the ticket. (He might be an R, but he's not their kind of R.) They are Trumpublicans, you see. They cannot vote for the enemy. Yes, we have to double down on our efforts. Everywhere.

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Electoral College needs to go (yes I realize that this or any amendment of the Constitution is pure fantasy)

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I don't buy the doom and gloom prophecy for Democrats about Joe Manchin's decision not to run for re election. Just look at the great night the Democrats had on Tuesday night. Joe Manchin was not going to win his re election anyway, so what damage did he do to the Democrats there? I don't see it. In a 50 50 tie , Kamala Harris will break the tie like she did prior to 2022 before the Democrats took full control. After the 2024 election when Biden wins again, Harris will break the tie. In 2024, the Democrats will win the Presidency and the House but will lose the senate or tie the senate with the Republicans. I don't know why anybody would say Trump has a slight advantage after what happened on Tuesday night.

IMO, that's wishful thinking.

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I believe these two things can both be true&echo the sentiment of Chris and commenters;

It is a really big deal that this Senate seat is gone for good w Manchin bowing out. That places real stress on Dems moving forward.

It is/was likely time for him to move on. I think it's ok to say that I'm OVER Joe Manchin.

As far as his 3rd party candidacy/effort to stay relevant, I'm more concerned w the House dysfunction.

I can worry about Manchin's possible 3rd party bid in February. Gimme a CR to keep the gov open.....please&thank you.

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It’s bad news on so many different levels.

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There was no guarantee that Manchin would be re-elected, right?

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Not at ALL. In fact, he would probably have lost. But Democrats will now DEFINITELY lose that seat.

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Could be a trade-off if Mississippi Democratic governor hopeful Brandon Presley takes a run and continues on his good showing.

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I think any Trump endorsed candidate could lose to any decent Dem. Senator Eric? Rudy is looking for work. The depths of Trumps ignorance is mind boggling. Trump does the work of three men, unfortunately their names are Larry, Moe, and Curly.

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