Congress is being controlled by the worst of the worst. They have no morals, only a craving for personal power. They don't care about the fact that a government shut down is looming. They don't care about the American people.

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Speaker-in-name-only McCarthy is ensuring not only that Biden gets re-elected, but that that House flips back to the Democrats. It's really incredible how tone deaf Republicans have become to anyone outside their bubble (i.e., the majority).

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I do think this could be an unintended consequence. The Democratic base needs firing up -- and maybe this is the thing to do it?

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Not sure if this will necessarily fire up the base that much more, it's already pretty steamed about abortion rights, but it is likely to increase Democratic sympathy for and appreciation of Joe Biden and that has to be good for his prospects.

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You would think McCarthy at least can read history. They are going full Newt 1995/6/7 and Cruz 2013. And we know how all of that turned out. It’s almost like Kevin wants Trump to lose.

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Astute observation but I don't think McCarthy is that strategic a thinker. I think he's just the spineless worm he appears to be desperate to hold on to his job. BTW, if you haven't seen Randy Rainbow's take, it's a lot of fun:


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He is definitely spineless.

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1) Kevin McCarthy is a feckless, weak and pathetic man. And, those are his better qualities.

2) Launching this impeachment against President Biden may (and will) play well with the MAGA base, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't even get a majority of Republicans to vote for it.

3) This could (and to be honest, hopefully will) hurt the Republicans in the next election, given that it is clearly retaliation for the two (deserved) impeachments of the Former Guy.

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What a gutless pussy. (Can I say that word?)

I live in a district that flipped in 2022, so I am curious what my congressman, Mike Lawler, thinks of this.

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I live in My Kevin's district, and I can tell you that the yokels around here are thrilled.

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Kathe, that is beyond depressing.

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They live on the kool aid. It's sad.

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No. Please don't use that word.

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Chris, I think you've hit the nail exactly on the head: this is ALL about maintaining power and nothing else. And it's truly sad that, as you've pointed out before, they are trying to make impeaching a President into an everyday thing, just so that the public stops talking about the disastrous Trump administration and his outrageous actions. They've revved up the phrase "Biden Crime Family", which would be laughable if it weren't so much about "projection": they've yet to find ONE piece of convincing evidence RE Hunter/Joe when the $2 BILLION that Kushner took from the Saudis, and SO much more, is right in front of EVERYONE'S faces. I think Raskin's call for a Kushner/Saudi investigation is the right thing to do, though we all know it will go nowhere.

I'm just so sad that strictly to remain in "power" (and how much "power" is that, given that he has to do so many things that he would rather not?), McCarthy will throw honor and decorum under the bus and weaken our democracy. "High crimes and misdemeanors". They haven't found one yet....

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Not only is Raskin's call important, but it should have been initiated in January 2001 in the Senate Foreign Affairs committee.

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2001? Is that a typo, given that Kushner's Affinity Partners didn't close the deal until 6 months after Trump left office? I'm a bit confused....

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YES!!! sorry, 2021, thanks, Larry.

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I have never seen dysfunction like today’s Republican Party. Craven, power hungry and maniacal. As a lowly voter, all I can do is vote. The one affirmative thing I can do is vow never to vote for a republican. To that end, I changed my voter registration to democrat.

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You forgot to add that the Mad Max wing of the ReTrumplican't Party are also dangerously weak minded.

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There is no bottom. This is pure theater and it will backfire. I honestly can’t understand how people can support this, it goes against everything that the United States of America stands for.

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Impeachment is a continuation of the Steve Bannon/Roger Stone playbook, and is similar to the actions taken in the previous presidency, both pre- and post-election.


1. Giuliani and other Trump acolytes tell the Zelensky administration to simply announce Ukraine is investigating Joe Biden - no need to actually investigate anything - and they would take care of everything from there.

2. Trump tells the Acting Attorney General to just announce there might have been fraud in the elections, and Trump and his republican congressmen will take it from there.

3. Bannon says on Dec. 30, 2020, “We’re going to ... kill the Biden presidency in the crib,”

4. Tell me if you have heard this one - the election was stolen from Trump, yet without evidence

5. The plan leading up to and on January 6th was to create enough chaos on January 6th that enough people would believe there must of been a problem with the election, so congress would be forced to throw out the election and vote on a state by state basis in the House of Representatives, where the vote is one vote from each state.

6. Claim the Biden Family is crooked, yet, without any evidence.

7. Now, claim Joe Biden is going to be impeached, without evidence, however, the claim will be this is a "real" impeachment, and the last two impeachments were totally made up and fake. Then going forward, whenever someone indicates Trump was impeached, they will also have to say Biden was also impeached, thereby negating the negative impact of Trump's impeachments

And expect more of these kind of efforts (stunts) in the 14 months between now and the election.

Yes, McCarthy is weak, and beholden to a few. However, who else is showing any ability to lead in the Republican House? In theory, there are approximately 20 or so of the Freedom Caucus members. In theory, this still leaves just under 200 Republican House members who could form an alliance with 15 to 20 conservative democrats, and truly govern. But those 200 are so afraid of losing their jobs, of being primaried, etc., that not one member is willing to step up and try to be a real leader. Instead, they seem to be happy to be led around like sheep in the pasture.

Again, everything is geared to try to make the opponent look as bad as they can, so Trump might not look quite as bad in comparison. This is the Bannon/Stone playbook...

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The problem is while they're being led around like sheep in a pasture they are leading our republic into the slaughter house. It is truly pathetic that none in the GQP, with the notable exception of the still distasteful, Liz Cheney (I find her politics abhorrent but applaud her for putting our country first). Unfortunately, her political demise will discourage any other Republican congresscritters from following suit.

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(With apologies to Monty Python)

Brave Sir Kevin saved his job.

Bravely save his job, his job.

When honor needed to be saved

He bravely turned his back and caved.

Yes, brave Sir Kevin had no doubt

That Gaetz and Greene would vote him out.

Despite the feeling in his gut

He acquiesced to save his butt.

Bravest of the brave, Sir Kevin!

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Are we supposed to believe that Republicans oppose children of Presidents using their father's names to gain advantage in business? For real?

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If true, where would Cocaine Cowboy Don Junior and Ignoramouse Eric be today?

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This version of the GOP deserves to be completely destroyed at the polls. Maybe then the country will get a decent conservative party

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Unfortunately, will not happen. Too many of today's Congressional districts are too gerrymandered to be competitive.

About 10% of the 450 districts are purple.

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MyKevin was able to use his cojones, which are out on loan from Madger 'the Badger' Greene (she who doesn't give a shit about anything serious), to deliver his presser this morning.

She has confirmed that he has until 3:00pm today to return them to her.

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“The American people deserve to know the truth and it’s our duty to uproot corruption wherever this investigation may lead.”

Hey Marjorie Traitor Greene, did you feel the same way after J6?

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If hypocrisy was physically painful there would be people writhing on the ground in agony.

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Outside of keeping his fingertip hold on his speakership, it's hard to see how McCarthy's actions will benefit Republicans overall. Rather, it looks petty, stupid and perplexing to anyone not invested in Biden conspiracy theories.

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It’s nauseating. I suspect, Trump is behind all this, threatening to support a primary candidate against them, if they don’t impeach Biden. Dumpster fire 🔥

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Why is it so damn important that people will do anything to stay in office? The job doesn't pay all that well, and all you do is attend meetings and raise money (my personal vision of hell). Honestly, is life as a civilian that horrible?

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Corporate boards, writing the book, being a panelist on some dumb TV show, it doesn't sound THAT bad.

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