I read SO many stories about how Biden is alienating this or that part of his coalition; for example, he'll piss off immigration advocates if he compromises with Republicans. Or black voters feel he hasn't done enough to advance criminal justice. He can't keep everyone happy. Yet you never hear that about Trump. His supporters don't seem to expect any particular policies, and his speeches are empty bloviating that they just eat up. Why is that?

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with the House voting to open the impeachment inquiry with no evidence, it appears we have entered a cycle of infinite impeachment whenever we have divided government. I don't see a path forward to break this cycle and am wondering if you feel the same way.

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I am so frustrated with what it seems is that every president who is elected will be impeached. This do nothing Congress can't seem to pass any laws, but they can do impeachments that will lead to nothing because of the divisive nature of Congress? Is this a short term trend, the impeachments, or just something we will just have to get used to?

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I have a lot of family and friends firmly in the MAGA camp. I have never been able to reconcile that good and smart people can get sucked into this. If you try to discuss anything with them, it's all that the mainstream press and swamp politicians all lie. For my own well-being, I've had to distance myself from these folks. So, my questions are, do you ever foresee most of them will eventually be woken up (pun intended), and if so, why? Will the Republican Party ever return to its former state? By the way, I was a former Republican, mainly because my parents were, until Trump came along. Now I am a firm Democrat and proud of it.

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Do you agree with Fiona Hill that Republicans in Congress are blocking the $160 billion supplemental appropriations bill for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan & the US/Mexico border, not for the principle of improving US border security, but to deny the perception of a governing victory by Joe Biden. Hill, a former Trump & Obama national security Russia expert who testified against FPOTUS Trump in his 1st impeachment wrt Ukraine, argued that during a conversation in Politico magazine this week.

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If the sign of a serious presidential campaign is being active in the half-year between February and August of the election year, what would you say are the odds (percentagewise, where 100% is a stone cold guarantee and 0% is total impossibility) that neither Joe Biden NOR Donald Trump will be actively campaigning for president in that Feb-Aug half-year . . . :

A) . . . of 2024?

B) . . . of 2028?

Real question: Explore the difference between those two numbers.

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What advice would you give Biden on Israel and Gaza?

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I keep trying to understand this: What is Trump's appeal? He is not Teflon, but he is sacred to his core supporters. Is he a once- in-a-lifetime political talent?

As a complete aside, thank you for your substack. I have loved following you ever since your comment in 2012: "I love you, primary season. Let's never part again."

[I'm paraphrasing, but I've got the sentiment right.]

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When you talked about your teaching experience, you said your students showed you "how differently their generation looks at the world (and journalism). What were their perceptions?

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What are your thoughts on the Special Counsel going directly to the Supreme Court to settle the claim of presidential immunity? I understand Smith is attempting to put a stop to the delay tactic and think it shows a high level of confidence on his part about the potential Court's ruling against immunity. However, is there a high risk they could rule for it, especially given the Court's composition (cons vs lib)? What could happen to the cases if they do rule he has presidential immunity?

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I'm curious as to what you think about the current lawsuits in Texas and other states concerning women who obviously need abortions but they are unable to get medical care due to the strict laws in their states (I'm not blaming the doctors). All this doesn't seem to be protect the unborn as it is anti-woman.

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What do you make of James Bennet's Economist piece on the NYT? https://www.economist.com/1843/2023/12/14/when-the-new-york-times-lost-its-way

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1) Is Trump going to have a money problem at some point? It seems like the big donors want no part of him, for the most part. Does that change when he formally wins the nomination, or are the people donating to Haley out on Trump no matter what?

If he doesn't get money coming in, will it limit his ability to campaign? Or does it not even matter because he gets so much coverage and everyone knows what his deal is anyway?

2) How big a deal is the prospect of the Capitals and Wizards moving to Virginia? People seem to be complaining as if they hadn't been in Maryland before the downtown arena was built.

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Numerous news organizations are suing OpenAI over its use of their copyrighted material to train ChatGPT.

Since, under the "Fair Use" doctrine, teaching is considered a legitimate use of copyrighted material I'm interested in your take on whether using such material to train a large language model like ChatGPT falls under Fair Use.

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Why, when they aren't seeking reelection, did the retiring establishment Republicans cave on the impeachment vote?

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A year from now, whoever is President-elect will be selecting their Cabinet. Assuming Joe Biden is reelected, which of his Cabinet members is most likely to stay, and who is most likely to go? Who else is in the wings for a new Democratic administration? And what if Trump is elected? Who in the world could possibly agree to serve in his Cabinet?

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