I’ve been a paid subscriber of yours since almost the beginning. I also believe that $50/year is low for the quality and content we receive daily.
I find myself conflicted about the 20% off for life promotion you are currently running. I can afford the full subscription amount even if you raise it, but I find myself mildly offended, very mildly offended, that this lifetime benefit is being offered to newbies, and not also extended to those of us who have supported you all of these many, many months:)
I was a Sports Illustrated subscriber from age 10 to well into my 50’s. I forgot to renew one year at $100/year. A week after my subscription lapsed, for the first time in 40+ years, I received an urgent “WE WANT YOU BACK” letter offering a one year subscription for $12/year or 2 years for $20. I’ve never been an SI subscriber since.
No one, besides you and your family wants you to succeed at this more than I do.
I don’t see an option for changing current subscription to 20% off for life?
I’ve been a paid subscriber of yours since almost the beginning. I also believe that $50/year is low for the quality and content we receive daily.
I find myself conflicted about the 20% off for life promotion you are currently running. I can afford the full subscription amount even if you raise it, but I find myself mildly offended, very mildly offended, that this lifetime benefit is being offered to newbies, and not also extended to those of us who have supported you all of these many, many months:)
I was a Sports Illustrated subscriber from age 10 to well into my 50’s. I forgot to renew one year at $100/year. A week after my subscription lapsed, for the first time in 40+ years, I received an urgent “WE WANT YOU BACK” letter offering a one year subscription for $12/year or 2 years for $20. I’ve never been an SI subscriber since.
No one, besides you and your family wants you to succeed at this more than I do.
Be careful, I’m not going anywhere, but.....
I subscribed Monday and did not receive the discount. I was charged $50. Please help.
How do I renew my subscription which expires next week?
I subscribed because of Do it